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Synonyms for contingent upon
Grammar : Conj |
Spell : kuh n-tin-juh nt |
Phonetic Transcription : kənˈtɪn dʒənt |
Top 10 synonyms for contingent upon
Définition of contingent upon
Origin :- late 14c., from Old French contingent or directly from Latin contingentem (nominative contingens) "happening, touching," present participle of contingere "to touch" (see contact). The noun is from 1540s, "thing happening by chance;" as "a group forming part of a larger group" from 1727.
- As in providing/provided : conj as long as; with the understanding
- I can not tell precisely, as his stay is contingent upon the condition of his friend.
- Extract from : « Vashti » by Augusta J. Evans Wilson
- The development of one or the other is contingent upon circumstances.
- Extract from : « Many Thoughts of Many Minds » by Various
- He had an objective, and this objective was contingent upon making money.
- Extract from : « Poor Man's Rock » by Bertrand W. Sinclair
- In fact, his progress has been contingent upon this very fact.
- Extract from : « The Last Harvest » by John Burroughs
- Moreover, the law of your growth is contingent upon the exercise of these faculties.
- Extract from : « A Fleece of Gold » by Charles Stewart Given
- I told her the little I had done in the Trent affair, and of my plans, contingent upon Mr. Trent's approval.
- Extract from : « Against Odds » by Lawrence L. Lynch
- Every form of gain which is contingent upon another's loss partakes of the nature of gambling.
- Extract from : « Practical Ethics » by William DeWitt Hyde
- But a large dowry had been settled upon her, and by the treaty the renunciation was contingent upon its payment.
- Extract from : « History of Holland » by George Edmundson
- The former generally represents an act as contingent upon outward circumstances, and the latter upon a will.
- Extract from : « Greek in a Nutshell » by James Strong
- Survival was contingent upon the cessation of struggle between them, and the substitution therefor of common action.
- Extract from : « The Fruits of Victory » by Norman Angell
Words or expressions associated with your search
- act upon
- acted upon
- acting upon
- acts upon
- adult contemporary
- aerosol container
- agree upon
- agreed upon
- agreeing upon
- agrees upon
- air traffic control
- air traffic control service
- alight upon
- bare upon
- be contained in
- be content
- be contiguous
- be contiguous to
- be contingent
- be contingent on
- be contracted
- be contrary to
- be contrite
- be control of
- be dependent upon
- be in contact
- be in control
- be in control of
- be incumbent upon
- be uncontrollable
- bear upon
- beauty contest winner
- become contaminated
- bent upon
- birth control
- birth control pill
- bone of contention
- bring under control
- build upon
- by contract
- call upon
- called upon
- calling upon
- calls upon
- came upon
- cast aspersions upon
- cast doubt upon
- casting aspersions upon
- center upon
- centering upon
- chance upon
- climate control
- close upon
- come upon
- contact
- contagion
- contain
- contained
- container
- containers
- containing
- contains
- contaminate
- contaminated
- contaminates
- contamination
- contemn
- contemplate
- contemplating
- contemplation
- contemplative
- contempo
- contemporary
- contempt
- contemptible
- contemptuous
- contemptuously
- contemptuousness
- contend
- contended
- contender
- contenders
- contending
- contends
- content
- contented
- contentedly
- contentedness
- contention
- contentious
- contentiousness
- contentment
- contents
- contessa
- contest
- contestable
- contestant
- contested
- contesting
- context
- contexture
- contiguity
- contiguous to
- continent
- Continental
- continental breakfast
- contingence
- contingency
- contingency money
- contingent
- contingent upon
- continual
- continuance
- continuation
- continue
- continue ahead
- continue on
- continued
- continues
- continuity
- continuous
- continuously
- continuum theory
- contort
- contortion
- contortionist
- contour
- contour line
- contra
- contraband
- contraception
- contract
- contracted
- contracted for
- contraction
- contractions
