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Synonyms for make do

Grammar : Adj, noun, verb
Spell : meyk-doo
Phonetic Transcription : ˈmeɪkˌdu

Top 10 synonyms for make do Other synonyms for the word make do

Définition of make do

Origin :
  • Middle English do, first person singular of Old English don "make, act, perform, cause; to put, to place," from West Germanic *don (cf. Old Saxon duan, Old Frisian dua, Dutch doen, Old High German tuon, German tun), from PIE root *dhe- "to put, place, do, make" (see factitious).
  • Use as an auxiliary began in Middle English. Periphrastic form in negative sentences ("They did not think") replaced the Old English negative particles ("Hie ne wendon"). Slang meaning "to do the sex act with or to" is from 1913. Expression do or die is attested from 1620s. Cf. does, did, done.
  • As in makeshift : adj temporary
  • As in temporary : adj lasting only a short while
  • As in pro tem : adj temporary
  • As in short-range : adj temporary
  • As in short-term : adj temporary
  • As in expediency : noun stopgap
  • As in improvise : verb make up
  • As in manage : verb survive, get by
  • As in wing it : verb improvise
  • As in fend for : verb take care of

Antonyms for make do

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019