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Synonyms for command line interface
Sorry, there is no synonym available for command-line-interface.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- a line
- absolute interest
- academic community
- accommodate
- accommodated
- accommodates
- accommodating
- accommodatingly
- accommodation
- accommodation ladder
- accommodations
- accommodativeness
- acquainted
- acquainted with
- active communications satellite
- ad interim
- adrenaline
- airline
- airline steward
- airline stewardess
- airliner
- alkaline
- allineate
- Anglican Communion
- anointed
- appointed
- appointed hour
- appointee
- artificial intelligence
- at intervals
- at regular intervals
- at short intervals
- ball printer
- bank line
- baseline
- battle line
- be accommodated
- be acquainted
- be acquainted with
- be commensurate
- be commissioned
- be common
- be in command
- be in commission
- be in line for
- be inclined
- be inclined think
- be inclined to think
- be intemperate
- be interdependent with
- be interested in
- be interesting to
- be interred
- be line for
- be noncommittal
- be out of line
- be sainted
- below the line
- between the lines
- Book of Common Prayer
- borderline
- bottom line
- bottom-line
- busline
- catchline
- centrolineal
- chain of command
- character printer
- chilliness
- cleanliness
- clothesline
- color line
- comma
- command
- command a view
- command-line interpreter
- command post
- commandant
- commander
- commander in chief
- commanding
- commandment
- commando
- commandos
- commemorate
- commemorated
- commemoration
- commemorative
- commemoratory
- commence
- commencement
- commencing
- commend
- commendable
- commendation
- commendations
- commended
- commensurable
- commensurably
- commensurate
- commensurately
- commensurateness
- comment
- commentary
- commentator
- comments
- commercial
- comminate
- commination
- commingle
- comminute
- commiserate
- commish
- commissary
- commission
- commissioned
- commissioner
- commissioning
- commissions
- commit oneself
- commit to memory
- commit treason
- commitment
- committal
- committed
- committee
- committee of Cardinals
- commode
- commodious
- commodities exchange
- commodity
- common
- common answers
- common enemy
- common knowledge
- common laborer
- common man
- Common Market
- common people
- common questions
- common room
- common sense
- common year
- commoners
- commonest
- commonly
- commonness
- commonplace
- commonplace term
- commonplaceness
- commons
- commonsense
- commonsensical
- commonwealth
- Commonwealth of Nations
- commorancy
- commotion
- commove
- commoving
- communal
- communal table
- communalize
- commune with
- communicate
- communicated
- communicating
- communication
- communications
- communicative
- communion
- communion table
- communiqué
- communism
- communist
- communists
- communities
- community
- community antenna television
- community room
- commutative
- commute
- commuter
- contour line
- cowardliness
- daisy-wheel printer
- dangle a line
- dastardliness
- data communication channel
- de cline
- de-cline
- de clines
- de-clines
- de commission
- de commissioned
- de-commissioned
- de-commissioning
- de-commissions
- de commissions
- de lineate
- de-lineated
- de lineated
- de lineation
- de-lineation
- de-lineations
- de lineations
- deadline
- deadlines
- deadliness
- decline
- decline and fall
- declined
- decommission
- decommissioned
- defensive lineman
- delineate
- delineated
- delineating
- delineatings
- delineation
- delineative
- dirty linen
- discipline
- discipline oneself
- disciplined
- discommend
- discommode
- discommodious
- disinclined
- disintegrate
- disintegrated
- disintegrating
- disintegration
- disinterest
- disinterested
- disinterestedly
- disinterestedness
- disinterred
- disorderliness
- dot-matrix printer
- draw the line
- drop a line
- during the interval
- e-commerce
- e commerce
- e commerces
- e-commerces
- earliness
- ecological community
- ecommerce
- ecommerces
- economic communities
- economic community
- elderliness
- electric line
- electronic commerce
- electronic communication
- electronic printer
- electrostatic printer
- enceinte
- end line
- end lines
- end of line
- end of the line
- end the line
- enemy line
- equitable interest
- european communities
- European Community
- European Economic Community
- excommunicate
- excommunication
- executive committee
- fainted
- fainter
- faintest idea
- fall in line
- fall line
- falling in line
- falling line
- falls line
- fault line
- favorably inclined
- feinted
- feline
- fell in line
- fell line
- finish line
- finishing line
- firing line
- friendliness
- front line
- gag line
