Synonyms for parallelogram
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : par-uh-lel-uh-gram |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌpær əˈlɛl əˌgræm |
Définition of parallelogram
Origin :- 1560s, from Middle French parallélogramme (1550s) and directly from Late Latin parallelogrammum, from Greek parallelogrammon noun use of neuter adjective meaning "bounded by parallel lines," from parallelos (see parallel) + stem of graphein "to write" (see -graphy).
- As in quadrangle : noun four-sided figure
- As in rectangle : noun four-sided figure
- The tables at which the guests are seated form three sides of a parallelogram.
- Extract from : « Six Centuries of Painting » by Randall Davies
- From shoulders to the ground he was in the form of a parallelogram.
- Extract from : « The Kentucky Ranger » by Edward T. Curnick
- The plan is a parallelogram, with a semicircle at the further end.
- Extract from : « The Western World » by W.H.G. Kingston
- These lines formed a parallelogram about three feet in length by two in breadth.
- Extract from : « Ran Away to Sea » by Mayne Reid
- This day come home the instrument I have so long longed for, the Parallelogram.
- Extract from : « Diary of Samuel Pepys, Complete » by Samuel Pepys
- The building is a parallelogram in form, with a frontage of 335 feet.
- Extract from : « Travels in South Kensington » by Moncure Daniel Conway
- These four resistances are arranged in the form of a parallelogram.
- Extract from : « Physics » by Willis Eugene Tower
- The eyes are of the shape of a parallelogram with rounded corners.
- Extract from : « The Archaeology of the Yakima Valley » by Harlan Ingersoll Smith
- The parallelogram in the front contains a cross and has the appearance of a labyrinth, but it is not.
- Extract from : « The Swastika » by Thomas Wilson
- This stamp is of the form of a parallelogram, and is inscribed on two of its sides.
- Extract from : « Archaeological Essays Vol. 2 » by James Y. Simpson
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- parallelogram
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- paralytic
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- paralyzed
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- paramountcy
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