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Synonyms for re turn
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : ri-turn |
Phonetic Transcription : rɪˈtɜrn |
Top 10 synonyms for re turn Other synonyms for the word re turn
- abandon
- about-face
- accession
- acclamation
- accomplishment
- accord
- account
- accretion
- accrual
- accrue
- accruement
- accumulation
- ace in the hole
- achievement
- acknowledgment
- acquirement
- acquittal
- acquittance
- act in response
- addition
- addressing
- administer
- admit
- advance
- advancement
- advantage
- afford
- aftereffect
- aftermath
- aggrandizement
- agitate
- agonize
- aid
- aim
- alighting
- alimony
- alliteration
- allotment
- alter
- alteration
- alternate
- amendment
- amends
- amortization
- amount
- animus
- announce
- annoy
- annuity
- answer
- answer back
- ante up
- antiphon
- apologetics
- apologia
- apologizing
- apology
- apostatize
- appall
- appear
- appearance
- applause
- appraisal
- appraisement
- appreciation
- approach
- appropriation
- argue
- argument
- arrangement
- arrival
- arrive at
- arriving
- artifact
- ascendancy
- asking price
- assemble
- assembly
- assessment
- asset
- assets
- assistance
- atone
- atone for
- atonement
- attack
- attainment
- attitude
- augmentation
- author
- authoring
- authority
- autumn
- avail
- avails
- avenge
- avengement
- avenging
- avengment
- award
- back
- back answer
- back at you
- back talk
- back up
- backcap
- backchat
- backfire
- backlash
- backpedal
- backslide
- backsliding
- backtalk
- backtrack
- backwash
- bacon
- bacon and eggs
- balance
- balancing
- ballot
- Band-Aid
- barter
- be affected
- be equivalent
- be ever present
- be in touch
- be in touch with
- be out for blood
- be profitable
- be remembered
- be remunerative
- be repeated
- be unfaithful
- be worth
- beam
- bear
- bearing
- beat
- become obsolete
- bedevil
- beget
- behave
- benefit
- benefits
- beset
- besiege
- bestow
- bestowal
- betray
- bilk
- bill
- blend
- blessing
- blossom
- blossoming
- bonus
- boomerang
- boon
- boost
- booty
- bottom line
- bounce back
- bounty
- bow
- brand
- bread
- break
- breed
- brew
- bring
- bring back
- bring forth
- bring in
- bring out
- broken record
- buck
- build
- buildup
- bus fare
- by-product
- call
- call off
- canvass
- capsize
- card
- carrot
- carry back
- cash
- cash flow
- cash in on
- cast
- cast ballot
- cast vote
- catch
- catching
- cease
- cede
- ceiling
- change
- change position
- chant
- charge
- chastening
- chastisement
- cheapen
- check
- cheek
- cheers
- chime
- choice
- choose
- chorus
- circle
- circle back
- circumvent
- claim
- clean up
- cleanup
- clear
- close
- come again
- come and go
- come apart at seams
- come back
- come back at
- come home to roost
- come in
- come through
- come to
- comeback
- comeuppance
- comfort
- coming
- comings in
- comment
- commission
- commodity
- communicate
- comp
- compensate
- compensation
- completion
- compose
- compound
- conceive
- conciliation
- conclusion
- concoction
- confection
- confer
- confession
- confutation
- consequence
- consideration
- consolation
- construct
- construction
- consummation
- contest
- contract
- contravene
- contribute
- contrivance
- convalesce
- convenience
- convert
- convey
- cooler
- copout
- copy
- corollary
- correction
- correspond
- corrode
- corrupt
- cost
- cough up
- count
- counter
- counteraccusation
- counteract
- counteraction
- counterargument
- counterbalance
- counterblow
- countercharge
- counterclaim
- counterinsurgency
- counterplay
- counterpoise
- counterstatement
- countervail
- counterwork
- coupon
- cover
- crack
- creation
- creature
- credit
- crop
- crop up again
- cropping
- cross
- crown
- cue
- cultivate
- cure
- curve
- cut
- damage
- damages
- dash
- deal with
- debarkation
- decay
- decision
- declare
- decline
- decoction
- decrease
- defend
- defense
- deflect
- defrayal
- defrayment
- degenerate
- deliver
- demand
- denouement
- deny
- depart
- deposit
- deprave
- depreciate
- descend
- desert
- deserving
- design
- deteriorate
- determination
- determine
- detour
- detract
- develop
- development
