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Synonyms for table talk
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of table talk
- noun mealtime conversation
- You will understand me to allude to the authors of Rimini and of the Table Talk.
- Extract from : « The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb » by Charles Lamb
- Two volumes of his Table Talk were published after his death.
- Extract from : « The Every Day Book of History and Chronology » by Joel Munsell
- Not to fill up the time with other idle chat, or table talk.
- Extract from : « A Christian Directory (Part 4 of 4) » by Richard Baxter
- The entries in the Table Talk do not materially dimmish in frequency.
- Extract from : « English Men of Letters: Coleridge » by H. D. Traill
- His "Table Talk" was published in 1856, and it is full of good stories.
- Extract from : « Victorian Literature » by Clement K. Shorter
- How often the table talk had come to the subject of hell and its occupants!
- Extract from : « The Bonadventure » by Edmund Blunden
- Shortly after Rogers' death a collection of his witty sayings was published under the title of "Table Talk."
- Extract from : « A History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year » by Edwin Emerson
- As I ate my breakfast the next morning I overheard two men at my table talk about trade, and I quietly listened.
- Extract from : « A Man of Samples » by Wm. H. Maher
- Nothing so uplifts Tyrant Man as the table talk of good young women who earn their own living.
- Extract from : « The Shadow On The Dial, and Other Essays » by Ambrose Bierce
- From the earliest spoonful of soup it became evident that Revel considered himself responsible for the table talk.
- Extract from : « Kipps » by H. G. Wells
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abusive talk
- acceptable
- acceptable person
- acceptably
- accountable
- accountableness
- adaptable
- adjustable
- adjustable-rate mortgage
- affectable
- agitable
- all-talk
- all talk
- all-talks
- all talks
- attributable
- back-fence talk
- back talk
- back-talk
- back talked
- back-talking
- back talking
- back-talks
- backtalk
- backtalked
- backtalking
- bargaining table
- be acceptable
- be comfortable
- be detestable
- be established
- be friendly and talkative
- be friendly talkative
- be profitable
- be suitable
- big talk
- big talker
- big talking
- card table
- cards on the table
- cards table
- cartable
- chalk talk
- chalk talks
- chalked talk
- chalking talk
- chalks talk
- charitable
- charitable affair
- charitableness
- cold table
- comfortable
- comfortably
- communal table
- communion table
- computable
- constable
- contestable
- convictable
- countable
- creditable
- de-testable
- de testable
- debatable
- debatable point
- deerstalker
- delectable
- deliver talk
- detectable
- detestable
- dining table
- dinner table
- disestablish
- disputable
- disreputable
- double talk
- double-talk
- doubtable
- drafting table
- drawing table
- dubitable
- eatable
- eatables
- empty talk
- equitable
- equitable interest
- equitableness
- equitably
- establish
- establish contact
- establish oneself
- establishable
- established
- established oneself
- established order
- established practices
- established way
- establisher
- establishes
- establishes contact
- establishes oneself
- establishing
- establishment
- excitable
- excitably
- extractable
- fancy talk
- fast talked
- fast talker
- fast talking
- fast-talking
- fast talks
- financially stable
- find unacceptable
- fine talk
- firing table
- firmly established
- folding table
- forgettable
- foul talk
- futile talk
- gave a talk
- gave a talking-to
- gave a talkingto
- gave talking-to
- gave talkingto
- getable
- getatable
- gettable
- give a talking-to
- habitable
- heart-to-heart talk
- hold accountable
- holy table
- hospitable
- idle talk
- ignitable
- illimitable
- illustratable
- immutable
- immutably
- impure talk
- imputable
- in computable
- in contestable
- in dubitable
- in dubitably
- in equitable
- in established usage
- in evitable
- in executable
- in habitable
- in hospitable
- in hospitablenesses
- in imitable
- in scrutable
- in supportable
- in surmountable
- in tractable
- in tractableness
- in tractablenesses
- incontestable
- indisputable
- indisputable truth
- indisputably
- indomitable
- indomitably
- indubitable
- indubitably
- ineluctable
- inequitable
- inevitable
- inevitable accident
- inexcitable
- inhabitable
- inimitable
- inscrutable
- insupportable
- insurmountable
- intractable
- intractableness
- intractably
- irrefutable
- irritable
- jive talk
- laid on table
- laid on the table
- laid table
- laid the table
- lamentable
- lamentably
- lay on table
- lay on the table
- lay table
- lay the table
- laying on the table
- laying table
- laying the table
- lays on table
- lays on the table
- lays table
