Synonyms for paragraphed
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : par-uh-graf, -grahf |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpær əˌgræf, -ˌgrɑf |
Définition of paragraphed
Origin :- late 15c., from Middle French paragraphe "division of text" (13c., Old French paragrafe), from Medieval Latin paragraphus "sign for start of a new section of discourse" (the sign looked something like a stylized letter -P-), from Greek paragraphos "short stroke in the margin marking a break in sense," also "a passage so marked," literally "anything written beside," from paragraphein "write by the side," from para- "beside" (see para- (1)) + graphein "to write" (see -graphy).
- As in indented : adj depressed
- But I have paragraphed it in the Nation, to which I refer you.
- Extract from : « The Letters of Henry James (volume I) » by Henry James
- I am sneered at by all my acquaintance, and paragraphed in the newspapers.
- Extract from : « The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886 » by Ministry of Education
- When you have been paragraphed thoroughly, went on Rimnezthe next move will be a dash into what is called swagger society.
- Extract from : « The Sorrows of Satan » by Marie Corelli
- They are very brief, follow a prescribed form and, if necessary, are paragraphed in the same way as the letter.
- Extract from : « Military Instructors Manual » by James P. Cole and Oliver Schoonmaker
- Since the lead is in itself a separate part of the story it should always be paragraphed separately.
- Extract from : « Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence » by Grant Milnor Hyde
- It was not a long story under a half-column head, but the few lines were double-leaded, and paragraphed at every period.
- Extract from : « The Mission of Poubalov » by Frederick R. (Frederick Russell) Burton
- I was lampooned, caricatured, and paragraphed in the newspapers, in a thousand different ways.
- Extract from : « Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume VI » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
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- disparaging
- disparate
- draw parallel
- go separate ways
- in comparable
- in comparably
- in preparation
- in separable
- incomparable
- made parallel
- make parallel
- make reparation
- make reparations
- not parallel
- paparazzi
- paparazzo
- para-bola
- para-chuted
- para chuted
- para chutes
- para chuting
- para-chuting
- para-medic
- para medic
- para medics
- para-medics
- para meter
- para-meter
- para meters
- para-meters
- para mount
- para-mount
- para normal
- para-normal
- para-phrase
- para phrase
- para-phrased
- para phrased
- para phrases
- para-phrases
- para phrasing
- para-phrasings
- para phrasings
- para-professional
- para professional
- para professionals
- para-professionals
- para-site
- para site
- para sites
- para-sites
- parable
- parables
- parabola
- parabolic
- parabolic reflector
- parachute
- parachuted
- parachuting
- paraclete
- parade
- parade one's wares
- parade one wares
- parade wares
- paraded
- paraded one's wares
- parades one's wares
- parades one wares
- paradigm
- paradigmatic
- paradigms
- parading
- paradings
- paradisaic
- paradisaical
- paradisal
- paradise
- paradisiac
- paradisiacal
- paradisiacally
- paradox
- paradoxes
- paradoxical
- paraesthesia
- paragon
- paragoned
- paragoning
- paragraph
- paragraphed
- paragraphs
- parallel
- parallel evolution
- parallel of
- parallel of latitude
- parallel parking
- parallel to
- paralleled
- paralleling
- parallelings
- parallelism
- parallelize
- parallelogram
- parallels
- paralogism
- paralogize
- paralogy
- paralysis
- paralysis agitan
- paralysis agitans
- paralytic
- paralyze
- paralyzed
- paralyzing
- paralyzings
- paramecia
- paramecium
- paramedic
- paramedics
- parameter
- parameters
- paramnesia
- paramount
- paramountcy
- paramour
- paranoia
- paranoid
- paranoids
- paranormal
- paranymph
- parapet
- paraphernalia
- paraphrase
- paraphraser
- paraphrasing
- paraphrasings
- paraplegic
- parapluie
- paraprofessional
- paraprofessionals
- parapsychological
- parapsychology
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- parasitic
- parasitical
- paratrooper
- paratroops
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- preparatory
- reparation
- reparations
- separate
- separated
- separately
- separateness
- separating
- separation
- separationist
- separatist
- spastic paralysis
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