- deviate
- device
- devise
- die
- die off
- die on vine
- dig
- digress
- diminish
- din
- direct
- direction
- disappoint
- disbursement
- discharge
- discipline
- disciplining
- disclosure
- discount
- disembarkation
- disimprove
- disintegrate
- dismounting
- dispensation
- dispense
- display
- disprove
- dispute
- disquiet
- distribute
- ditto
- diverge
- dividend
- dividends
- divvy
- do business
- dodge
- dominance
- donation
- double
- double back
- double-take
- down
- drain away
- draw
- draw back
- drawings
- droop
- drop
- drum into
- due
- dues
- duty
- dwell
- dwindle
- earn
- earnings
- ease
- ebb
- echo
- edge
- effect
- effectuate
- elapse
- elect
- elongation
- elucidation
- emanation
- eminence
- emolument
- emoluments
- emulate
- enact
- encore
- end
- enfranchise
- engender
- engendering
- ensual
- entrance
- entry
- equalize
- erect
- establish
- estimate
- even the score
- evening of score
- event
- eventuality
- evidence
- exact retribution
- exaction
- exchange
- exculpation
- excuse
- excusing
- execution
- exoneration
- expediency
- expenditure
- expense
- expiate
- expiation
- expire
- explain
- explaining
- explanation
- extend
- extention
- extenuation
- extra
- eye for an eye
- fabricate
- fabrication
- face about
- face value
- fade
- fail
- fall
- fall back
- fall from grace
- fall off
- fall off the wagon
- fare
- favor
- feather in cap
- fee
- feedback
- feel
- feel for
- feel in return
- feeling
- fetch
- field the question
- fight
- fight back
- figure
- figures
- finish
- fish story
- fix
- fix one's wagon
- flag
- flash
- flip-flop
- float
- flow back
- flower
- fly in the face of
- foil
- follow
- form
- formulation
- forsake
- fortune
- frame
- frequency
- frequent
- frighten
- fringe benefit
- fructification
- fruit
- fruitage
- fruition
- fruits
- frustrate
- function
- fund
- funny remark
- furnish
- gag
- gain
- gains
- garland
- garnering
- gate
- gathering
- generate
- generation
- get
- get back at
- get back on one's feet
- get back to
- get better
- get even
- get hers
- get his
- get in shape
- get in touch
- get revenge
- get well
- getting even
- gift
- give
- give a snappy comeback
- give and take
- give back
- give birth
- give comeuppance
- give forth
- give just desserts
- give off
- give satisfaction
- give up
- give-back
- give-up
- giving
- go again
- go away
- go back
- go by
- go downhill
- go over again
- go to pieces
- go to pot
- go to the dogs
- go to the polls
- goal
- good
- goodies
- goods
- grant
- gratification
- gratitude
- gravy
- grease
- greet
- greeting
- groceries
- gross
- growth
- guarantee
- guerdon
- guff
- habituation
- hail
- hailing
- hand back
- hand over
- handicap
- handiwork
- handle
- happening
- harass
- hark back
- hark back to
- harrow
- harvest
- harvest-time
- harvesting
- haul
- haunt thoughts
- have a funny feeling
- have bone to pick
- have vibes
- head start
- headway
- heal
- healing
- help
- hike
- hinder
- hire
- hit
- hit back
- hit the skids
- hold
- hold out
- hold over
- holding
- homecoming
- honor
- honorarium
- hound
- hover
- ill will
- imagine
- imitate
- impart
- implacability
- improvement
- improving
- in the black
- incline
- income
- increase
- increment
- indemnification
- indemnify
- indemnity
- indicate
- infest
- influence
- influx
- ingathering
- ingeminate
- ingemination
- ingress
- inhabit
- inheritance
- insolence
- instauration
- insult
- intake
- interchange
- interest
- intermittence
- interpretation
- intrude
- invent
- invention
- inverse
- inversion
- invert
- issue
- iteracy
- iterance
- iterate
- iteration
- jape
- jest
- jibe
- jive
- joke
- judge
- just deserts
- justice
- justification
- justify
- key
- kick
- kick back
- kickback
- killing
- knee-jerk
- knee-jerk reaction
- lagniappe
- landing
- languish
- lapse
- lead
- leave in the lurch
- leeway
- leg-up
- legacy
- lengthening
- lessen
- letter
- leverage
- line
- lip
- list
- litany
- livelihood
- loop
- lose value
- loss
- lower
- luck
- lucre
- lumps
- madden
- make
- make a comeback
- make a killing
- make a return
- make amends
- make available
- make good
- make like
- make money