- lays the table
- light talk
- long-established
- make comfortable
- make habitable
- make marketable
- make presentable
- make profitable
- make uncomfortable
- makes habitable
- malicious talk
- meltable
- meritable
- more acceptable
- more profitable
- most established
- most notable
- mutable
- night table
- non-vegetable
- non vegetable
- nonvegetable
- not notably
- not talkativ
- not talkative
- notable
- notable year
- notably
- operating table
- palatable
- palatableness
- peace talk
- pep talk
- pep talked
- pep talking
- periodic table
- periodic table of elements
- permutable
- portable
- portable audio system
- portable music machine
- portable radio
- profitable
- profitably
- ratable
- re-doubtable
- re establish
- re-established
- re established
- re establishes
- re-establishes
- re establishing
- re-establishing
- redoubtable
- reestablish
- regrettable
- reputable
- respectable
- retable
- shoptalk
- small talk
- stable
- stalk
- stalked
- stalking
- stalking horse
- stop talking
- street talk
- suitable
- suitableness
- supportable
- sweet-talk
- sweet talk
- tablature
- table
- table content
- table d'hote
- table dhôte
- table dhote
- table linen
- table lord
- table manner
- table manners
- table-mat
- table mat
- table napkin
- table of content
- table of contents
- table of elements
- table of lord
- table of the Lord
- table pad
- table runner
- table salt
- table talk
- table the lord
- table wine
- tableau
- tablecloth
- tablecloths
- tabled
- tableland
- tables d'hôte
- tables dhôte
- tablet
- tablets of the memory
- tableware
- tablings
- tabloid
- tabloid journalism
- talk
- talk a blue streak
- talk a lot
- talk about
- talk back
- talk big
- talk dirty
- talk down to
- talk fest
- talk foolishly
- talk idly
- talk in to
- talk in to someone ear
- talk in to someone's ear
- talk in to someones ear
- talk incoherently
- talk into
- talk into someone ear
- talk into someone's ear
- talk into someones ear
- talk leg off
- talk lot
- talk low
- talk nonsense
- talk nonsensically
- talk of
- talk of the town
- talk off top head
- talk off top of head
- talk one's ear off
- talk one's leg off
- talk out of
- talk over
- talk radio
- talk show host
- talk-show hosts
- talk someone's ear off
- talk straight
- talk tete-a-tete
- talk through hat
- talk through one's hat
- talk to
- talk top head
- talk top of head
- talk turkey
- talk wildly
- talkathon
- talkativeness
- talked
- talked a lot
- talked about
- talked big
- talked down to
- talked in to
- talked in to someone ear
- talked in to someone's ear
- talked in to someones ear
- talked into
- talked into someone ear
- talked into someone's ear
- talked into someones ear
- talked into something
- talked leg off
- talked lot
- talked nonsense
- talked of
- talked off top head
- talked off top of head
- talked ones leg off
- talked out of
- talked over
- talked randomly
- talked someone ear off
- talked to
- talked top head
- talked top of head
- talker
- talkfest
- talkie
- talking
- talking about
- talking back
- talking big
- talking book
- talking down to
- talking head
- talking in to
- talking in to someone ear
- talking in to someone's ear
- talking in to someones ear
- talking into
- talking into someone ear
- talking into someone's ear
- talking into someones ear
- talking lot
- talking nonsense
- talking off top head
- talking off top of head
- talking out of
- talking over
- talking picture
- talking randomly
- talking straight
- talking-to
- talking to
- talking top head
- talking top of head
- talking tos
- talkings
- talks a lot
- talks about
- talks down to
- talks in to
- talks in to someone ear
- talks in to someone's ear
- talks in to someones ear
- talks into
- talks into someone's ear
- talks into someones ear
- talks lot
- talks nonsense
- talks off top head
- talks off top of head
- talks out of
- talks over
- talks randomly
- talks through one's hat
- talks to
- talks top head
- talks top of head
- talky
- tall talk
- tall-talking
- tea table
- tea-table talk
- tenantable
- timetable
- tractable
- tractableness
- transportable
- tray table
- trivial talk
- turn the tables on
- unacceptable
- unacceptable person
- unadaptable
- uncharitable
- uncomfortable
- uncontestable
- uncountable
- undauntable
- under the table
- under-the-table
- undetectably
- unexcitable
- unforgettable
- unnotable
- unpalatable
- unpredictable
- unpredictable situation
- unprofitable
- unprofitableness
- unstable
- unstable personality
- unsuitable
- unsuitableness
- unsuitably
- unsupportable
- untalkative
- vegetable kingdom
- vegetable salad
- veritable
- veritableness
- veritably
- very profitable venture
- walkie-talkie
- walkie talkie
- walky talky
- walky-talky
- walkytalkies
- warrantable
- was acceptable
- was comfortable
- was established
- work table
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