Synonyms for lay on thick
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : ley |
Phonetic Transcription : leɪ |
Top 10 synonyms for lay on thick Other synonyms for the word lay on thick
- accent
- accentuate
- act
- adopt
- adulate
- aggrandize
- allure
- apple polish
- argue into
- aspire to
- assume
- attract attention
- bait
- bamboozle
- banter
- beguile
- beslaver
- blandish
- blow
- blow one's own horn
- blow out of proportion
- blow smoke
- bluff
- bluster
- boast
- boost
- bootlick
- brag
- brownnose
- build up
- bully
- butter
- butter up
- cajole
- caricature
- cater to
- charm
- coax
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- color
- con
- congratulate oneself
- contrive
- cook up
- corrupt
- counterfeit
- court
- crow
- crowd
- decoy
- do a bit
- dramatize
- egg on
- embellish
- embroider
- enlarge
- ensnare
- entrap
- exalt
- expand
- exult
- fabricate
- fake
- fawn
- feign
- flatter
- flatter oneself
- flaunt
- flourish
- fudge
- gasconade
- get around
- get carried away
- get next to
- give a good account of oneself
- gloat
- glorify
- glory
- go to extremes
- grandstand
- grovel
- ham it up
- hand a line
- heighten
- hike
- honey
- hook
- hug oneself
- humor
- hyperbolize
- induce
- inflate
- influence
- intensify
- inveigle
- jive
- jolly
- labor at
- lay it on thick
- lay on thick
- lead on
- lie
- loud talk
- lure
- magnify
- make out like
- make too much of
- make up to
- maneuver
- massage
- maximize
- mislead
- misquote
- misreport
- misrepresent
- mug
- oil
- overact
- overdo
- overdo it
- overdraw
- overemphasize
- overestimate
- overpraise
- overstate
- overstress
- overuse
- overwork
- pad
- persuade
- play up
- play up to
- playact
- point up
- praise
- prate
- preen
- pretty up
- psych
- puff
- push
- put on
- put up a front
- pyramid
- romance
- romanticize
- rope in
- rub the right way
- salve
- scam
- seduce
- sell
- sham
- shoot
- shovel
- show off
- showboat
- shuck
- simulate
- slaver
- sling
- snow
- soap
- soft-soap
- soften
- soften up
- sound off
- spread it on
- stretch
- string along
- stroke
- strut
- suck up to
- swagger
- sweet talk
- sweet-talk
- sweeten up
- take on
- talk big
- tantalize
- tempt
- toady
- toll
- triumph
- up
- urge
- vapor
- wheedle
- work on
- work over
Définition of lay on thick
Origin :- Old English lecgan "to place on the ground (or other surface)," also "put down (often by striking)," from Proto-Germanic *lagjanan (cf. Old Saxon leggian, Old Norse leggja, Old Frisian ledza, Middle Dutch legghan, Dutch leggen, Old High German lecken, German legen, Gothic lagjan "to lay, put, place"), causative of lie (v.2). As a noun, from 1550s, "act of laying." Meaning "way in which something is laid" (e.g. lay of the land) first recorded 1819.
- Meaning "have sex with" first recorded 1934, in U.S. slang, probably from sense of "deposit" (which was in Old English, as in lay an egg, lay a bet, etc.), perhaps reinforced by to lie with, a phrase frequently met in the Bible. The noun meaning "woman available for sexual intercourse" is attested from 1930, but there are suggestions of it in stage puns from as far back as 1767. To lay for (someone) "await a chance at revenge" is from late 15c.; lay low "stay inconspicuous" is from 1839. To lay (someone) low preserves the secondary Old English sense.
- As in inveigle : verb entice, manipulate
- As in overplay : verb be dramatic
- As in overstate : verb exaggerate
- As in butter up : verb charm someone with flattery
- As in boast : verb brag
- As in cajole : verb attempt to coax; flatter
- As in sweet-talk : verb flatter
- As in affect : verb pretend, imitate
- As in exaggerate : verb overstate, embellish
- As in flatter : verb compliment excessively
Antonyms for lay on thick
- abridge
- be honest
- be modest
- be sad
- belittle
- bully
- castigate
- compress
- conceal
- condemn
- contract
- criticize
- decrease
- denounce
- deprecate
- depreciate
- discourage
- disenchant
- disgust
- dissuade
- fail
- force
- free
- hide
- ignore
- insult
- irritate
- lessen
- let go
- liberate
- lower
- minimize
- mismatch
- offend
- play down
- prevent
- reduce
- release
- repel
- repulse
- shrink
- simplify
- stop
- tell truth
- turn off
- understate
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