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Synonyms for make most of

Grammar : Verb
Spell : mohst
Phonetic Transcription : moʊst

Top 10 synonyms for make most of Other synonyms for the word make most of

Définition of make most of

Origin :
  • Old English mast "greatest number, amount, extent," earlier mæst, from Proto-Germanic *maistaz (cf. Old Saxon mest, Old Frisian mast, Old Norse mestr, Dutch meest, German meist, Gothic maists "most"), superlative form of Proto-Germanic *maiz, root of Old English ma, mara (see more). Used in Old English as superlative of micel "great, large" (see mickle). Vowel influenced by more. Original sense of "greatest" survives in phrase for the most part (c.1400). Slang meaning "the best, extremely good" is attested from 1953. Also used as an adverb in Old English. Phrase make the most of (something) is by 1520s. Related: Mostly. Double superlative mostest is 1885, from U.S. Southern and Black English.
  • As in live : verb enjoy being alive
  • As in profit : verb gain; get or give an advantage
  • As in use : verb work with; consume

Antonyms for make most of

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