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Synonyms for declaimer
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : dih-kleym |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈkleɪm |
Définition of declaimer
Origin :- late 14c., from Middle French déclamer and directly from Latin declamare "to practice public speaking, to bluster," from de- intensive prefix + clamare "to cry, shout" (see claim (v.)). At first in English spelled declame, but altered under influence of claim. Related: Declaimed; declaiming.
- noun speaker
- Baby merely gurgled, and Poppylinda essayed to climb the declaimer's skirts.
- Extract from : « Missy » by Dana Gatlin
- Motley came to Round Hill, as one of his schoolmates tells me, with a great reputation, especially as a declaimer.
- Extract from : « Memoir of John Lothrop Motley, Complete » by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
- There he was well-educated, especially in rhetoric, and acquired a reputation as a declaimer in Greek and Latin.
- Extract from : « A History of Roman Literature » by Harold North Fowler
- But the puritan declamation which pleased all the rest, disgusted young Hinkley, and increased his dislike for the declaimer.
- Extract from : « Charlemont » by W. Gilmore Simms
- Mr. H. said, he never was a declaimer in favor of what gentlemen meant by the rights of man.
- Extract from : « Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856, Vol. II (of 16) » by Thomas Hart Benton
- One really talked better standing up, and the gestures of the orator or declaimer only gained a more ample scope.
- Extract from : « Vie de Bohme » by Orlo Williams
- From that time forth he became known as an orator, and now stands second to no living man as a declaimer.
- Extract from : « The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States » by Martin R. Delany
- One may be a great orator, according to the usual acceptation of the term "great," and yet be only a declaimer and a rhetorician.
- Extract from : « The Writings of Thomas Jefferson » by Thomas Jefferson
Words or expressions associated with your search
- declaim
- declaimer
- declaimings
- declamation
- declamatory
- declaration
- declarative
- declare
- declare guilty
- declare illegal
- declare illegitimate
- declare invalid
- declare lawful
- declare null and void
- declare true
- declared
- declared null and void
- declared publicly
- declares guilty
- declass
- déclassé
- declassé
- declasse
- declassed
- declassified
- declassify
- declension
- declinate
- declination
- declinatory
- decline
- decline and fall
- declined
- declining
- declining market
- declining year
- declining years
- declinings
- declivitous
- declivity
- in a decline
- in decline
- sworn declaration
- undeclared
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