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Synonyms for catechization
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kat-i-kahyz |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkæt ɪˌkaɪz |
Définition of catechization
Origin :- early 15c., from Church Latin catechizare "to teach by word of mouth" (also source of French catéchiser, Spanish catequizar, Italian catechizzare), from Greek katekhizein "teach orally, instruct by word of mouth," from katekhein "to resound" (see catechesis). Related: Catechized; catechizing.
- noun test
- Catechization is not a method of instruction by means of questions and answers.
- Extract from : « An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism » by Joseph Stump
- Neither the original meaning of the word nor the history of catechization justifies such a definition.
- Extract from : « An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism » by Joseph Stump
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abdicate
- adjudicate
- advocate
- advocated
- advocates
- affricate
- agent-provocateur
- agent provocateur
- alembicated
- allocate
- allocated
- allocates
- altercate
- authenticate
- authenticated
- be located
- bifurcate
- canonicate
- catechetical method
- catechism
- catechism class
- catechistic
- catechization
- catechize
- catechizings
- catechumen
- categorical
- categorical imperative
- categorically
- categories
- categorization
- categorize
- categorized
- categorizes
- categorizing
- categorizings
- category
- catena
- catenary
- catenate
- catenated
- catenates
- catenating
- catenation
- cater
- cater-corner
- cater-cornered
- cater to
- catered
- catered to
- catering
- catering to
- caterings
- caterpillar
- caters to
- caterwaul
- caterwauled
- caterwauling
- caterwaulings
- centrally located
- centuplicate
- certificate
- certificate character
- certificate of character
- certificate of deposit
- collocate
- communicate
- communicated
- complicate
- complicated
- concatenate
- concatenation
- coruscate
- de-corticate
- de corticate
- de corticated
- de-corticated
- de truncate
- de-truncated
- de truncated
- decorticate
- dedicate
- dedicate to
- dedicated
- dedicated oneself to
- dedicated to
- dedicates oneself to
- defalcate
- defecate
- delicate subject
- delicately
- delicateness
- delicatesse
- delicatesses
- demarcate
- deprecate
- detruncate
- diagnosticate
- dislocate
- divaricate
- divaricate from
- domesticated
- driving while intoxicated
- duplicate
- duplicated
- educate
- educated
- educated class
- educated guess
- educated person
- embrocate
- equivocate
- eradicate
- eradicated
- excommunicate
- explicate
- extricate
- extricate oneself
- fabricate
- fabricated
- falcate
- hypothecate
- imbricate
- imbricated
- implicate
- implicate oneself
- implicated
- imprecate
- in delicate
- in the same category
- indelicate
- indicate
- indicated
- intoxicated
- intricate
- judge advocate
- locate
- located
- locater
- made an educated guess
- make an educated guess
- make intricate
- masticate
- medicate
- mendicate
- more complicated
- obfuscate
- overdelicate
- pacificate
- placate
- placater
- predicate
- prefabricate
- prevaricate
- prognosticate
- provocateur
- quadruplicate
- re-allocate
- re allocates
- re-locate
- re locate
- re located
- re-located
- re-locates
- re locates
- re plicate
- re plicated
- re plicates
- reallocate
- reciprocate
- reduplicate
- relocate
- replicate
- rusticate
- rusticated
- rusticates
- sophisticate
- sophisticated
- specificate
- supplicate
- syndicate
- temperance advocate
- the Syndicate
- truncate
- truncated
- umbilicate
- umbilicated
- uncomplicated
- uncomplicatedly
- uneducated
- unsophisticated
- vacate
- vacated
- vellicate
- vindicate
- vivificate
- was located
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