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Synonyms for no dice
Grammar : Adj, noun |
Spell : dahys |
Phonetic Transcription : daɪs |
Top 10 synonyms for no dice
- abortive
- barren
- bootless
- bounce
- brush-off
- cold shoulder
- delusive
- disallowance
- dismissal
- empty
- exhausted
- forlorn
- hard time
- idle
- impracticable
- in vain
- kick in teeth
- nix
- no dice
- no go
- no way
- nothing doing
- nugatory
- on a treadmill
- otiose
- out the window
- pass
- profitless
- rebuff
- renunciation
- resultless
- save one's breath
- slap in the face
- sterile
- thumbs down
- to no avail
- to no effect
- to no purpose
- trifling
- turndown
- unavailing
- unimportant
- unneeded
- unproductive
- unprofitable
- unreal
- unsatisfactory
- unsubstantial
- unsuccessful
- useless
- vain
- valueless
- veto
- worthless
Définition of no dice
Origin :- "to cut into cubes," late 14c., from dice (n.). Meaning "to play at dice" is from early 15c. Related: Diced; dicing.
- As in futile : adj hopeless, pointless
- As in rejection : noun denial, refusal
Antonyms for no dice
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019