Synonyms for starets
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : stahr-its, -yits |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈstɑr ɪts, -yɪts |
Définition of starets
- As in elder statesman : noun influential person
- All possibility of doubt about anything was silenced by obedience to the starets.
- Extract from : « Father Sergius » by Leo Tolstoy
- He did so, and took leave of the starets and moved to the other monastery.
- Extract from : « Father Sergius » by Leo Tolstoy
- He wished to refuse but the starets ordered him to accept the appointment.
- Extract from : « Father Sergius » by Leo Tolstoy
- As secretary to the Starets, I am able to disclose the actual and most amazing truth.
- Extract from : « The Minister of Evil » by William Le Queux
- The Bishop, a big, over-fed man, had a long chat with the Starets in my presence.
- Extract from : « The Minister of Evil » by William Le Queux
- The Starets was one of the most far-seeing and mercenary scoundrels.
- Extract from : « The Minister of Evil » by William Le Queux
- Truly, the beauties of Peterhof were a revelation to the Starets and myself.
- Extract from : « The Minister of Evil » by William Le Queux
- The Empress, her head bowed in silence, knelt before the weird impressive shrine, side by side with the Starets.
- Extract from : « The Minister of Evil » by William Le Queux
- One day a frantic message came to me over the telephone from Madame Vyrubova, who inquired the whereabouts of the Starets.
- Extract from : « The Minister of Evil » by William Le Queux
- The Tsar bowed as the Starets, crossing himself, bestowed his blessing upon him.
- Extract from : « The Minister of Evil » by William Le Queux
Words or expressions associated with your search
- all-star team
- aristarch
- basket star
- bastard
- bastard child
- bastardism
- bastardize
- bastardized
- bastardy
- be startled
- big star
- by fits and starts
- cut the mustard
- cutting the mustard
- dastard
- dastardliness
- dastardly
- daystar
- Dog Star
- evening star
- fits and starts
- five-star
- five-star admiral
- flying start
- four-star
- gat started
- get one started
- get started
- gets started
- getting started
- gold star
- guiding star
- had a head start
- had head start
- haddest a head start
- haddest head start
- hadst a head start
- hadst head start
- has a head start
- has head start
- hast a head start
- hast head start
- hath a head start
- have a head start
- ill-fated/ill-starred
- ill-starred
- in the stars
- Jewish star
- jewish stars
- jumpstart
- laundry starch
- lodestar
- made start
- make a fresh start
- make a start
- make start
- making a start
- making fresh start
- morning star
- non starter
- non-starter
- non-starters
- non starters
- nonstarter
- nonstarters
- North Star
- polestar
- quick start
- re start
- re started
- re starting
- restart
- running start
- self-starter
- self-starting
- slow starter
- star
- star cluster
- star-crossed
- star dust
- star-gazer
- Star of David
- star quality
- Star-Spangled Banner
- star system
- starch
- stardom
- stardust
- stare
- stare at
- starets
- stargaze
- stargazer
- stark
- stark-naked
- stark raving mad
- starkers
- starkness
- starless
- starry
- stars
- Stars and Bars
- Stars and Stripes
- start
- start back
- start from scratch
- start in on
- start the ball rolling
- start time
- started
- starting
- starting point
- startle
- startled
- startling
- startlingly
- startup money
- starvation
- starvation diet
- starve
- starved
- superstar
- the stars
- upstart
- wandering star
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