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Synonyms for come with

Grammar : Verb
Spell : kuhm
Phonetic Transcription : kʌm

Top 10 synonyms for come with Other synonyms for the word come with

Définition of come with

Origin :
  • Old English cuman "come, approach, land; come to oneself, recover; arrive; assemble" (class IV strong verb; past tense cuom, com, past participle cumen), from Proto-Germanic *kwem- (cf. Old Saxon cuman, Old Frisian kuma, Middle Dutch comen, Dutch komen, Old High German queman, German kommen, Old Norse koma, Gothic qiman), from PIE root *gwa-, *gwem- "to go, come" (cf. Sanskrit gamati "he goes," Avestan jamaiti "goes," Tocharian kakmu "come," Lithuanian gemu "to be born," Greek bainein "to go, walk, step," Latin venire "to come").
  • The substitution of Middle English -o- for Old English -u- before -m-, -n-, or -r- was a scribal habit before minims to avoid misreading the letters in the old style handwriting, which jammed letters. The practice similarly transformed some, monk, tongue, worm. Modern past tense form came is Middle English, probably from Old Norse kvam, replacing Old English cuom.
  • Remarkably productive with prepositions (NTC's "Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs" lists 198 combinations); consider the varied senses in come to "regain consciousness," come over "possess" (as an emotion), come at "attack," come on (interj.) "be serious," and come off "occur." For sexual senses, see cum.
  • As in initiate : verb start, introduce
  • As in institute : verb begin; put into operation
  • As in invent : verb create, think up
  • As in machinate : verb maneuver, plot
  • As in maneuver : verb plan, scheme
  • As in originate : verb create, introduce
  • As in present : verb give, hand over
  • As in propose : verb suggest, present for action
  • As in supply : verb furnish, provide, give a resource
  • As in accompany : verb occur with something
  • As in instate : verb initiate
  • As in propound : verb propose
  • As in come up with : verb suggest, create
  • As in contrive : verb invent, design
  • As in devise : verb conceive, dream up
  • As in dig : verb investigate; discover
  • As in disburse : verb spend money
  • As in engineer : verb devise; bring about
  • As in find : verb catch sight of, lay hands on
  • As in follow : verb trail, pursue physically
  • As in hatch : verb create, plan

Antonyms for come with

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019