- make reparations
- make reprisal
- make restitution
- make up for
- making
- malevolence
- management
- maneuver
- manifest
- manufacture
- manufacturing
- mark
- mastery
- match
- materialize
- means
- measure for measure
- meed
- meet
- meeting
- mend
- merchandise
- merit
- minister
- mirror
- mission
- molest
- money back
- mouth
- move
- move back
- multiply
- nasty reply
- net
- nettle
- nod
- notice
- number
- object
- objective
- observation
- obsess
- occupy
- occur again
- occurrence
- odds
- off-time
- offer
- offset
- offsetting
- offshoot
- operate
- opinion
- oppose
- opt
- originate
- origination
- outcome
- outcropping
- outgrowth
- outlay
- output
- outturn
- overcome
- overcompensate
- overcompensation
- overrun
- paraphrase
- parent
- parry
- part
- part with
- parting shot
- pass
- patrol
- pay
- pay back
- pay back in spades
- pay dirt
- pay dividend
- pay dividends
- pay dues
- pay for
- pay off
- pay one's dues
- pay out
- pay-off
- paying
- payment
- payoff
- penalty
- pension
- percentage
- perform
- periodicity
- perks
- permeate
- perquisite
- perseveration
- persist
- pervade
- pester
- pick up
- piece of the pie
- pine
- pit
- pittance
- pivot
- plague
- plaudits
- play
- play back
- play off
- play over
- plea
- plead
- plum
- portion
- pose
- position
- possess
- power
- practice
- praise
- pre-eminence
- precedence
- preference
- premium
- preparation
- present
- presentation
- prestige
- prevalence
- prey on
- price
- prize
- proceed
- proceeds
- procreate
- produce
- producing
- product
- production
- proffer
- profit
- progress
- prolongation
- pronounce
- propagate
- propitiate
- propitiation
- propose
- protection
- protraction
- provide
- provide a living
- provision
- pull through
- punish
- punishment
- put back
- put in office
- put in power again
- put on
- put out
- put together
- quick fix
- quip
- quit
- quittance
- quotation
- quote
- rack
- rally
- rancor
- ransom
- rate
- rationalization
- react
- reaction
- read back
- readjustment
- reagency
- realization
- realize
- reanimation
- reaping
- reappear
- reappearance
- reawakening
- rebate
- rebirth
- rebound
- rebuilding
- rebut
- rebuttal
- recall
- recapitulate
- recapitulation
- recapture
- recast
- recede
- receipt
- receipts
- reception
- receptivity
- rechannel
- recidivate
- recidivism
- reciprocate
- reciprocation
- recital
- recite
- reckoning
- reclamation
- recognition
- recoil
- recoiling
- recommend
- recompensation
- recompense
- recompensing
- reconsider
- reconstruct
- reconstruction
- record
- recoup
- recouping
- recoupment
- recover
- recovery
- recreation
- recrudesce
- recrudescence
- rectification
- recuperate
- recuperation
- recur
- recurrence
- redeem
- redemption
- redintegration
- redirect
- redo
- redress
- reduce
- redundancy
- reel back
- reelect
- reenter
- reentrance
- reestablish
- reestablishment
- reexamine
- refashion
- reflection
- reflex
- reform
- reformation
- refund
- refurbishment
- refutation
- refute
- regain one's health
- regress
- regression
- regularity
- rehabilitate
- rehabilitation
- rehash
- rehearsal
- rehearse
- rehire
- reimburse
- reimbursement
- reinsert
- reinstate
- reinstatement
- reinstitution
- reintroduce
- reinvest
- reinvigoration
- reissue
- reiterate
- reiteration
- rejoin
- rejoinder
- rejuvenate
- rejuvenation
- relapse
- relate
- relation
- relief
- relinquish
- remake
- remaking
- remark
- remedy
- remission
- remit
- remittance
- remodeling
- remunerate
- remuneration
- renaissance
- renascence
- render
- rendering
- renege
- renew
- renewal
- renovation
- reoccur
- reoccurrence
- reoccurring
- repair
- reparation
- repartee
- repatriation
- repay
- repayment
- repeat
- repeat performance
- repercuss
- repercussion
- repetition
- repetitiousness
- repetitiveness
- replace
- replacement
- replay
- replevin
- replevy
- replication
- reply
- report
- repossession
- reprisal
- reprise
- reproduce
- reproduction
- repudiate
- requital
- requite
- rerun
- resay
- rescue
- reseat
- reshow
- resist
- resolution
- resolve
- resonate
- resound
- resources
- respond
- response
- restate
- restatement
- restitute
