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Synonyms for finish line
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of finish line
- noun line where race ends
- Carter broke an oar near the finish line, and it was all up then.
- Extract from : « The Eight-Oared Victors » by Lester Chadwick
- As he crossed the finish line, Bert was ahead by the length of a wheel!
- Extract from : « Bert Wilson's Twin Cylinder Racer » by J. W. Duffield
- The men shall be placed in the order in which they cross the finish line.
- Extract from : « Handbook of Summer Athletic Sports » by Various
- Every inch of her sails drawing, she swept toward the finish line.
- Extract from : « Guilt of the Brass Thieves » by Mildred A. Wirt
- A very pretty race, my dears, but shall we call this the finish line?
- Extract from : « Saboteurs on the River » by Mildred A. Wirt
- But could they catch and pass their rivals before the finish line was reached?
- Extract from : « The Go Ahead Boys in the Island Camp » by Ross Kay
- But Wayne Paddy shook his head as they descended from the stand and went toward the finish line.
- Extract from : « For the Honor of the School » by Ralph Henry Barbour
- The finish line is a "tape" (strand of worsted) stretched parallel with the starting line and five yards back of the receptacle.
- Extract from : « Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium » by Jessie H. Bancroft
- But with the finish line close by, they could not seem to gain another inch.
- Extract from : « Guilt of the Brass Thieves » by Mildred A. Wirt
- With a sweep as of the wind she went away from it, and got her nose across the finish line three inches in front!
- Extract from : « Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 5, June 1905 » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a finish
- a finishes
- a line
- ad-infinitum
- ad infinitum
- ad infinitums
- add finishing touches
- adds finishing touches
- adrenaline
- affinity card
- affinity group
- airline
- airline steward
- airline stewardess
- airliner
- alkaline
- allineate
- bank line
- baseline
- battle line
- be in line for
- be inclined
- be inclined think
- be inclined to think
- be line for
- be out of line
- below the line
- between the lines
- blanket finish
- borderline
- bottom line
- bottom-line
- busline
- by definition
- catchline
- centrolineal
- chilliness
- cleanliness
- clothesline
- color line
- command-line interpreter
- confining
- contour line
- cowardliness
- dangle a line
- dastardliness
- de cline
- de-cline
- de clines
- de-clines
- de fining
- de-fining
- de finite
- de-finitely
- de-finitude
- de lineate
- de-lineated
- de lineated
- de lineation
- de-lineation
- de-lineations
- de lineations
- deadline
- deadlines
- deadliness
- decline
- decline and fall
- declined
- defensive lineman
- defining moment
- definite
- definite plan
- definitely
- definiteness
- definition
- definitive
- definitive test
- definitively
- definitiveness
- definitude
- delineate
- delineated
- delineating
- delineatings
- delineation
- delineative
- dirty linen
- discipline
- discipline oneself
- disciplined
- disinclined
- disorderliness
- Doctrine of definite proportions
- draw the line
- drop a line
- earliness
- elderliness
- electric line
- end line
- end lines
- end of line
- end of the line
- end the line
- enemy line
- fall in line
- fall line
- falling in line
- falling line
- falls line
- fault line
- favorably inclined
- feline
- fell in line
- fell line
- fight the finish
- fight to the finish
- fighting to the finish
- fights the finish
- fights to finish
- fini
- finial
- finialed
- finialing
- finical
- finicking
- finicky
- finises
- finish
- finish as
- finish in front
- finish line
- finish off
- finish something
- finish up
- finish using
- finish with
- finished
- finished as
- finished off
- finished product
- finished something
- finished up
- finished using
- finished with
- finisher
- finishes as
- finishes front
- finishes something
- finishes up
- finishes with
- finishing
- finishing line
- finishing school
- finishing touch
- finishing up
- finishings
- finite
- firing line
- friendliness
- front line
- gag line
- gasoline
- gasoline station
- gat line
- gat out line
- gat out of line
- get in line
- get line
- get on line
- get on the line
- get out of line
- gets out line
- gets out of line
- gets the line
- getting line
- getting on the line
- getting out line
- getting out of line
- ghastliness
- gingerliness
- go down the line for
- godliness
- hairline
- hand a line
- hard-line
- hard line
- hard lines
- hardline
- head of the line
- headline
- headliner
- help line
- holiness
- homeliness
- imaginary line
- in a decline
- in a line
- in bee line
- in cline
- in clines
- in decline
- in definitely
- in definiteness
- in direct line
- in disciplines
- in finite
- in finitely
- in finiteness
- in finitenesses
- in finitude
- in line
- in line for
- in line of fire
- in line skate
- in-line skate
- in line with
- in straight line
- in the line of fire
- incline
- incline toward
- inclined
- inclined plane
- indefinite
- indefinitely
- indefiniteness
- indiscipline
- indisciplined
- infinite
- infinite spirit
- infinitely
- infinitesimal
- infinitesimalness
- infinitude
- interline
- isoline
- jet liner
- jet liners
- jolliness
- just finished
- keep in line
- keeping line
- keeps in line
- kept in line
- kindliness
- laid it line
- laid it on line
- laid it the line
- laid on the line
- laugh lines
- lay it on the line
- lay on the line
- laying line
- laying on line
- laying on the line
- laying the line
- lays it line
- lays it on line
- lays it the line
- lays line
- lays on line
- lays on the line
- lays the line
- leisureliness
- level line
- lifeline
- line
- line-dancer
- line drawing
- line of business
- line of demarcation
- line of reasoning
- line of scrimmage
- line of work
- line printer
- line storm
- line up
- lineage
- lineal
- lineament
- linear
- lined
- linen
- liner
- lines
- liveliness
- load line
- load waterline
- lowliness
- luxury liner
- main line
- main-line
- main lines
- mainline
- mainlined
- mainlines
- manliness
- mannerliness
- masculine
- millinery
- neighborliness
- next in line
- next in line for
- niggardliness
- not definite
- not lineal
- ocean liner
- off line
- off-line
- offline
- old-line
- old line
- on a line
- on-line
- on sidelines
- on the borderline
- on the breadline
- on the line
- one-liner
- one liner
- oneliner
- online
- Online banking
- online bankings
- online community
- online correspondence
- online correspondences
- online demand publishing
- online mail
- online network
- online publishing
- opaline
- orderliness
- out line
- out lined
- out lines
- out of line
- outline
- outlined
- party line
- patrilineal
- personal line of credit
- photo finish
- photofinish
- pipeline
- Plimsoll line
- portliness
- posting online
- punch line
- put it on the line
- put on the line
- rail line
- re-cline
- re cline
- re-clines
- re clines
- re-fining
- re fining
- re-finings
- re finings
- re-finish
- re-finished
- re finished
- re finishes
- recline
- recliner
- rectilinear
- refinish
- run lines
- saintliness
- scrimmage line
- seemliness
- selfdisciplined
- sibylline
- sideline
- sidelined
- silliness
- sprightliness
- stateliness
- step over the line
- streamlined
- surliness
- table linen
- tag line
- to a finish
- toe the line
- top of the line
- topliner
- ugliness
- ultra masculine
- ultramasculine
- underline
- undisciplined
- unfinished
- unfriendliness
- ungainliness
- unmannerliness
- unruliness
- unscholarliness
- waistline
- was in line for
- was inclined
- was line for
- was out line
- was out of line
- wiliness
- woolliness
- worldliness
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