- gasoline
- gasoline station
- gat line
- gat out line
- gat out of line
- gather intelligence
- gathered intelligence
- gathering intelligence
- gathers intelligence
- gave pointer
- get acquainted
- get in line
- get line
- get on line
- get on the line
- get out of line
- gets out line
- gets out of line
- gets the line
- getting acquainted
- getting line
- getting on the line
- getting out line
- getting out of line
- ghastliness
- gingerliness
- give pointer
- go down the line for
- godliness
- graphical user interface
- graphics printer
- had sexual intercourse
- hadst sexual intercourse
- hairline
- hand a line
- hard-line
- hard line
- hard lines
- hardline
- has every intention
- has sexual intercourse
- hast sexual intercourse
- have every intention
- head of the line
- headline
- headliner
- help line
- high command
- hinted at
- holiness
- Holy Communion
- homeliness
- imaginary line
- imprinted
- improve accommodate
- in a decline
- in a line
- in bee line
- in best interests
- in cline
- in clines
- in commensurate
- in commodes
- in commodious
- in commodiousness
- in commodiousnesses
- in commodities
- in commodity
- in common
- in common era
- in communicable
- in communicative
- in decline
- in direct line
- in disciplines
- in intervening time
- in line
- in line for
- in line of fire
- in line skate
- in-line skate
- in line with
- in one best interests
- in one's best interests
- in ones best interests
- in public interest
- in straight line
- in the Common Era
- in the interest of
- in the interim
- in the interval
- in the intervening time
- in the line of fire
- incline
- incline toward
- inclined
- inclined plane
- incommensurable
- incommodious
- incommunicable
- incommunicative
- indiscipline
- indisciplined
- ink-jet printer
- innate common sense
- integral
- integrate
- integrated
- integrated circuit
- integrated circuitry
- integration
- integrity
- integument
- intelle
- intellect
- intellective
- intellectual
- intellectual gifts
- intellectual power
- intellectual property
- intellectualize
- intellectually
- intelligence
- intelligence agent
- intelligence quotient
- intelligence quotient test
- intelligence test
- intelligent retrieval
- intelligently
- intelligible
- intemerate
- intemperanc
- intemperance
- intemperate
- intemperateness
- intendance
- intended
- intendment
- intense
- intensification
- intensified
- intensify
- intensity
- intensively
- intention
- intentional walk
- intentive
- intently
- intentness
- interact
- interbreeding
- intercede
- interceder
- intercept
- intercessor
- interchange
- interchangeability
- interchangeable
- interchangeableness
- intercom
- intercontinental
- intercontinental ballistic missile
- intercourse
- intercross
- interdict
- interdiction
- interest
- interest group
- interested
- interesting
- interface
- interfere
- interfere with
- interference
- intergalactic matter
- interim
- interior
- interjection
- interknit
- interlace
- interline
- interlocking directorate
- interlocutor
- interlope
- interlude
- intermeddle
- intermeddling
- intermediacy
- intermediary
- intermediate
- intermediate frequency
- intermediate range ballistic missile
- interment
- interminable
- intermingle
- intermission
- intermit
- intermitted
- intermittence
- intermittently
- intermix
- intern
- internal
- international
- International Atomic Time
- international nautical mile
- International Phonetic Alphabet
- internecine
- Internet
- Internet publishing
- Internet service provider
- Internet site
- internment
- internment camp
- interplay
- interpose
- interpret
- interpretation
- interpreter
- interpretive
- interracial
- interreact
- interred
- interregnum
- interrelated
- interrelation
- interrogate
- interrogation
- interrogative
- interrogator
- interrogatory
- interrupt
- interrupted
- interrupting
- interruption
- intersect
- intersecting
- intersection
- intersexual
- interspace
- interstate
- interstice
- intertwine
- interval
- intervene
- intervened
- intervening
- intervention
- interview
- interweave
- interwoven
- intestinal fortitude
- isoline
- jet liner
- jet liners
- jointed
- jolliness
- keep in line
- keeping line
- keeps in line
- kept in line
- kindliness
- lack interest
- lack of interest
- laid it line
- laid it on line
- laid it the line
- laid on the line
- landscape painter
- laser printer
- laugh lines
- lay it on the line
- lay on the line
- laying line
- laying on line
- laying on the line
- laying the line
- lays it line
- lays it on line
- lays it the line
- lays line
- lays on line
- lays on the line
- lays the line
- LCD printer
- lcd printers
- least common denominator
- LED printer
- led printers
- leisureliness
