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Synonyms for makes uturn
Grammar : Verb |
Définition of makes uturn
- As in turn tail : verb turn and run away
Words or expressions associated with your search
- bookmaker
- cabinetmaker
- can't make the grade
- couturier
- custom-make
- dressmaker
- easy make
- fixed future
- future
- future existence
- future life
- future mate
- future wife
- futured
- futures exchange
- futuring
- futurism
- futuristic
- futurity
- garment maker
- genetic make-up
- genetic make up
- genetic make-ups
- genetic make ups
- genetic makeup
- genetic makeups
- gone to meet maker
- hard to make out
- haute couture
- homemaker
- in future
- in the future
- just make it
- kingmaker
- kiss and make up
- kiss and make ups
- kiss make ups
- kissed and make up
- kissed make up
- kisses and make up
- kisses make up
- kissing and make up
- kissing make up
- know what makes someone tick
- lawmaker
- made uturn
- make
- make a bad investment
- make a beginning
- make a believer
- make a bet
- make a bid
- make a big thing about
- make a boner
- make a bow
- make a break
- make a break for it
- make a bundle
- make a call
- make a choice
- make a clean sweep
- make a comeback
- make a connection
- make a crack
- make a date
- make a deal
- make a decision
- make a dent
- make a difference
- make a face
- make a faux pas
- make a fine distinction
- make a fool of
- make a fortune
- make a fresh start
- make a fuss
- make a fuss about
- make a fuss over
- make a game of
- make a getaway
- make a go
- make a go of it
- make a hash of
- make a haul
- make a hit
- make a hit with
- make a hitch
- make a hole
- make a journey
- make a killing
- make a knot
- make a laughing stock
- make a laughing-stock
- make a left
- make a living
- make a long face
- make a long story short
- make a meet
- make a mess
- make a mess of
- make a mess ofs
- make a mistake
- make a mockery of
- make a monkey of
- make a motion
- make a moue
- make a move
- make a muck of
- make a new beginning
- make a note of
- make a pair
- make a party to
- make a pass
- make a pass at
- make a peace offering
- make a picture
- make a pig of
- make a pile
- make a pitch
- make a pitch for
- make a play for
- make a point
- make a point of
- make a production of
- make a profit
- make a proposal
- make a purchase
- make a quick exit
- make a recording
- make a return
- make a right
- make a run at
- make a run for it
- make a scene
- make a selection
- make a show
- make a show of
- make a special effort
- make a spectacle of
- make a stab
- make a stab at
- make a stand
- make a stand against
- make a start
- make a stink
- make a tape
- make a to-do
- make a to-do over
- make a todo
- make a trial run
- make a U-turn
- make a uturn
- make a wad
- make a wry face
- make absurd
- make acquaintance
- make active
- make acute
- make advance
- make advances
- make advances to
- make agree
- make alive
- make allowance
- make allowance for
- make allowances
- make allusion
- make amends
- make an affidavit
- make an appearance
- make an arrangement
- make an attempt
- make an educated guess
- make an effort
- make an end of
- make an entrance
- make an impression
- make an offer they can't refuse
- make anxious
- make apparent
- make arrangements
- make as if
- make ashamed
- make attractive
- make available
- make away
- make bail
- make bare
- make barren
- make bed and lie it
- make bed and lie on it
- make bed lie it
- make bed lie on it
- make-believe
- make believe
- make believed
- make-believed
- make believer
- make believing
- make-believing
- make bell sound
- make bet
- make better
- make bid
- make big
- make binding
- make bitter
- make blood boil
- make blood run cold
- make blue
- make bold
- make book
- make book on
- make brief
- make bright
- make brilliant
- make bring returns
- make call
- make callous
- make camp
- make capital
- make capital of
- make certain
- make change
- make choice
- make circuit
- make clean breast
- make clean breast of
- make clear
- make coarse
- make cold
- make comeback
- make comfortable
- make compact
- make complex
- make concave
- make concession
- make concessions
- make concrete
- make conform
- make connection
- make consistent
- make contact with
- make contacts
- make conversant
- make conversant with
- make cut
- make dark
- make deal
- make debut
- make decision
- make demands on
- make different
- make difficult
- make dim
- make distinction
- make do
- make-do
- make do with
- make dos
- make-dos
- make drowsy
- make drunk
- make dusty
- make easier
- make easy
- make eat dirt
- make effort
- make eligible
- make emphatic
- make ends meet
- make equal
- make escape
- make even
- make every effort
- make evident
- make exception
- make excuses
- make expectant
- make explicit
- make eyes at
- make face
- make faces at
- make familiar
- make fast
- make fast buck
- make federal case
- make feel small
- make filthy
- make firm
- make first rate
- make flat
- make flesh crawl
- make flip
- make fool of
- make for
- make foul
- make free
- make friends
- make fruitful
- make fun of
- make getaway
- make go
- make go of it
- make good
- make good indemnify
- make good use of
- make grainy
- make habitable
- make hair stand end
- make hair stand on end
- make handsome
- make happen
- make happy
- make hash of
- make haste
- make hay
- make hazy
- make heads or tails of
- make headway
- make healthy
