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Synonyms for valueless
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : val-yoo-lis |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈvæl yu lɪs |
Définition of valueless
- adj worthless
- If it is valueless, then you and he will be two of the sufferers; if it is all you think it is, then you will be the gainers.
- Extract from : « A Woman Intervenes » by Robert Barr
- He himself thought that the regions he had crossed were valueless.
- Extract from : « Introductory American History » by Henry Eldridge Bourne
- This statement may be true, and yet it is valueless as an argument for higher rates.
- Extract from : « The Railroad Question » by William Larrabee
- On Kygpton there was a variety of useful metals, others that were valueless.
- Extract from : « Raiders of the Universes » by Donald Wandrei
- If the ceremonies do not renew the soul they are valueless and hurtful.
- Extract from : « Erasmus and the Age of Reformation » by Johan Huizinga
- Yet some of them buy a great many that are valueless in spite of this lack.
- Extract from : « A Book for All Readers » by Ainsworth Rand Spofford
- Our government can aid only in lands; in valueless lands she is or may be wealthy.
- Extract from : « Old Mackinaw » by W. P. Strickland.
- That the first—let me say it with great reverence—is valueless without the second.
- Extract from : « Quiet Talks on Power » by S.D. Gordon
- Many of them are of no value whatever or are even worse than valueless.
- Extract from : « Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value » by Harry Snyder
- According to Skoropikin, every ancient work of art is valueless because it is old.
- Extract from : « Virgin Soil » by Ivan S. Turgenev
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be of value
- de valuate
- de-valuate
- de-valuated
- de valuated
- de valuates
- de-valuates
- de valuating
- de-valuating
- de valuation
- de-valuation
- de-valuations
- de valuations
- de-value
- de value
- de valued
- de-valued
- de values
- de-values
- de-valuing
- de valuing
- devaluate
- devalue
- devalued
- ethical values
- evaluate
- evaluating
- evaluatings
- evaluation
- evaluative criticism
- evaluator
- evaluators
- face value
- highly valued
- in valuable
- invaluable
- maturity value
- nominal value
- nominal values
- of value
- overvaluation
- overvalue
- overvalued
- overvalues
- overvaluing
- raise the value of
- raising the value of
- raising value of
- re evaluate
- re-evaluate
- re-evaluated
- re evaluated
- re-evaluates
- re evaluates
- re-evaluating
- reevaluate
- revalue
- stated value
- take at face value
- takes at face value
- taking at face value
- taking face value
- undervalue
- valuable
- valuables
- valuate
- valuation
- value
- value-added tax
- value judgment
- value system
- value-system
- value systems
- valued
- values
- valuesystem
- valuesystems
- valuing
- valuings
- was of value
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