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Synonyms for orator
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : awr-uh-ter, or- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈɔr ə tər, ˈɒr- |
Définition of orator
Origin :- late 14c., "one who pleads or argues for a cause," from Anglo-French oratour (Modern French orateur), from Latin orator "speaker," from orare "to speak, speak before a court or assembly, pray, plead," from PIE root *or- "to pronounce a ritual formula" (cf. Sanskrit aryanti "they praise," Homeric Greek are, Attic ara "prayer," Hittite ariya- "to ask the oracle," aruwai- "to revere, worship"). Meaning "public speaker" is attested from early 15c.
- noun speaker
- The orator of Guayana to be impressive must be long, however little he may have to say.
- Extract from : « Green Mansions » by W. H. Hudson
- I wager that for this you would think me too an orator of a hundred parts.
- Extract from : « Albert Durer » by T. Sturge Moore
- With that he was poet, troubadour, orator, as well as very eccentric and attractive.
- Extract from : « Initiation into Philosophy » by Emile Faguet
- As an orator too, his first appearance in the House of Commons was a failure.
- Extract from : « Self-Help » by Samuel Smiles
- Madden was about to answer that he didn't know, when the orator went on.
- Extract from : « The Cruise of the Dry Dock » by T. S. Stribling
- Charles Bonaparte, Prince of Canino, was prominent as an orator.
- Extract from : « The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 2, May, 1851 » by Various
- I'm no orator, mates, it's the flesh and blood in me that's speakin', it's the heart o' me.
- Extract from : « Strife (First Series Plays) » by John Galsworthy
- Daniel Webster, the celebrated American statesman, jurist, and orator.
- Extract from : « Christopher Columbus and His Monument Columbia » by Various
- Such an orator as he is who is possessed of them, you and I would fain become.
- Extract from : « Phaedrus » by Plato
- "The genuine Irish orator's mouth," thought Mrs. Carriswood.
- Extract from : « Stories of a Western Town » by Octave Thanet
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- exploratory
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- in the laboratory
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- inamorato
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- invigorating
- invigoration
- laboratories
- laboratory
- laboratory animal
- meliorate
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- orate
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- oration
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- orator
- oratorical
- oratory
- pastorate
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- perforate
- perforated
- perforation
- perorate
- peroration
- prorate
- re-decorate
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- re decorated
- re decorates
- re-decorates
- re decorating
- re-decorating
- re-invigorate
- re-invigorated
- re invigorated
- re invigorates
- re-invigorates
- re-invigorating
- research laboratory
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- restorative
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