- make heard
- make heavy
- make higher
- make hit the ceiling
- make hit with
- make hole
- make holy
- make hostile
- make human
- make ill
- make immortal
- make impotent
- make impracticable
- make impression
- make improvement
- make improvements
- make impure
- make inactive
- make indebted
- make indifferent
- make indistinct
- make inert
- make infertile
- make innovations
- make inquiry
- make inroads
- make insane
- make into law
- make intricate
- make it
- make it big
- make it snappy
- make it tough
- make it tough for
- make it up as one goes along
- make jump
- make known
- make land
- make larger
- make laugh
- make laughing stock
- make law
- make laws
- make legal
- make less
- make less sensitive
- make liable
- make light of
- make lighter
- make like
- make little of
- make longer
- make lose face
- make love
- make love to
- make lower
- make lustrous
- make mark
- make marketable
- make matters up
- make melody
- make mention of
- make merry
- make mess ofs
- make mincemeat of
- make mind
- make mistake
- make mockery of
- make money
- make more appealing
- make most of
- make mountain of molehill
- make mountain out molehill
- make mountain out of molehill
- make mouth water
- make move
- make much of
- make my day
- make necessary
- make nerveless
- make nervous
- make new beginning
- make nice
- make no bones
- make no bones about it
- make no provision
- make noise
- make note of
- make null and void
- make of
- make of a mind to
- make off
- make off top of head
- make off top of one's head
- make off top of ones head
- make off top one head
- make off top one's head
- make off top ones head
- make off with
- make one
- make one bed and lie it
- make one bed and lie on it
- make one bed lie it
- make one bed lie on it
- make one escape
- make one feel small
- make one own
- make one remember
- make one's bed and lie it
- make one's bed and lie on it
- make one's bed lie it
- make one's bed lie on it
- make one's blood run cold
- make one's escape
- make one's exit
- make one's hair stand end
- make one's hair stand on end
- make one's home
- make one's move
- make one's own
- make one's teeth chatter
- make one's way
- make one sick
- make one think
- make one way
- make ones bed and lie it
- make ones bed and lie on it
- make ones bed lie it
- make ones bed lie on it
- make ones blood run cold
- make ones hair stand end
- make ones home
- make ones own
- make ones way
- make oneself at home
- make oneself heard
- make oneself scarce
- make order
- make out
- make out artist
- make-out artist
- make out like
- make over
- make overture
- make own
- make pale
- make parallel
- make partial
- make party to
- make pay
- make pay through nose
- make payment
- make peace
- make-peace
- make peaces
- make perfectly clear
- make picture
- make pig of oneself
- make plain
- make plausible
- make plumb
- make point
- make port
- make possible
- make pregnant
- make presence felt
- make presence known
- make presentable
- make production of
- make productive
- make profitable
- make progress
- make proposal
- make provision
- make provision for
- make public
- make punchy
- make purchase
- make quick exit
- make ragged
- make ready
- make real
- make reasonable
- make recording
- make redress
- make redress for
- make reference
- make remember
- make reparation
- make reparations
- make repayment
- make replica
- make reprisal
- make resentful
- make responsible for
- make return
- make rich
- make ridiculous
- make right
- make roll in the aisles
- make room
- make room for
- make rough guess
- make rounds
- make rules
- make safe
- make saleable
- make sanitary
- make scarce
- make scene
- make secret
- make see daylight
- make see red
- make sense
- make sense of
- make serpentine
- make sexless
- make sharp
- make short work of
- make show of
- make sick
- make sleepy
- make small
- make snug
- make someone pay through the nose
- make sore
- make sound
- make sour
- make sparks fly
- make special effort
- make speechless
- make splash
- make sport of
- make start
- make sterile
- make stick
- make straight
- make strides
- make sure
- make sweet
- make taut
- make teeth chatter
- make terms
- make the best of
- make the cut
- make the decisions
- make the grade
- make the most of
- make the rounds
- make the rules
- make the scene
- make think
- make thirsty
- make threat
- make tick
- make time
- make time with
- make to-do
- make to do
- make to order
- make todo
- make too much of
- make toothsome
- make top head
- make top of head
- make top of one head
- make top of one's head
- make top of ones head
- make top one head
- make top one's head
- make top ones head
- make tracks
- make trouble
- make trustee
- make turbid
- make twofold
- make u-turn
- make u turn
- make unclean
- make unclear
- make uncomfortable
- make understood
- make uneasy
- make uniform
- make unwelcome
- make-up
- make up
- make up as one goes along
- make up for
- make up for lost time
- make up mind
- make up off the top of one's head
- make up off top head
- make up off top of head
- make up off top of one head
- make up off top of one's head
- make up off top of ones head
- make up off top one head
- make up off top one's head
- make up off top ones head
- make up one mind
- make up one's mind
- make up to
- make up top head
- make up top of head
- make up top of one head
- make up top of one's head
- make up top of ones head
