Synonyms for fantasizing
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : fan-tuh-sahyz |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈfæn təˌsaɪz |
Top 10 synonyms for fantasizing Other synonyms for the word fantasizing
Définition of fantasizing
Origin :- 1926, from fantasy + -ize. Related: Fantasized; fantasizing. An earlier verb was fantasticate (c.1600).
- verb dream about desires
Words or expressions associated with your search
- bouffant
- enfant terrible
- fantasied
- fantasies
- fantasizer
- fantasizing
- fantastic
- fantastic notion
- fantastical
- fantastical air
- fantasticality
- fantastically
- fantasy
- fantasying
- fantoccini
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- infant care
- infant/infantile
- infanthood
- infantile
- infantilism
- infantine
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- infantryperson
- infants
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