- restitution
- restoration
- restore
- restoring
- result
- results
- resume
- resumption
- resurgence
- resurrection
- retail
- retaking
- retaliate
- retaliation
- retell
- retire
- retort
- retrace
- retrace one's steps
- retrace steps
- retracing
- retract
- retreat
- retribution
- retrieval
- retrieve
- retrievement
- retrocede
- retrograde
- retrogress
- retrogression
- retrospect
- return
- return the compliment
- return to form
- return to mind
- returns
- revenge
- revenue
- revenue stream
- reverberate
- reverberation
- reverse
- reverse path
- reversing
- reversion
- revert
- revision
- revisit
- revisitation
- revitalization
- revival
- revive
- revivification
- revolution
- revolve
- revolving
- revulsion
- reward
- rework
- reworking
- rhetorical question
- rhythm
- riches
- ricochet
- right
- riposte
- rise
- roll back
- rot
- rotate
- rotating
- rotation
- rote
- royalty
- ruin
- run out
- run out on
- run over
- run through one's mind
- ruthlessness
- sag
- salary
- sally
- salt
- salutation
- salute
- salve
- salvo
- sampling
- sanction
- sass
- satisfaction
- satisfy
- sauce
- saving
- say
- scale
- score
- scratch one's back
- season
- second
- security
- sell
- sell for
- send
- send back
- sequel
- sequence
- serve out
- set forth
- setback
- settle
- settle the score
- settle up
- settle with
- settlement
- settling of score
- share
- sheer
- shift
- shine
- shoot back
- short answer
- show
- show fruit
- show gain
- show profit
- shrink
- shunt
- shy away
- sidetrack
- sign
- signature
- sing same old song
- sink
- skim
- slide
- slip
- smart remark
- snap back
- snappy comeback
- solatium
- solution
- solve
- song and dance
- sortie
- spinoff
- spitefulness
- split
- spook
- spring back
- spring for
- square
- square accounts
- square up
- squaring things
- squelch
- staccato
- staging
- start
- start anew
- starting
- state
- statement
- stay
- stay with
- stick it to
- sticker
- stipend
- stipendium
- stock
- stop
- storing
- story
- strength
- strike back
- strokes
- submit
- subside
- subsidy
- subvert
- sugar
- suggest
- sum
- summer
- superiority
- supply
- support
- supremacy
- surplus
- surrender
- survey
- swap
- sway
- sweeten
- sweeten the pot
- sweetener
- swerve
- swing
- swing for
- swirl
- switch
- synthetic
- tab
- tabulation
- tack
- take
- take after
- take an eye for an eye
- take back
- take care of
- take home
- take on
- take revenge
- take up where left off
- take-home
- take-in
- taking
- takings
- talion
- talk back
- taper
- target
- tariff
- taste
- tautology
- tease
- tender
- terminate
- termination
- terrify
- terrorize
- thank
- thank-you note
- thanks
- the ticket
- throw back
- thrust
- thrust back
- thumbs down
- ticket
- till
- tip
- tit for tat
- token
- toll
- top
- topper
- torment
- toss back
- trade
- transform
- transmit
- transpose
- triumph
- trouble
- trump card
- tune
- turn
- turn aside
- turn back
- turn for the worse
- turn out
- turn over
- turn the tables on
- turn upon
- turning back
- turnout
- twist
- up
- upper hand
- upping
- upset
- upshot
- uptake
- use
- utility
- vacillate
- valuation
- value
- vary
- veer
- velvet
- venge
- vengeance
- vengefulness
- vex
- vibes
- victory
- vie
- vindicate
- vindication
- vindictiveness
- visit often
- vitiate
- volte-face
- voodoo
- vote
- voting
- wage
- wages
- walk
- wane
- ward off
- weaken
- wealth
- weigh on
- what is coming to one
- what one is asking for
- wheel
- whip
- whirl
- whitewash
- wholesale
- winning
- winnings
- wisecrack
- witticism
- work
- worry
- worsen
- worsening
- worth
- wrath
- wreak vengeance
- write
- write back
- yield
- yield profit
- yielding
- zigzag
Définition of re turn
Origin :- early 14c., "to come back, come or go back to a former position" (intransitive), from Old French retorner "turn back, turn round, return" (Modern French retourner), from re- "back" (see re-) + torner "to turn" (see turn (v.)). Transitive sense of "report officially" is early 15c.; "to send back" is mid-15c.; that of "to turn back" is from c.1500. Meaning "to give in repayment" is 1590s; that of "give back, restore" c.1600. Related: Returned; returning.