- make up top one head
- make up top one's head
- make up top ones head
- make up with
- make use
- make use of
- make used to
- make useless
- make uturn
- make vacant
- make vague
- make valid
- make visible
- make vivid
- make void
- make vulnerable
- make war
- make waves
- make way
- make welcome
- make well
- make whole
- make whoopee
- make willing
- make with
- make worse
- make young again
- makebelieve
- makebelieved
- makebelieving
- makedos
- makeover
- maker
- makers
- makes
- makes a bet
- makes a break
- makes a call
- makes a choice
- makes a comeback
- makes a connection
- makes a deal
- makes a decision
- makes a dent
- makes a difference
- makes a face
- makes a fool of
- makes a fuss
- makes a game of
- makes a hole
- makes a journey
- makes a meet
- makes a mess of
- makes a mistake
- makes a move
- makes a name
- makes a new beginning
- makes a note of
- makes a pitch
- makes a point
- makes a purchase
- makes a right
- makes a stand against
- makes a to do
- makes a to-do
- makes a todo
- makes a u-turn
- makes a uturn
- makes agree
- makes alive
- makes allusion
- makes amends
- makes an effort
- makes an impression
- makes an offer they can't refuse
- makes anxious
- makes apparent
- makes attempt
- makes available
- makes aware
- makes barren
- makes bed and lie it
- makes bed and lie on it
- makes bed lie it
- makes bed lie on it
- makes believer
- makes bell sound
- makes better
- makes break
- makes bright
- makes call
- makes certain
- makes change
- makes clean sweep
- makes clear
- makes cold
- makes comeback
- makes connection
- makes consistent
- makes contact with
- makes deal
- makes debut
- makes difference
- makes difficult
- makes distinction
- makes do with
- makes easier
- makes easy
- makes entrance
- makes equal
- makes evident
- makes excuses
- makes face
- makes faces at
- makes familiar
- makes feel small
- makes filthy
- makes fine distinction
- makes fool of
- makes for
- makes friends
- makes fuss
- makes game of
- makes grade
- makes habitable
- makes happen
- makes happy
- makes haul
- makes hay
- makes healthy
- makes hole
- makes holy
- makes home
- makes ill
- makes impression
- makes improvements
- makes in to law
- makes into law
- makes it
- makes it as one goes along
- makes it big
- makes journey
- makes land
- makes larger
- makes laugh
- makes laughing-stock
- makes long story short
- makes love to
- makes mess of
- makes mind
- makes most of
- makes mountain out molehill
- makes mountain out of molehill
- makes move
- makes name
- makes new beginning
- makes no provision
- makes noise
- makes note of
- makes of
- makes off top head
- makes off top of head
- makes off top of one head
- makes off top of one's head
- makes off top of ones head
- makes off top one head
- makes off top one's head
- makes off top ones head
- makes off with
- makes one bed and lie it
- makes one bed and lie on it
- makes one bed lie it
- makes one bed lie on it
- makes one feel small
- makes one hair stand on end
- makes one home
- makes one mind
- makes one own
- makes one remember
- makes one's bed and lie it
- makes one's bed and lie on it
- makes one's bed lie it
- makes one's bed lie on it
- makes one's exit
- makes one's own
- makes one's way
- makes one teeth chatter
- makes one think
- makes one way
- makes ones bed and lie it
- makes ones bed and lie on it
- makes ones bed lie it
- makes ones bed lie on it
- makes ones blood run cold
- makes ones own
- makes ones way
- makes order
- makes own
- makes payment
- makes peace
- makes point
- makes port
- makes possible
- makes presence known
- makes progress
- makes purchase
- makes quick exit
- makes real
- makes reference
- makes remember
- makes resentful
- makes rounds
- makes rules
- makes run at
- makes scene
- makes selection
- makes sense
- makes sense of
- makes serpentine
- makes small
- makes strides
- makes sure
- makes terms
- makes the best of
- makes the most of
- makes the rounds
- makes the rules
- makes think
- makes to
- makes to-do
- makes to do
- makes to order
- makes todo
- makes top head
- makes top of head
- makes top of one head
- makes top of one's head
- makes top of ones head
- makes top one head
- makes top one's head
- makes top ones head
- makes trouble
- makes u-turn
- makes u turn
- makes unclear
- makes up
- makes up for
- makes up off top head
- makes up off top of head
- makes up off top of one head
- makes up off top of one's head
- makes up off top of ones head
- makes up off top one head
- makes up off top ones head
- makes up to
- makes up top head
- makes up top of head
- makes up top of one head
- makes up top of one's head
- makes up top of ones head
- makes up top one head
- makes up top one's head
- makes up top ones head
- makes up with
- makes use of
- makes uturn
- makes vacant
- makes vivid
- makes waves
- makes way
- makes well
- makes whole
- makes with
- makeshift
- makeup
- makeup bag
- makeup kit
- makeweight
- making a uturn
- making uturn
- man on the make
- merrymaker
- mischief-maker
- noisemaker
- not make it
- not make the cut
- on the make
- pacemaker
- pastry maker
- peacemaker
- rainmaker
- rainmakers
- re make
- re makes
- remake
- speechmaker
- suit maker
- tailor-make
- tailor makes
- tailormakes
- tea maker
- throw on makeup
- troublemaker
- wave maker
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Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019