Synonyms for take up with
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : teyk |
Phonetic Transcription : teɪk |
Top 10 synonyms for take up with Other synonyms for the word take up with
- aid
- align
- amalgamate
- assist
- associate
- associate with
- attend
- back
- be friends
- be in
- be in cahoots
- bear
- befriend
- benefit
- bring
- buddy up
- bunch up
- carry
- case out
- chaperon
- chum together
- chum with
- clique with
- come aboard
- come on to
- come together
- company
- conduct
- confederate
- consort
- convoy
- cotton to
- encourage
- enroll
- fall in with
- favor
- fraternize
- gang up
- gang up with
- get chummy with
- get in on
- get in with
- get into
- get together
- go along with
- go around with
- go partners
- go to
- hang around
- hang around with
- hang out
- hang out with
- hang with
- help
- hit it off
- hobnob
- join up with
- keep company
- line up with
- mingle
- mingle with
- pair with
- pal
- pal around with
- pal up
- pal with
- play footsie with
- plug into
- pool
- run around with
- run with
- sign on
- sign up
- stand by
- string along with
- sustain
- swing with
- take part in
- take under one's wing
- take up with
- team up
- team up with
- throw in together
- throw in with
- tie in
- tie up
- tie up with
- truck with
- uphold
- welcome
- work with
Définition of take up with
Origin :- 1650s, "that which is taken in payment," from take (v.). Sense of "money taken in" by a single performance, etc., is from 1931. Movie-making sense is recorded from 1927. Criminal sense of "money acquired by theft" is from 1888. The verb sense of "to cheat, defraud" is from 1920. On the take "amenable to bribery" is from 1930.
- As in join : verb affiliate with organization
- As in associate : verb befriend
- As in befriend : verb make social acquaintance; support
- As in consort : verb be friendly with; fraternize
Antonyms for take up with
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019