- As in income : noun money earned by work or investments
- As in arrival : noun coming to a destination
- As in pay : noun earnings from employment
- As in pay dirt : noun profit
- As in payment : noun fee; installment of fee
- As in poll : noun census; tally of answers to questions of opinion
- As in price : noun financial value
- As in proceeds : noun earnings from business
- As in product : noun result or goods created
- As in production : noun creating of goods, result
- As in profit : noun gain
- As in purpose : noun use
- As in reaction : noun response
- As in receipts : noun money earned in business venture
- As in recompense : noun something returned, paid back
- As in redress : noun help, compensation
- As in refund : noun returned money
- As in back talk : noun rude answer
- As in rejoinder : noun answer, reply
- As in relapse : noun deterioration, weakening
- As in repetition : noun duplication; doing again
- As in reply : noun answer
- As in response : noun answer, reaction
- As in restitution : noun compensation, repayment
- As in result : noun effect brought about by something
- As in resurgence : noun revival
- As in retort : noun snappy answer
- As in return : noun coming again
- As in return : noun earnings, benefit
- As in return : noun answer
- As in return : noun summary
- As in revenge : noun retaliation for wrong, grievance
- As in revenue : noun income, profit
- As in reward : noun payment, prize
- As in take : noun profit
- As in vengeance : noun retaliation for another's act
- As in wage/wages : noun earnings for work
- As in yield : noun production of labor
- As in emolument : noun payment
- As in recovery : noun the act of returning to normal
- As in recovery : noun the act of regaining possession
- As in restoration : noun the act of restoring
- As in returning : noun the act of coming back
- As in reversion : noun reversal
- As in acknowledgment : noun physical symbol of recognition
- As in acquisition : noun something obtained, received
- As in restoration : noun reestablishment
- As in riposte : noun comeback
- As in reappearance : noun recurrence
- As in recurrence : noun repeated happening
- As in reoccurrence : noun recurrence
- As in retroaction : noun response
- As in trump : noun advantage
- As in vantage : noun advantage
- As in comeback : noun recovery, triumph
- As in crack : noun joke
- As in advantage : noun benefit, favored position or circumstance
- As in defense : noun explanation, justification
- As in deserts : noun what is due one
- As in dividend : noun one's share, profit
- As in earnings : noun money for work performed
- As in encore : noun another round of applause; repeat
- As in fruit : noun result of labor
- As in gain : noun acquisition, winnings
- As in answer : noun reply; reaction
- As in harvest : noun crops; taking in of crops
- As in lapse : verb become void; fall back into previous pattern
- As in pay : verb profit, yield
- As in produce : verb generate, create
- As in react : verb respond; conduct oneself
- As in rebound : verb bounce back; ricochet
- As in recede : verb withdraw; diminish
- As in reciprocate : verb exchange, alternate; equal
- As in recompense : verb pay back, make restitution
- As in recur : verb happen again; repeat in one's mind
- As in reflect : verb give back
- As in reimburse : verb pay back something owed
- As in reinstate : verb give back responsibility
- As in render : verb contribute
- As in repay : verb give back money or possession
- As in repay : verb get even; obtain restitution for past injustice
- As in repeat : verb duplicate, do again
- As in reply : verb answer
- As in requite : verb compensate, give in return
- As in respond : verb act in answer to something
- As in restore : verb give back
- As in retaliate : verb get even with someone
- As in retort : verb answer
- As in return : verb go back, turn back
- As in return : verb give back, send back
- As in return : verb earn
- As in return : verb answer
- As in revenge : verb retaliate for wrong, grievance
- As in revert : verb return to an earlier, less-developed condition
- As in ricochet : verb rebound
- As in turn : verb reverse; change course
- As in vote : verb decide on representation
- As in yield : verb produce
- As in indemnify : verb repay
- As in go back : verb break
- As in boomerang : verb backfire
- As in bring : verb command a price
- As in bring in : verb make a profit
- As in reappear : verb come again
- As in revisit : verb visit again
- As in acknowledge : verb verbally recognize receipt of something
- As in redound : verb be deflected
- As in backpedal : verb retrace one's step
- As in backtrack : verb retrace one's step
- As in reoccur : verb recur
- As in restate : verb repeat
- As in retrocede : verb recede
- As in counter : verb answer, respond in retaliation
- As in decline : verb lessen, become less
- As in degenerate : verb decay, deteriorate
- As in double back : verb retrace one's steps
- As in field : verb catch a hit or thrown object
- As in give : verb demonstrate, proffer
- As in go back/go back on : verb break promise; change one's mind
- As in answer : verb reply, react
- As in haunt : verb visit as a spirit
- The General shook his head, and the Colonel says: 'You may re turn to your company.'
