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Synonyms for categorical imperative
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of categorical imperative
- noun moral law
- Here steps in the "categorical imperative" with a vengeance.
- Extract from : « The Building of a Book » by Various
- A vocation was a "categorical imperative" to the soul, and there was no mistaking its presence.
- Extract from : « Passing By » by Maurice Baring
- Kant gave us a guiding rule with his categorical imperative.
- Extract from : « Friedrich Nietzsche » by Georg Brandes
- Kant, categorical imperative, 86.Good-will only real good, 85-86.
- Extract from : « The Five Great Philosophies of Life » by William de Witt Hyde
- The ‘categorical imperative,’ as propounded by him, is a form of self-deception.
- Extract from : « Rationalism » by John Mackinnon Robertson
- That was the Categorical Imperative, and Cecilia believed in it.
- Extract from : « Cecilia » by F. Marion Crawford
- This is what Kant really means by the categorical imperative.
- Extract from : « Edward Caldwell Moore » by Edward Moore
- And the philosopher of the ‘categorical imperative’ miscarries as instructively as does the soldier of divine will.
- Extract from : « Rationalism » by John Mackinnon Robertson
- A Categorical Imperative cannot issue commands with an eye to profit or comfort.
- Extract from : « Morals and the Evolution of Man » by Max Simon Nordau
- The categorical imperative was supposed to determine our moral sense and the distinction between good and evil.
- Extract from : « The Wonders of Life » by Ernst Haeckel
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abdicate
- adjudicate
- advocate
- advocated
- advocates
- affricate
- agent-provocateur
- agent provocateur
- alembicated
- allocate
- allocated
- allocates
- altercate
- authenticate
- authenticated
- be located
- bifurcate
- British imperial liquid measure
- canonicate
- catechism
- catechism class
- catechistic
- catechization
- catechize
- catechizings
- catechumen
- categorical
- categorical imperative
- categorical logic
- categorically
- categories
- categorization
- categorize
- categorized
- categorizes
- categorizing
- categorizings
- category
- catena
- catenary
- catenate
- catenated
- catenates
- catenating
- catenation
- cater
- cater-corner
- cater-cornered
- cater to
- catered
- catered to
- catering
- catering to
- caterings
- caterpillar
- caters to
- caterwaul
- caterwauled
- caterwauling
- caterwaulings
- centrally located
- centuplicate
- certificate
- certificate character
- certificate of character
- certificate of deposit
- collocate
- communicate
- communicated
- complicate
- complicated
- concatenate
- concatenation
- coruscate
- de-corticate
- de corticate
- de corticated
- de-corticated
- de truncate
- de-truncated
- de truncated
- decorticate
- dedicate
- dedicate to
- dedicated
- dedicated oneself to
- dedicated to
- dedicates oneself to
- defalcate
- defecate
- delicate subject
- delicately
- delicateness
- delicatesse
- delicatesses
- demarcate
- deprecate
- detruncate
- diagnosticate
- dislocate
- divaricate
- divaricate from
- domesticated
- driving while intoxicated
- duplicate
- duplicated
- educate
- educated
- educated class
- educated guess
- educated person
- embrocate
- equivocate
- eradicate
- eradicated
- excommunicate
- explicate
- extricate
- extricate oneself
- fabricate
- fabricated
- falcate
- female impersonator
- female impersonators
- give impetus
- hypothecate
- imbricate
- imbricated
- impeach
- impeachable
- impeachment
- impeccability
- impeccable
- impeccably
- impeccant
- impecuniosities
- impecuniosity
- impecunious
- impecuniousness
- impedance
- impede
- impediments
- impeding
- impedings
- impel
- impelled
- impellent
- impellents
- impelling
- impencunious
- impend
- impendence
- impendent
- impending
- impenetrability
- impenetrable
- impenitent
- imperatively
- imperativeness
- imperatives
- imperator
- imperceivable
- imperceptible
- imperceptibly
- imperceptive
- impercipient
- imperfect
- imperfection
- imperfections
- imperfectly
- imperforate
- imperial
- imperialism
- imperialist
- imperials
- imperil
- imperiled
- imperious
- imperiously
- imperiousness
- imperishability
- imperishable
- imperium
- imperium in imperio
- impermanent
- impermanently
- impermeability
- impermeable
- impermissible
- impersonal
- impersonate
- impersonation
- impersonator
- impertinence
- impertinent
- impertinently
- imperturbability
- imperturbable
- imperturbableness
- imperturbably
- imperturbation
- imperviable
- impervious
- impervious to
- imperviousness
- impetrate
- impetration
- impetuosity
- impetuous
- impetuously
- impetuousness
- impetus
- implicate
- implicate oneself
- implicated
- imprecate
- in delicate
- in the same category
- indelicate
- indicate
- indicated
- intoxicated
- intricate
- judge advocate
- limped
- locate
- located
- locater
- made an educated guess
- make an educated guess
- make intricate
- masticate
- medicate
- mendicate
- more complicated
- obfuscate
- overdelicate
- pacificate
- placate
- placater
- predicate
- prefabricate
- prevaricate
- prognosticate
- provocateur
- quadruplicate
- re-allocate
- re allocates
- re-locate
- re locate
- re located
- re-located
- re-locates
- re locates
- re plicate
- re plicated
- re plicates
- reallocate
- reciprocate
- reduplicate
- relocate
- replicate
- rusticate
- rusticated
- rusticates
- sophisticate
- sophisticated
- specificate
- supplicate
- syndicate
- temperance advocate
- the Syndicate
- truncate
- truncated
- umbilicate
- umbilicated
- uncomplicated
- uncomplicatedly
- uneducated
- unimpeachable
- unsophisticated
- vacate
- vacated
- vellicate
- vindicate
- vivificate
- was located
- whimper
- whimpering
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