Synonyms for waiting list
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of waiting list
- noun list of people waiting for something
- Town lots were in demand and the club had a waiting list for membership.
- Extract from : « The Carter Girls' Mysterious Neighbors » by Nell Speed
- He patted the warrant which still occupied the waiting list in his pocket.
- Extract from : « Lightnin' » by Frank Bacon
- They are looked upon as candidates; they are placed on the waiting list.
- Extract from : « Democracy and Education » by John Dewey
- I suppose I am, though it is a little early, perhaps, and I dont know that I shall enter the waiting list.
- Extract from : « Betty Lee, Senior » by Harriet Pyne Grove
- "When some of these youngsters fall by the wayside we can supply their places from the waiting list," she said.
- Extract from : « Ethel Morton's Enterprise » by Mabell S.C. Smith
- Last of all, should not a club extend its membership to as many as possible, rather than have a waiting list?
- Extract from : « The Complete Club Book for Women » by Caroline French Benton
- His thoughts form an exclusive club, and when a new idea applies for admission it is placed on the waiting list.
- Extract from : « By the Christmas Fire » by Samuel McChord Crothers
- The waiting list was always long, for the fame of Barbara's table was great.
- Extract from : « A Captain in the Ranks » by George Cary Eggleston
- During the year 2505 was the highest number in attendance at any time, and then 3000 were on the waiting list.
- Extract from : « Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 7, Slice 3 » by Various
- They were magnificent in defense, and stubborn and brave, but their names figured too much on the "waiting list."
- Extract from : « Lincoln's Yarns and Stories » by Alexander K. McClure
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a-list
- A list
- aerialist
- agriculturalist
- animalistic
- anomalistic
- automobilist
- await
- awaited
- awaiting
- awaitings
- awaits
- ballista
- ballistic missile
- blacklist
- blister
- blistered
- calisthenics
- cannibalistic
- capitalist
- capitalistic system
- ceremonialistic
- computer specialist
- conventionalist
- conversationalist
- dualistic
- duelist
- easy listening
- enlist
- enlisted
- enlisted person
- enlistings
- enlistment
- environmentalist
- evangelist
- evangelistic
- experientialist
- fabulist
- fatalistic
- fever blister
- finding list
- formalist
- formalistic
- funambulist
- fundamentalist
- glisten
- glistening
- glisteningly
- glister
- hair stylist
- hairstylist
- hit list
- holistic
- idealist
- idealistic
- idolist
- imperialist
- individualist
- individualistic
- individualistically
- industrialist
- intercontinental ballistic missile
- intermediate range ballistic missile
- journalist
- journalists
- keep waiting
- lady-in-waiting
- laundry list
- lay in wait
- lay wait
- lead vocalist
- legalistic
- liberalistic
- lie in wait
- list
- list system
- listed questions and answers
- listen
- listen in
- listen up
- listener
- listeners
- listening
- listening device
- listing
- listless
- listlessly
- lists
- loyalist
- lying in wait
- lying wait
- maid-in-waiting
- mailing list
- masculist
- materialistic
- minimalist music
- moralistic
- nationalist
- nationalistic
- naturalistic
- naturalistic art
- naturalistic description
- nephalist
- neutralist
- neutralist nation
- nihilist
- nihilistic
- non-materialistic
- non materialistic
- non realistic
- non-realistic
- nonrealistic
- nonspecialist
- not listen
- novelist
- oculist
- on sick list
- on the critical list
- on the hit list
- on the sick list
- pastoralist
- pastoralists
- paternalistic
- Philistine
- philistinism
- play a waiting game
- pugilist
- racialist
- rationalist
- rationalistic
- realist
- realistic
- revivalist
- royalist
- sensationalistic
- short list
- shortlist
- Socialist
- specialist
- stylist
- supernaturalist
- systems software specialist
- teetotalist
- telephone listings
- televangelist
- televangelists
- television evangelist
- to listen blind
- top of the list
- totalistic
- traditionalist
- traditionalistic
- transcendentalist
- TV evangelist
- ultranationalist
- unidealistic
- wait
- wait and see
- wait-and-see attitude
- wait-and-see policy
- wait around
- wait for
- wait nearby
- wait on
- wait out
- wait see
- wait upon
- waited
- waited around
- waited for
- waited on
- waited upon
- waiter
- waiting
- waiting for
- waiting game
- waiting it out
- waiting list
- waiting maid
- waiting on
- waiting out
- waiting room
- waiting to
- waiting woman
- waitings
- waitlist
- waitperson
- waitress
- waitresses
- waits for
- watching and waiting
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