- letter of recommendation
- level line
- lifeline
- line
- line-dancer
- line drawing
- line of business
- line of demarcation
- line of reasoning
- line of scrimmage
- line of work
- line printer
- line storm
- line up
- lineage
- lineal
- lineament
- linear
- lined
- linen
- liner
- lines
- lintel
- liveliness
- load line
- load waterline
- lose interest
- lowest common denominator
- lowliness
- main line
- main-line
- main lines
- mainline
- mainlined
- mainlines
- maintenance people
- maintenance person
- manliness
- mannerliness
- masculine
- member of community
- member of the Communist Party
- millinery
- misinterpret
- misinterpretation
- needle-pointed
- neighborliness
- news commentator
- next in line
- next in line for
- niggardliness
- nintendo
- non-committal
- non committal
- non committals
- non-committals
- non interference
- non-interference
- non-interferences
- non interferences
- noncommercial library
- noncommercial television
- noncommercial televisions
- noncommittal
- noncommittaled
- noncommittaling
- noncommittals
- noninterference
- noninterferences
- nonintervention
- not intelligent
- not interfere
- not interfering
- not lineal
- not printed
- nuclear winter
- ocean liner
- off line
- off-line
- offline
- old-line
- old line
- on a line
- on internet
- on-line
- on sidelines
- on the borderline
- on the breadline
- on the Internet
- on the line
- one-liner
- one liner
- oneliner
- online
- Online banking
- online bankings
- online community
- online correspondence
- online correspondences
- online demand publishing
- online mail
- online network
- online publishing
- opaline
- oral communication
- orderliness
- out commission
- out line
- out lined
- out lines
- out of commission
- out of line
- outline
- outlined
- painted
- painted woman
- painteds
- painter
- party line
- pass comment
- patrilineal
- person's full intent and purpose
- personal line of credit
- pipeline
- plaintext
- Plimsoll line
- pointed
- pointer
- political action committee
- portliness
- posting online
- printed circuit board
- printed matter
- printer
- protected interest
- punch line
- put it on the line
- put on the line
- quintessence
- quintessential
- quintessential element
- quintessentials
- quintet
- quintette
- rail line
- ran interference
- rate of interest
- re-cline
- re cline
- re-clines
- re clines
- re-commence
- re commence
- re-commenced
- re commenced
- re commences
- re-commences
- re-commencing
- re commencing
- re commend
- re-commendation
- re commendation
- re commendations
- re-commendations
- re commended
- re-commended
- re commending
- re-commending
- re-commends
- re commends
- re-integrate
- re-integrates
- re-integrating
- re-interpreting
- reappointed
- recline
- recliner
- recommence
- recommencement
- recommend
- recommendation
- recommended
- Recommended Daily Allowance
- recommended daily vitamins and minerals
- rectilinear
- reintegrate
- reintegrated
- reinterpreting
- run interference
- run interference for
- run lines
- saintliness
- scrimmage line
- seemliness
- select committee
- self-interested
- selfdisciplined
- sexual intercourse
- short commons
- sibylline
- sideline
- sidelined
- sidewalk-superintend
- sidewalk superintendent
- silliness
- small intestine
- special-interest group
- special interests
- splinter
- splinter group
- splintery
- sprightliness
- sprinter
- stateliness
- steering committee
- step over the line
- streamlined
- study intensively
- superintend
- superintendence
- superintendent
- supervise communications
- surliness
- table linen
- tag line
- tainted
- tainter
- taintest
- take an interest in
- take interest in
- takes an interest in
- takes interest in
- taking an interest in
- taking interest in
- telecommunications
- Ten Commandments
- the common people
- the Commonwealth
- toe the line
- top of the line
- topliner
- ugliness
- ultra masculine
- ultramasculine
- un accommodating
- un acquainted
- unaccommodating
- unacquainted
- uncommitted
- uncommon
- uncommonly
- uncommunicable
- uncommunicative
- uncommunicativeness
- underline
- undisciplined
- unfriendliness
- ungainliness
- unintellectual
- unintelligent
- unintelligible
- unintelligibly
- unintentional
- uninterested
- uninteresting
- uninterestingness
- uninterrupted
- uninterrupted space
- unmannerliness
- unruliness
- unscholarliness
- untainted
- untaintedness
- user interface
- vested interest
- virtual community
- waistline
- was acquainted with
- was common
- was in commission
- was in line for
- was inclined
- was interested in
- was line for
- was out line
- was out of line
- wiliness
- winter
- winter blues
- winter of life
- wintertide
- wintertime
- woolliness
- world of commerce
- worldliness