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Synonyms for planet
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : plan-it |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈplæn ɪt |
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Définition of planet
Origin :- late Old English planete, from Old French planete (Modern French planète), from Late Latin planeta, from Greek planetes, from (asteres) planetai "wandering (stars)," from planasthai "to wander," of unknown origin, possibly from PIE *pele- (2) "flat, to spread" on notion of "spread out." So called because they have apparent motion, unlike the "fixed" stars. Originally including also the moon and sun; modern scientific sense of "world that orbits a star" is from 1630s.
- noun celestial body orbiting a star
- That, at least, is a legitimate inference to draw from the history of life on this planet.
- Extract from : « The Conquest of Fear » by Basil King
- I didn't mean the revolutions on a planet, but the revolutions of a planet.
- Extract from : « Punchinello, Vol. 1, No. 7, May 14, 1870 » by Various
- Above his head are the three symbols of the Moon, the Sun, and the planet Venus.
- Extract from : « The Babylonian Legends of the Creation » by British Museum
- The sun does not shine the less because one side of our planet is in darkness.
- Extract from : « The Works of Whittier, Volume VII (of VII) » by John Greenleaf Whittier
- The real rustic does think London the finest place on the planet.
- Extract from : « Alarms and Discursions » by G. K. Chesterton
- For what man is to this planet, what the eye is to man himself, Poetry is to Literature.
- Extract from : « A Dish Of Orts » by George MacDonald
- A ton on some other planet, where the attraction of gravity is less, does not weigh half a ton.
- Extract from : « Pax Vobiscum » by Henry Drummond
- With his gun loaded he could face the whole Mercutian planet.
- Extract from : « Slaves of Mercury » by Nat Schachner
- No. 17); the third is the mother of the planet Jupiter (comp.
- Extract from : « The Chinese Fairy Book » by Various
- The beast and planet spirits of Yang Oerlang pressed the apes hard.
- Extract from : « The Chinese Fairy Book » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- aerial attach plane
- aero-planes
- aeroplane
- air plant
- airplane
- airplane hijacking
- breast implant
- by way of explanation
- cafeteria plan
- complanate
- de-plane
- de plane
- de-planed
- de-planes
- de planing
- definite plan
- deplane
- elaborate explanation
- emplane
- enplane
- enplaned
- enplanes
- epiphytic plant
- esplanade
- explanation
- explanatory
- flexible benefit plan
- game plan
- gangplank
- God's plan
- ground plan
- hair implant
- hair transplant
- health plan
- hydro plane
- hydro planes
- hydroelectric plant
- hydroplane
- implant
- implantation
- implanted
- inclined plane
- inner planet
- jet plane
- Keogh plan
- keogh plans
- kingdom Plantae
- kingdom plantaes
- lay plans
- layaway plan
- nuclear power plant
- on one plane
- pasteurizing plant
- payment plan
- plan
- plan of attack
- plan on
- planar
- planate
- plane
- planet
- planetary
- planetary system
- planetoid
- plangent
- plank
- planned
- planned disbursement
- planned parenthood
- planner
- planning
- plant
- plant kingdom
- plant life
- plant worship
- Plantae
- plantation
- plantations
- planted
- planter
- planting
- plants
- re plan
- re planned
- re plannings
- re plans
- replan
- retirement plan
- self-explanatory
- self-funded retirement plan
- spending plan
- swampland
- tactical plan
- take a plane
- takes a plane
- takes plane
- taking a plane
- taking plane
- terrestrial planet
- transplant
- unplanned
- upland
- visitor from another planet
- well-planned
- working plan
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