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Synonyms for apple

Grammar : Adj, noun
Spell : ap-uh l
Phonetic Transcription : ˈæp əl

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Définition of apple

Origin :
  • Old English æppel "apple; any kind of fruit; fruit in general," from Proto-Germanic *ap(a)laz (cf. Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Dutch appel, Old Norse eple, Old High German apful, German Apfel), from PIE *ab(e)l "apple" (cf. Gaulish avallo "fruit;" Old Irish ubull, Lithuanian obuolys, Old Church Slavonic jabloko "apple"), but the exact relation and original sense of these is uncertain (cf. melon).
  • A roted eppel amang þe holen, makeþ rotie þe yzounde. ["Ayenbite of Inwit," 1340]
  • In Middle English and as late as 17c., it was a generic term for all fruit other than berries but including nuts (e.g. Old English fingeræppla "dates," literally "finger-apples;" Middle English appel of paradis "banana," c.1400). Hence its grafting onto the unnamed "fruit of the forbidden tree" in Genesis. Cucumbers, in one Old English work, are eorþæppla, literally "earth-apples" (cf. French pomme de terre "potato," literally "earth-apple;" see also melon). French pomme is from Latin pomum "apple; fruit" (see Pomona).
  • As far as the forbidden fruit is concerned, again, the Quran does not mention it explicitly, but according to traditional commentaries it was not an apple, as believed by Christians and Jews, but wheat. ["The Heart of Islam: Enduring Values for Humanity," Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 2002]
  • Apple of Discord (c.1400) was thrown into the wedding of Thetis and Peleus by Eris (goddess of chaos and discord), who had not been invited, and inscribed kallisti "To the Prettiest One." Paris, elected to choose which goddess should have it, gave it to Aphrodite, offending Hera and Athene, with consequences of the Trojan War, etc.
  • Apple of one's eye (Old English), symbol of what is most cherished, was the pupil, supposed to be a globular solid body. Apple-polisher "one who curries favor" first attested 1928 in student slang. The image of something that upsets the apple cart is attested from 1788. Road apple "horse dropping" is from 1942.
  • As in green : adj emerald in color
  • As in planet : noun celestial body orbiting a star
  • As in ball : noun globe, sphere
  • As in sphere : noun globular object
  • As in town : noun incorporated community
  • As in city : noun large town
  • As in earth : noun the world
  • As in globe : noun earth, sphere
Example sentences :
  • Viviette shredded an apple blossom that had fallen into her lap.
  • Extract from : « Viviette » by William J. Locke
  • Viviette seated herself on a bench beneath the apple blossoms.
  • Extract from : « Viviette » by William J. Locke
  • "I give not the pip of an apple for king or for noble," cried the serf passionately.
  • Extract from : « The White Company » by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • It is in the brain that the poppy is red, that the apple is odorous, that the skylark sings.
  • Extract from : « De Profundis » by Oscar Wilde
  • Apple sauce is eaten with roast pork, roast goose and roast ducks.
  • Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
  • Heap the froth over every apple so as to conceal them entirely.
  • Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
  • Pare them, and extract the cores without dividing the apple.
  • Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
  • Cover every apple all over with a thick coating of the boiled rice.
  • Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
  • The little tastes of apple that he got only whetted his appetite.
  • Extract from : « Johnny Bear » by E. T. Seton
  • The rooms were full of the delicate fragrance of apple blossoms.
  • Extract from : « Hetty's Strange History » by Anonymous

Antonyms for apple

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019