Synonyms for jail cell
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of jail cell
- As in drunk tank : noun cell for drunken prisoners
Words or expressions associated with your search
- active cell
- cancellation
- cancelled
- cancelled out
- cancelling
- cancelling out
- cavia porcellu
- Cavia porcellus
- cell animation
- cell-division
- cell division
- cell phone
- cell phone number
- cellar
- cellarette
- cellophane
- cells
- cellular
- cellular division
- cellular phone
- cellular phones
- cellular telephone
- cellulite
- celluloid
- cellulose
- chancellor
- cyclone cellar
- detention cell
- egg cell
- ensorcell
- ensorcelled
- excellence
- excellency
- excellent
- excellently
- gustatory cell
- holding cell
- in jail
- jail
- jail-breaker
- jail breaker
- jail cell
- jailbird
- jailbreak
- jailed
- jailedded
- jailedding
- jaileds
- jailer
- jailer jailor
- jailer/jailor
- jailerjailor
- jailerjailors
- jailhouse
- jailings
- miscellanea
- miscellany
- nacelle
- nerve cell
- padded cell
- par excellence
- parcelled
- parcelled out
- parcelling
- sacellum
- super-excellent
- toss in jail
- vermicelli
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