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Synonyms for discourser
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : noun dis-kawrs, -kohrs, dis-kawrs, -kohrs; verb dis-kawrs, -kohrs |
Phonetic Transcription : noun ˈdɪs kɔrs, -koʊrs, dɪsˈkɔrs, -ˈkoʊrs; verb dɪsˈkɔrs, -ˈkoʊrs |
Définition of discourser
Origin :- late 14c., "process of understanding, reasoning, thought," from French discours, from Latin discursus "a running about," in Late Latin "conversation," from past participle stem of discurrere "run about," from dis- "apart" (see dis-) + currere "to run" (see current (adj.)). Sense of "formal speech or writing" is first recorded 1580s.
- noun conversationalist
- But truth to tell, Dominic Iglesias had not only grown very weary of discourse and discourser, but somewhat impatient also.
- Extract from : « The Far Horizon » by Lucas Malet
Words or expressions associated with your search
- accidental discovery
- be disclosed
- be discordant
- be discovered
- chance discovery
- compact disc
- confidential discussion
- disc drive
- disc jockey
- discard
- discarded
- discern
- discerned
- discernible
- discerning
- discerningly
- discernment
- discharge
- discharged
- disciple
- disciplinarian
- disciplinary action
- discipline
- discipline oneself
- disciplined
- disclaim
- disclaimer
- disclose
- disclosed
- disclosure
- disco
- discolor
- discoloration
- discolored
- discombobulation
- discomfit
- discomfiting
- discomfiture
- discomfort
- discommend
- discommode
- discommodious
- discompose
- discomposure
- disconcert
- disconfirm
- disconnect
- disconsolate
- disconsolation
- discontent
- discontented
- discontinuance
- discontinuation
- discontinuity
- discontinuous
- discord
- discordance
- discordant
- discotheque
- discothèque
- discount
- discount store
- discountenance
- discourage
- discouraged
- discouragement
- discouraging
- discourse
- discourser
- discourteous
- discourteously
- discover
- discoverable
- discovered
- discoverer
- discovering
- discovery
- discredit
- discreet
- discreetly
- discreetness
- discrepancy
- discrepant
- discrete
- discretion
- discretional
- discretionary
- discriminate
- discriminate against
- discriminating
- discriminative
- discriminatory
- discursion
- discursive
- discus throw
- discuss
- discussed
- discussion
- discussion group
- hold discussion
- in discernible
- in disciplines
- in discreet
- in discreetly
- in discrete
- in discretion
- in discretions
- in discriminate
- indiscernible
- indiscipline
- indisciplined
- indiscreet
- indiscreetly
- indiscreetness
- indiscretion
- indiscriminately
- intimate discussion
- laser disc
- non-discriminating
- non discrimination
- non-discrimination
- non discriminations
- nondiscriminating
- nondiscrimination
- nondiscriminations
- nondiscriminatory
- not discharged
- not discouraged
- one's discretion
- open discussion
- open to discussion
- optical disc
- panel discussion
- race discrimination
- race discriminations
- racial discrimination
- re-discover
- re discover
- re discovered
- re-discovered
- re-discovering
- re discovering
- re-discovers
- re discovers
- rediscover
- selfdisciplined
- under discussion
- undiscerning
- undisciplined
- undisclosed
- undiscriminating
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