Synonyms for passive resistance
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of passive resistance
- noun nonviolent protest
- And as passive resistance was their attitude, his purging scheme was abortive.
- Extract from : « England and Germany » by Emile Joseph Dillon
- To all these measures a "passive resistance" was organised in Finland.
- Extract from : « Through Finland in Carts » by Ethel Brilliana Alec-Tweedie
- Passive resistance was the order and the practice of the day.
- Extract from : « The Tithe-Proctor » by William Carleton
- There has been, as we have already seen, an epidemic of passive resistance.
- Extract from : « Freedom In Service » by Fossey John Cobb Hearnshaw
- The sword of passive resistance does not require a scabbard.
- Extract from : « Indian Home Rule » by M. K. Gandhi
- Reader: You have said that passive resistance is a speciality of India.
- Extract from : « Indian Home Rule » by M. K. Gandhi
- Pecuniary ambition and passive resistance cannot well go together.
- Extract from : « Indian Home Rule » by M. K. Gandhi
- Passive resistance has been described in the course of our discussion as truth-force.
- Extract from : « Indian Home Rule » by M. K. Gandhi
- Passive resistance cannot proceed a step without fearlessness.
- Extract from : « Indian Home Rule » by M. K. Gandhi
- The way to it is passive resistance: that is soul force or love-force.
- Extract from : « Indian Home Rule » by M. K. Gandhi
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- air passage
- air passenger carrier
- all encompassing
- all-encompassing
- be in residence
- be passionate
- be residence
- by-pass
- by-passed
- by passed
- by-passes
- by passes
- by passing
- by-passing
- by-passings
- by passings
- bypass
- bypass surgery
- bypassing
- bypassings
- came pass
- came to pass
- catachresis
- come to pass
- compass
- compass of mind
- compass rose
- compassion
- compassionate
- compassionately
- complimentary pass
- disimpassioned
- dispassion
- dispassionate
- dispassionately
- dispassionateness
- encompass
- encompassed
- encompassed by
- encompasses
- encompassing
- encompassment
- fire-resistant
- fire resistant
- fireresistant
- fireside
- foresight
- foresighted
- free pass
- guest pass
- had compassion
- haddest compassion
- haddest passion for
- hadst compassion
- hadst passion for
- Hail Mary pass
- hail mary passes
- hand in resignation
- has a passion for
- has passion for
- have a passion for
- have compassion
- having foresight
- impassable
- impasse
- impassibility
- impassible
- impassion
- impassioned
- impassionedly
- impassive
- impassively
- impassiveness
- impassivity
- in passage
- in passing
- irresilient
- irresistible
- irresistible impulse
- laisser passer
- last minute pass
- last-minute passes
- last minute passes
- lastminute pass
- lastminute passes
- legal residence
- let pass
- made passable
- make a pass
- make a pass at
- nearby resident
- non resident
- non-resistance
- non resisting
- nonpassenger train
- nonresident
- nonresistance
- nonresistant
- nonresisting
- nonviolent resistance
- official residence
- overpass
- pass
- pass along
- pass an eye over
- pass around
- pass as
- pass away
- pass buck
- pass by
- pass comment
- pass down
- pass for
- pass gas
- pass in
- pass in to
- pass inspection
- pass into
- pass into enemy hands
- pass judgment
- pass judgment on
- pass muster
- pass on
- pass oneself off as
- pass out
- pass over
- pass'-partout
- pass'-partouts
- pass pattern
- pass quietly
- pass rubicon
- pass sentence
- pass sentence on
- pass the buck
- pass the hat
- pass the Rubicon
- pass the time
- pass the word
- pass through
- pass time
- pass to
- pass up
- pass upon
- passable
- passably
- passage
- passage boat
- passage of arms
- passage out
- passage/passageway
- passages
- passageway
- passageways
- passe
- passé
- passed
- passed along
- passed away
- passed for
- passed gas
- passed in
- passed in to
- passed inspection
- passed off
- passed on
- passed out
- passed over
- passed rubicon
- passed the buck
- passed the time
- passed through
- passed time
- passed up
- passel
- passel of
- passenger
- passenger car
- passer
- passer-by
- passerby
- passersby
- passes along
- passes away
- passes by
- passes down
- passes gas
- passes in to
- passes judgment
- passes on
- passes oneself as
- passes out
- passes over
- passes rubicon
- passes the rubicon
- passes through
- passes time
- passes to
- passes up
- passes upon
- passing
- passing along
- passing away
- passing aways
- passing by
- passing fancy
- passing for
- passing gas
- passing off as
- passing offs
- passing on
- passing oneself off as
- passing outs
- passing over
- passing overs
- passing quietly
- passing rubicon
- passing thought
- passing through
- passion
- passionate
- passionately
- passionless
- passions
- passive
- passive euthanasia
- passive resistance
- passive resister
- passive smoking
- passively
- passiven
- passiveness
- passivism
- passivity
- passport
- passport photo
- password
- passworded
- passwording
- path of least resistance
- pièce de résistance
- preside
- preside over
- presidency
- president
- presidential mansion
- presidential palace
- presidio
- radio compass
- reside
- residence
- residency
- residents
- resider
- residue
- resign
- resign oneself
- resignation
- resigned
- resilient
- resist
- resistance
- resistant
- resistantly
- resistive
- screen pass
- surpass
- surpassing
- surpassingly
- take up residence
- takes residence
- trespass
- U.S. President
- u s president
- u. s. president
- u s presidents
- u. s. presidents
- u.s. presidents
- uncompassionate
- unpassioned
- unresisting
- unsurpassed
- wireless compass
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