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Synonyms for imperceptibly
Grammar : Adv |
Spell : im-per-sep-tuh-buhl |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɪm pərˈsɛp tə bəl |
Définition of imperceptibly
Origin :- early 15c., from French imperceptible (early 15c.), from Medieval Latin imperceptibilis, from assimilated form of in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + perceptibilis (see perceptible). Related: Imperceptibly. OED marks imperceivable as "Now rare."
- adv slowly
- Steadily, imperceptibly, and surely, until it was paramount and supreme.
- Extract from : « Life And Adventures Of Martin Chuzzlewit » by Charles Dickens
- I had seen it, the slight puff of the earlobes—oh, so imperceptibly slight.
- Extract from : « The House of Pride » by Jack London
- Imperceptibly, Helen straightened herself and took a breath.
- Extract from : « Moor Fires » by E. H. (Emily Hilda) Young
- Slowly, imperceptibly, the orientation of the planet has changed.
- Extract from : « The Life Radiant » by Lilian Whiting
- He drifted away from Miriam imperceptibly, without knowing he was going.
- Extract from : « Sons and Lovers » by David Herbert Lawrence
- But imperceptibly the influences of domestic life had tamed and won him.
- Extract from : « Moods » by Louisa May Alcott
- Then he turned to her again and imperceptibly inclined his head.
- Extract from : « Stubble » by George Looms
- But it was a question that took, not imperceptibly, some answering.
- Extract from : « The Golden Bowl » by Henry James
- They fructify in silence, and imperceptibly make their possessor rich.
- Extract from : « Prices of Books » by Henry B. Wheatley
- Imperceptibly even to herself, the inner Darcy was growing strong.
- Extract from : « Wanted: A Husband » by Samuel Hopkins Adams
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- impendence
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- impending
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- imperatively
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- imperator
- imperceivable
- imperceptible
- imperceptibly
- imperceptive
- impercipient
- imperfect
- imperfection
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- imperfectly
- imperforate
- imperial
- imperialism
- imperialist
- imperials
- imperil
- imperiled
- imperious
- imperiously
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- imperishable
- imperium
- imperium in imperio
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- impermeable
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- impersonator
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- impertinent
- impertinently
- imperturbability
- imperturbable
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- impervious to
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- impetrate
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- impetuosity
- impetuous
- impetuously
- impetuousness
- impetus
- limped
- unimpeachable
- whimper
- whimpering
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