Synonyms for padded cell

Grammar : Noun

Top 10 synonyms for padded cell Other synonyms for the word padded cell

Définition of padded cell

  • As in loony bin : noun mental institution
  • As in nut house : noun mental institution
  • As in booby hatch : noun insane asylum
  • As in funny farm : noun insane asylum
  • As in insane asylum : noun mental institution
Example sentences :
  • "Your vocation is the padded cell," replied his father tersely.
  • Extract from : « The Scrap Book, Volume 1, No. 3 » by Various
  • I'd as soon talk to a man in a padded cell and a strait-jacket.
  • Extract from : « The Firefly Of France » by Marion Polk Angellotti
  • During most of this time I was held also in seclusion in a padded cell.
  • Extract from : « A Mind That Found Itself » by Clifford Whittingham Beers
  • Except for the ticking of a clock the room was silent as a padded cell.
  • Extract from : « Dope » by Sax Rohmer
  • The theory of Edwards, who is now confined in a padded cell in the Tombs, is different.
  • Extract from : « Practical English Composition: Book II. » by Edwin L. Miller
  • A strait-jacket and a padded cell sprang into the perspective with his words, and the selfishness of sorrow stared me in the face.
  • Extract from : « Edgar Saltus: The Man » by Marie Saltus
  • Shir K'han padded up to his side and informed him that he would have to rest in a padded cell while the landing took place.
  • Extract from : « Deepfreeze » by Robert Donald Locke
  • That was, so to speak, a conjuring-trick of a laying-box, which let the egg fall through a trap-door into a padded cell beneath.
  • Extract from : « Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 156, May 21, 1919. » by Various
  • For there is but an inch of difference between the cushioned chamber and the padded cell.
  • Extract from : « A Chesterton Calendar » by G. K. Chesterton
  • Another winter interned here,” wrote such a one, “and I shall need a padded cell.
  • Extract from : « The Better Germany in War Time » by Harold Picton
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