Synonyms for leading light
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : lee-ding |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈli dɪŋ |
Définition of leading light
- noun inspirational celebrity
- Since Guerrita, not a single matador of leading light has arisen.
- Extract from : « Unexplored Spain » by Abel Chapman
- Then the leading light in the Tenth Baptist Church turned to the remorse-stricken man again.
- Extract from : « Bats in the Wall » by P. T. Raymond
- Phil May was a leading light of the society, and the grimy and bedaubed plaster laughed with his conceits at every turn.
- Extract from : « Thirty Years in Australia » by Ada Cambridge
- The Leading Light now answered better to her helm, and, heading up a point, reached well into the bay.
- Extract from : « Labrador Days » by Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
- Though every moment he was expecting the Leading Light to make her last long dive, his courage never for a second deserted him.
- Extract from : « Labrador Days » by Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
- She was the leading light and was always ready and willing to assist in any good work.
- Extract from : « Collection of Nebraska Pioneer Reminiscences » by Nebraska Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution
- This recalls to my mind a story which Gye once told me about a leading light of this Society who was on a visit to Egypt.
- Extract from : « With the Zionists in Gallipoli » by John Henry Patterson
- McColl was a most interesting personality, a leading light on matters occult, and a famous recounter of ghost stories.
- Extract from : « Ghosts I Have Seen » by Violet Tweedale
- For a time I stumbled and walked in darkness but the leading light is clearer now.
- Extract from : « Blacksheep! Blacksheep! » by Meredith Nicholson
- One of them, the leading light of the local Nationalist party, is rated at £8.
- Extract from : « Ireland as It Is » by Robert John Buckley (AKA R.J.B.)
Words or expressions associated with your search
- afterlight
- alight
- alight up on
- alight upon
- alighted
- alightings
- at the leading edge
- bandleader
- be delighted
- be highlighted
- blight
- blighted
- Blighty
- came light
- came to light
- caution light
- city of light
- crepuscular light
- dawnlight
- daylight savings time
- de-light
- de light
- de-lighted
- de lighted
- de-lightful
- de lightful
- de-lighting
- de lighting
- de-lights
- de lights
- delight
- delight in
- delighted
- delighted in
- delightedly
- delightful
- delightfully
- delightfulness
- delighting
- delights
- emergency lights
- emit light
- emits light
- emitted light
- emitting light
- enlighten
- enlightened
- enlightening
- enlightenment
- enlightens
- false light
- fanlight
- feel lightheaded
- first light
- flight
- flight attendant
- flight control
- flight of fancy
- flight of imagination
- flightiness
- flighty
- footlights
- gaslight
- get green light
- get lead out
- get the lead out
- give light
- give the green light
- go like lightning
- go out like a light
- green light
- half-light
- half light
- half-lights
- halflight
- hard plight
- hazard lights
- headlight
- highlight
- idiot lights
- ill-lighted
- illlighted
- in broad daylight
- in light of
- in limelight
- in spotlight
- in the lead
- in the limelight
- in the twilight zone
- jump leads
- jumper lead
- klieg light
- landing lights
- lead
- lead (a life)
- lead a life
- lead a merry chase
- lead astray
- lead away
- lead balloon
- lead balloons
- lead by the nose
- lead character
- lead characters
- lead dancer
- lead expect
- lead-footed
- lead in
- lead-in
- lead in to
- lead into
- lead item
- lead off
- lead on
- lead on a merry chase
- lead out
- lead role
- lead sheet
- lead ship
- lead singer
- lead the way
- lead time
- lead to
- lead to altar
- lead to believe
- lead to do
- lead to expect
- lead up garden path
- lead up to
- lead vocalist
- lead way
- leaden
- leadenness
- leader
- leader of ceremonies
- leaders
- leadership
- leadest
- leadfeet
- leadfoot
- leadin
- leading
- leading a life
- leading astray
- leading away
- leading edge
- leading-edge
- leading-edges
- leading in to
- leading into
- leading lady
- leading light
- leading man
- leading nowhere
- leading off
- leading on
- leading person
- leading persons
- leading question
- leading role
- leading the way
- leading to
- leading up to
- leading woman
- leadingedge
- leadings
- leadoff
- leads astray
- leads believe
- leads do
- leads in to
- leads into
- leads off
- leads on
- leads the way
- leads to
- leads up to
- leads way
- let daylight in
- let sunlight in
- lets daylight in
- lets sunlight in
- letted daylight in
- letted sunlight in
- light
- light entertainment
- light-footed
- light-hearted
- light-heartedness
- light into
- light meter
- light-minded
- light of day
- Light of the World
- light rail
- light talk
- light the way
- lighten
- lighten up
- lightened
- lightening
- lighter
- lightheaded
- lightheadedness
- lighthearted
- lightheartedly
- lightheartedness
- lighthouse
- lighting
- lightless
- lightly
- lightness
- lightning
- lightweight
- limelight
- make light of
- make lighter
- make see daylight
- making light
- mislead
- misleader
- misleading
- misleading statement
- misleading word
- moonlight
- national leader
- neon light
- northern-lights
- Northern lights
- northern lightses
- once over lightly
- onced over lightly
- onces over lightly
- oncing over lightly
- out like a light
- pedestrian light
- pilot light
- plead
- pleader
- pleading
- plight
- polar lights
- re-lighted
- re lighting
- re lights
- red-light district
- relight
- ringleader
- romantic lead
- rushlight
- see in a new light
- slight
- slightest
- slighting
- slightingly
- slightly
- slightness
- spiritual leader
- sunlight
- take delight
- take delight in
- take flight
- take lead
- take lightly
- take the lead
- takes flight
- takes lightly
- takes the lead
- taking flight
- taking the lead
- the bright lights
- the footlights
- the lead out
- top-flight
- topflight
- traveling light
- trip the light fantastic
- turn spotlight on
- twilight
- unblighted
- unenlightened
- unenlightenment
- unlighted
- Very lights
- warning light
- warning lights
- yellow light
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