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Synonyms for plantation
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : plan-tey-shuh n |
Phonetic Transcription : plænˈteɪ ʃən |
Définition of plantation
Origin :- mid-15c., "action of planting," from Middle French plantation, from Latin plantationem (nominative plantatio) "a planting," noun of action from past participle stem of plantare "to plant" (see plant). Historically used for "colony, settlement in a new land" (1610s); meaning "large farm on which tobacco or cotton is grown" is first recorded 1706.
- noun large farm
- What was to become of the slaves on this plantation now that the master was dead?
- Extract from : « Harriet, The Moses of Her People » by Sarah H. Bradford
- I did not stop to put on my clothes until I had got two or three miles from the plantation.
- Extract from : « Biography of a Slave » by Charles Thompson
- There was plenty to do on the plantation, and there was no good cause for sending me away.
- Extract from : « Biography of a Slave » by Charles Thompson
- On going to them I found a resting-place in a fodder-loft, in the horse-lot of the plantation.
- Extract from : « Biography of a Slave » by Charles Thompson
- This was my position on the plantation a short time after school was out for the term.
- Extract from : « Biography of a Slave » by Charles Thompson
- I told him I belonged to a man by the name of Potts, and that I was going to his plantation.
- Extract from : « Biography of a Slave » by Charles Thompson
- Get on him and ride out to my plantation, two miles from here; anybody'll tell you where it is.
- Extract from : « The Underdog » by F. Hopkinson Smith
- What was done in the parlor might be done with divine approbation on every plantation.
- Extract from : « Slavery Ordained of God » by Rev. Fred A. Ross, D.D.
- When we met again I knew that he--while he did not know that I--had been to Gilmer's plantation.
- Extract from : « The Cavalier » by George Washington Cable
- I was continued in the inspection of this plantation, now become the King's in 1730, as before.
- Extract from : « The History of Louisiana » by Le Page Du Pratz
Words or expressions associated with your search
- aerial attach plane
- aero-planes
- aeroplane
- air plant
- airplane
- airplane hijacking
- breast implant
- by way of explanation
- cafeteria plan
- complanate
- de-plane
- de plane
- de-planed
- de-planes
- de planing
- definite plan
- deplane
- elaborate explanation
- emplane
- enplane
- enplaned
- enplanes
- epiphytic plant
- esplanade
- explanation
- explanatory
- family planning
- flexible benefit plan
- game plan
- gangplank
- God's plan
- ground plan
- hair implant
- hair transplant
- health plan
- hydro plane
- hydro planes
- hydroelectric plant
- hydroplane
- implant
- implantation
- implanted
- inclined plane
- inner planet
- jet plane
- Keogh plan
- keogh plans
- kingdom Plantae
- kingdom plantaes
- lay plans
- layaway plan
- nuclear power plant
- on one plane
- pasteurizing plant
- payment plan
- plan
- plan of attack
- plan on
- planar
- planate
- plane
- planet
- planetary
- planetary system
- planetoid
- plangent
- plank
- planned
- planned disbursement
- planned parenthood
- planner
- planning
- plant
- plant kingdom
- plant life
- plant worship
- Plantae
- plantations
- planted
- planter
- planting
- plants
- re plan
- re planned
- re plannings
- re plans
- replan
- retirement plan
- self-explanatory
- self-funded retirement plan
- spending plan
- swampland
- tactical plan
- take a plane
- takes a plane
- takes plane
- taking a plane
- taking plane
- terrestrial planet
- transplant
- unplanned
- upland
- visitor from another planet
- well-planned
- working plan
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