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Synonyms for no go
Grammar : Adj, noun |
Spell : noh-goh |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈnoʊˈgoʊ |
Top 10 synonyms for no go Other synonyms for the word no go
- abortive
- abstract
- adverse
- against
- agin
- anti
- anticlimactic
- antipodal
- antipodean
- antithetic
- barren
- beat-up
- bent
- beyond
- blemished
- bootless
- bounce
- brush-off
- busted
- chimerical
- cold shoulder
- con
- contrary to reason
- converse
- counter
- counteractive
- cureless
- defeasible
- diametric
- dinged
- disallowance
- discrepant
- dismissal
- down
- emasculate
- feckless
- flubbed
- forceless
- fouled up
- glitched
- gone
- hard time
- hardly possible
- hopeless
- hundred-to-one
- hurt
- idealistic
- idle
- illogical
- impaired
- impassable
- imperfect
- impervious
- impossible
- impotent
- impracticable
- impractical
- improbable
- in need of repair
- in poor condition
- in smithereens
- inaccessible
- inadequate
- inapplicable
- incompatible
- incompetent
- inconceivable
- incongruous
- inconsistent
- indecisive
- ineffectual
- inefficacious
- inefficient
- inept
- inexecutable
- infeasible
- inferior
- injured
- innocuous
- inoperable
- inoperative
- insurmountable
- irrealizable
- irreconcilable
- irreparable
- ivory-tower
- kaput
- kick in teeth
- lame
- limited
- loused up
- marred
- messed up
- mucked up
- negating
- neutralized
- nix
- no dice
- no go
- no way
- no-go
- no-way
- no-win
- nonfunctional
- nonviable
- not a prayer
- not effective
- nothing doing
- nugatory
- null
- nullifying
- on the blink
- on the fritz
- opposing
- opposite
- ornery
- otherworldly
- out of action
- out of kilter
- out of the question
- out of whack
- paltry
- paradoxical
- pass
- polar
- powerless
- preposterous
- quixotic
- rebuff
- renunciation
- repudiation
- repugnant
- reverse
- romantic
- run-down
- screwed up
- shot
- slack-spined
- slap in the face
- snafued
- speculative
- spineless
- spoiled
- starry-eyed
- sunk
- theoretical
- thumbs down
- too much
- totaled
- turndown
- unable
- unachievable
- unattainable
- unavailable
- unavailing
- unbusinesslike
- uncorrectable
- unfeasible
- unfruitful
- unimaginable
- unnegotiable
- unobtainable
- unproductive
- unprofitable
- unreal
- unrealizable
- unreasonable
- unrecoverable
- unserviceable
- unsound
- unsuccessful
- unthinkable
- unusable
- unwise
- unworkable
- useless
- vain
- veto
- visionary
- void
- way out
- wild
- withered
- won't fly
- worthless
Définition of no go
Origin :- 1727, "action of going," from go (v.). The sense of "a try or turn at something" is from 1825; meaning "something that goes, a success" is from 1876. Phrase on the go "in constant motion" is from 1843.
- As in impractical : adj unrealistic
- As in ineffective : adj useless
- As in unattainable : adj impossible
- As in unnegotiable : adj impracticable
- As in unrealizable : adj impossible
- As in unusable : adj impracticable
- As in unworkable : adj impossible
- As in unworkable : adj impracticable
- As in contradictory : adj antagonistic
- As in damaged : adj broken, not working
- As in impossible : adj beyond the bounds of possibility
- As in impractical/impracticable : adj unrealistic
- As in rejection : noun denial, refusal
Antonyms for no go
- able
- acceptance
- achievable
- adequate
- agreeing
- allowance
- approval
- behaving
- believable
- capable
- choice
- competent
- conceivable
- confirming
- consistent
- consonant
- dexterous
- effective
- effectual
- efficient
- equal
- expert
- fit
- fixed
- fruitful
- good
- governable
- harmonious
- healthy
- hopeful
- imaginable
- logical
- manageable
- mended
- obtainable
- OK
- open
- perfect
- possible
- potent
- powerful
- practicable
- practical
- probable
- productive
- profitable
- ratification
- rational
- realistic
- reasonable
- reconcilable
- reconciled
- repaired
- same
- sanction
- sensible
- similar
- skillful
- strong
- successful
- sufficient
- tenable
- tolerable
- unbroken
- undamaged
- useful
- valuable
- viable
- vouching
- welcome
- wise
- working
- worthwhile
- worthy
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019