Synonyms for spitfire

Grammar : Noun
Spell : spit-fahyuh r
Phonetic Transcription : ˈspɪtˌfaɪər

Top 10 synonyms for spitfire Other synonyms for the word spitfire

Définition of spitfire

Origin :
  • 1600, from spit (v.) + fire (n.). Replaced earlier shitfire (cf. Florentine cacafuoco).
  • As in shrew : noun mean lady
  • As in tomboy : noun boyish girl
Example sentences :
  • At the next bench a tall mechanic was working with a part from a Spitfire.
  • Extract from : « A Yankee Flier Over Berlin » by Al Avery
  • The eldest, James, who was in the Navy, commanded the Spitfire sloop-of-war.
  • Extract from : « Captain Cook » by W.H.G. Kingston
  • Spitfire was conquered, and from that day he and Sam were the best of friends.
  • Extract from : « Winter Adventures of Three Boys » by Egerton R. Young
  • But you and your wife must get away from this island soon after the Spitfire leaves.
  • Extract from : « Officer And Man » by Louis Becke
  • The ever active and indefatigable little Spitfire joined the fleet.
  • Extract from : « The British Expedition to the Crimea » by William Howard Russell
  • The Spitfire, Cracker, and Grinder were now coming into action.
  • Extract from : « The British Expedition to the Crimea » by William Howard Russell
  • "I now understand why you go by the name of Spitfire," Loring remarked.
  • Extract from : « Sonia Between two Worlds » by Stephen McKenna
  • Marjorie is a spitfire, and has only just left off mischief herself—if she has.
  • Extract from : « The Quiver, Annual Volume 10/1899 » by Various
  • Spitfire was viciously shaking his head, now and then holding it low.
  • Extract from : « Dick Hamilton's Football Team » by Howard R. Garis
  • But Paul was quite a distance ahead, and Spitfire was running hard.
  • Extract from : « Dick Hamilton's Football Team » by Howard R. Garis
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