- contractor
- contradict
- contradiction
- contradictory
- contradistinct
- contradistinction
- contradistinctive
- contraposition
- contraption
- contraptions
- contrarient
- contrariety
- contrariness
- contrary
- contrary to
- contrast
- contrasting
- contrastive
- contravene
- contretemps
- contribute
- contribute work
- contribution
- contributions
- contributive
- contributor
- contrite
- contrition
- contriturate
- contrivance
- contrive
- contrived
- contriving
- control
- control center
- control desk
- control oneself
- control panel
- controllable
- controlled
- controller
- controlling
- controversial
- controversial issue
- controversial situation
- controversy
- controvert
- controvertible
- contumacious
- contumaciously
- contumaciousness
- contumacy
- contumelious
- contumely
- contuse
- contusion
- count upon
- counted upon
- coupon
- damage-control
- damage control
- de contaminate
- de-contaminate
- de contaminated
- de-contaminated
- de contaminates
- de-contaminates
- de contaminating
- de-contaminating
- de-controlling
- de-controls
- decide upon
- decided upon
- decontaminant
- decontaminate
- decontamination
- decontrol
- decontrolled
- delusive contentment
- depend upon
- disaster control
- discontent
- discontented
- discontinuance
- discontinuation
- discontinuity
- discontinuous
- dwell on/dwell upon
- dwell upon
- dwelled upon
- dwelling upon
- dwells upon
- dwelt upon
- eases upon
- embark upon
- embarked upon
- employment contract
- encroach upon
- encroaching upon
- enlarge upon
- enter upon
- environmental control
- establish contact
- establishes contact
- exercise control
- fall upon
- fall upons
- falls upon
- fawn upon
- feast upon
- fell upon
- fierce contest
- financial control
- fire upon
- fired upon
- flight control
- gain control
- gaining upon
- gang upon
- gat upon
- get under control
- give upon
- gun control
- had a hold upon
- had hold upon
- hadst a hold upon
- hang upon
- hanging upon
- happen upon
- happened upon
- harp upon
- harping upon
- harps upon
- has a hold upon
- have a hold upon
- hereupon
- hit upon
- immediately upon
- impinge upon
- impose upon
- imposes upon
- impress upon
- impresses upon
- impressing upon
- imprest upon
- improve upon
- improved upon
- improves upon
- improving upon
- in contact with
- in contemplation of
- in contempt of
- in contestable
- in continence
- in continent
- in contrast to
- in control
- in controvertible
- incontestable
- incontinence
- incontinent
- incontrovertible
- insist upon
- intercontinental
- intercontinental ballistic missile
- keep contact
- keep in contact
- keeping contact
- keeps contact
- keeps in contact
- kept contact
- kept in contact
- kept upon
- labor contract
- lacking self-control
- laid upon
- lavish upon
- lavishing upon
- lay upon
- laying upon
- lays upon
- let continue
- lets continue
- levied upon
- look coldly upon
- look upon
- lose control
- made contact with
- make contact with
- make contacts
- makes contact with
- malcontented
- malcontentment
- malcontents
- master control desk
- mission control
- nemine contradicente
- newfangled contraption
- not to be relied upon
- on the contrary
- once upon a time
- one at the controls
- out control
- out of control
- pass upon
- passes upon
- pattern oneself upon
- patterning oneself upon
- patterning upon
- per contra
- put out a contract
- put upon
- putting out a contract
- quality control
- raconteur
- ran contraband
- rush upon
- rushed upon
- rushes upon
- rushing upon
- self-contained
- self-contented
- self-control
- settled upon
- show contrast
- spit upon
- summons to contest
- sweetheart contract
- table content
- table of content
- table of contents
- take out of context
- take upon
- take upon oneself
- takes upon
- taking upon
- thereupon
- uncontestable
- uncontrived
- uncontrollable
- uncontrollableness
- uncontrollably
- uncontrolled
- uncontrolledly
- under control
- verge upon
- wait upon
- waited upon
- was contact
- was control of
- was dependent upon
- was in control of
- weigh heavy upon
- work upon
- yellow-dog contract
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Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019