Synonyms for zingara
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : tseeng-gah-rah |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈtsiŋ gɑ rɑ |
Définition of zingara
- As in gypsy : noun wanderer
- To deceive the zingari—that was a notable triumph for a zingara!
- Extract from : « King of Camargue » by Jean Aicard
- The Picts still held Aquilonia and part of Zingara, and the western coast of the continent.
- Extract from : « The Hyborian Age » by Robert E. Howard
- Zingara seized this opportunity to throw off the yoke, which example was followed by Corinthia and the Shemites.
- Extract from : « The Hyborian Age » by Robert E. Howard
- Before he enters the ring they sing a love-duet that displays more depth of feeling than we should expect from a Zingara.
- Extract from : « Stars of the Opera » by Mabel Wagnalls
- Only an extremely reckless man would risk his life and goods on this road through Zingara.
- Extract from : « The Hour of the Dragon » by Robert E. Howard
- Dawn will soon be breaking, and before sunrise we must be racing for the nearest port of Zingara!'
- Extract from : « The Hour of the Dragon » by Robert E. Howard
- But she scrambled quickly to her feet when Irene came running in, "The Zingara" all unsung.
- Extract from : « The Madigans » by Miriam Michelson
Words or expressions associated with your search
- add zing
- adrenalizing
- agonizing
- agonizingly
- agonizings
- amazing
- amazingly
- analyzing
- appetizing
- blazing
- blazingly
- buzzing
- buzzings
- capitalizing
- catalyzing
- catechizings
- categorizing
- categorizings
- catheterizing
- characterizing
- criticizing
- de-criminalizing
- de criminalizing
- de humanizing
- de-humanizing
- de-materializing
- de mobilizing
- de-mobilizing
- de moralizing
- de-moralizing
- de-odorizing
- de odorizing
- de-sensitizing
- de sensitizing
- de-sexualizing
- de stabilizing
- de-stabilizing
- de vitalizing
- de-vitalizing
- deep-freezing
- dehumanizing
- democratizing
- dozing
- economizings
- emphasizing
- emphasizings
- energizing
- etherizing
- eulogizings
- eunuchizing
- evangelizing
- familiarizing
- fantasizing
- fertilizings
- Fletcherizing
- freezing
- futzing around
- fuzzing
- galvanizing
- gazing
- generalizing
- give a zinger
- hydrolyzing
- hypnotizing
- hypothesizing
- jazzing
- jeopardizing
- kibitzing
- kibitzing around
- lazing
- lazings
- liberalizing
- memorizing
- minimizing
- monopolizing
- naturalizings
- neutralizings
- normalizing
- novelizing
- officializing
- oozing
- oozings
- organizing
- organizings
- paralyzing
- paralyzings
- pasteurizing plant
- patronizing
- patronizing attitude
- putzing around
- quizzings
- rationalizings
- razings
- razzing
- razzings
- re-cognizing
- re cognizing
- re energizing
- re-energizing
- re-organizing
- re organizing
- re vitalizing
- realizing
- realizing net profit
- recognizing
- scrutinizingly
- seizing
- sizing
- soliloquizing
- squeezing
- tantalizing
- tantalizings
- tenderizing
- trade zingers
- tyrranizing
- un appetizing
- unappetizing
- unrecognizing
- waltzing
- zing
- zingara
- zingaro
- zinged
- zinger
- zinging
- zingy
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