Synonyms for inducible

Grammar : Adv
Spell : in-doos, -dyoos
Phonetic Transcription : ɪnˈdus, -ˈdyus

Définition of inducible

Origin :
  • late 14c., "to lead by persuasions or other influences," from Latin inducere "lead into, bring in, introduce, conduct, persuade," from in- "into, in, on, upon" (see in- (2)) + ducere "to lead" (see duke (n.)). Meaning "to bring about," of concrete situations, etc., is from early 15c.; sense of "to infer by reasoning" is from 1560s. Electro-magnetic sense first recorded 1777. Related: Induced; inducing.
  • As in a posteriori : adv involving reasoning from facts

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