Synonyms for overindulgence

Grammar : Noun
Spell : oh-ver-in-duhlj
Phonetic Transcription : ˌoʊ vər ɪnˈdʌldʒ

Top 10 synonyms for overindulgence Other synonyms for the word overindulgence

Définition of overindulgence

Origin :
  • also over-indulge, 1821, from over (adv.) + indulge.
  • noun debauchery
Example sentences :
  • But meanwhile his will, too, has suffered from overindulgence.
  • Extract from : « A Civic Biology » by George William Hunter
  • As danger lies in overindulgence, this point cannot be too strongly emphasized.
  • Extract from : « Dietetics for Nurses » by Fairfax T. Proudfit
  • Indiscriminate indulgence is to be condemned, as is overindulgence in exercise or eating.
  • Extract from : « Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension: » by Louis Marshall Warfield
  • The danger is in overindulgence and indigestion resulting in spiritual invalidism.
  • Extract from : « A Backward Glance at Eighty » by Charles A. Murdock
  • They all had to go, even little Stanislovas, who was ill from overindulgence in sausages and sarsaparilla.
  • Extract from : « The Jungle » by Upton Sinclair
  • Second, those who by overindulgence in marital relations, or by dissipation with women, have ruined their forces.
  • Extract from : « Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners » by B.G. Jefferis
  • Not many continue to do so, and sooner or later there is almost certain to be an overindulgence.
  • Extract from : « Training for the Trenches » by Leslie Vickers
  • It makes me quite miserable to see how you waste your money in the gaming houses, and ruin your health by overindulgence in wine.
  • Extract from : « Harper's Young People, December 23, 1879 » by Various
  • All know the delirium produced by overindulgence in liquor, and the hallucinations that accompany fever.
  • Extract from : « Mind and Body » by William Walker Atkinson
  • The evil of overindulgence has, alas, swept in upon us like a torrent, overwhelming as a flood all classes.
  • Extract from : « Epistle Sermons, Vol. II » by Martin Luther

Antonyms for overindulgence

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019