- Extract from : « Andersonville, Volume 2 » by John McElroy
Antonyms for re turn
- abandon
- abjure
- abolition
- abort
- abstain
- accept
- achievement
- act
- advance
- agree
- aid
- allow
- ascend
- ask
- asking
- assist
- avoid
- award
- back out
- bad fortune
- bad luck
- be original
- be quiet
- begin
- beginning
- betrayal
- bills
- block
- blockage
- bottom
- break
- build
- calm
- capitulation
- cause
- cease
- charge
- cloud
- comfort
- commence
- commencement
- compliment
- conceal
- condemn
- confine
- confuse
- consume
- continue
- contradict
- counter
- cover
- criticism
- damage
- dearth
- debt
- decline
- decrease
- deduction
- defeat
- delight
- demolish
- deny
- depart
- departure
- deprive
- desertion
- desist
- destroy
- destruction
- deteriorate
- deterioration
- develop
- die
- diminishment
- disadvantage
- disagree
- disallow
- disappearance
- disapproval
- disapprove
- disavow
- disease
- disfavor
- dismantle
- disproportion
- disregard
- dissatisfaction
- dissatisfy
- dissuade
- divide
- drawback
- drop
- earn
- encourage
- enhance
- enlarge
- enter
- exit
- expand
- expenditure
- expenses
- extend
- extort
- face
- facilitate
- fade
- fail
- failure
- fee
- fight
- finish
- fire
- flattery
- flight
- flourish
- forfeit
- forfeiture
- forge
- forgive
- forgiveness
- forswear
- forward
- free
- get better
- give up
- go
- go forward
- go on
- go up
- grow
- halt
- handicap
- harm
- healing
- help
- hide
- hindrance
- hold
- hold back
- hold up
- hurt
- idle
- ignore
- impairment
- impotence
- improve
- incapacity
- increase
- indictment
- inefficiency
- inferiority
- initiate
- initiation
- injury
- instance
- introduction
- keep
- kill
- kindness
- lack
- last
- laud
- leave
- leave alone
- leaving
- let go
- live
- lose
- loss
- losses
- make happy
- make well
- meet
- misfortune
- need
- neglect
- obscure
- obstacle
- obstruction
- opening
- oppose
- origin
- original
- overlook
- pardon
- pass up
- pay
- payment
- payout
- penalize
- penalty
- permit
- persist
- play
- please
- poverty
- praise
- prevent
- problem
- progress
- prolong
- promise
- prove
- punishment
- question
- quiet
- quit
- raise
- raze
- reach
- reduction
- refrain
- refuse
- reject
- relapse
- remain
- remove
- renounce
- repudiate
- repulse
- request
- resource
- restart
- restriction
- result
- rise
- ruin
- say yes
- seize
- separate
- settle
- shrink
- shrinkage
- shrivel
- shun
- silence
- slight
- soothe
- source
- stagnate
- stagnation
- start
- stay
- steal
- stop
- stoppage
- straighten
- strengthen
- strengthening
- subordination
- subservience
- success
- support
- suppress
- surrender
- sympathize
- sympathy
- take
- take back
- taking
- trouble
- truth
- unfulfillment
- upset
- veto
- want
- waste
- weaken
- weakness
- whole
- win
- withdraw
- withhold
- withstand
- wonder
- work
- worsen
- worsening
- yielding
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019