Synonyms for vixen

Grammar : Noun
Spell : vik-suhn
Phonetic Transcription : ˈvɪk sən

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Définition of vixen

Origin :
  • Old English *fyxen (implied in adjective fyxan), fem. of fox (see fox, and cf. Middle High German vühsinne, German füchsin). Solitary English survival of the Germanic feminine suffix -en, -in (cf. Old English gyden "goddess;" mynecen "nun," from munuc "monk;" wlyfen "she-wolf"). The figurative sense "ill-tempered woman" is attested from 1570s. The spelling shift from -f- to -v- began late 1500s (see V).
  • noun foxy person
Example sentences :
  • "We don't scare worth a cent," she snapped, with the virulence of a vixen.
  • Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
  • "I wonder what that vixen has said to her," he thought, as he turned in for the night.
  • Extract from : « In a Steamer Chair and Other Stories » by Robert Barr
  • If you should make a match with her, she is a very likely creature, though a vixen, as you say.
  • Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 3 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson
  • The vixen growled, and, picking up her prey, carried it to the bramble-clump.
  • Extract from : « Creatures of the Night » by Alfred W. Rees
  • The vixen warned him repeatedly; and she herself, after giving the signal “Hide!”
  • Extract from : « Creatures of the Night » by Alfred W. Rees
  • He began to fear that that much bepraised dame was something of a vixen after all.
  • Extract from : « Peak and Prairie » by Anna Fuller
  • The vixen falls into a hole which she does not see, so bent is she on controverting her husband.
  • Extract from : « Russian Fairy Tales » by W. R. S. Ralston
  • And if you're looking for the vixen's room, it's where you bunked before.
  • Extract from : « Police Your Planet » by Lester del Rey
  • This was to him a grand discovery, for, in anticipation, cubs and vixen were already his.
  • Extract from : « Welsh Folk-Lore » by Elias Owen
  • However, I'm no bargain and she's one-third wildcat, one-third vixen, and one-third cobra.
  • Extract from : « The Galaxy Primes » by Edward Elmer Smith

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