Synonyms for in creases
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : verb in-krees; noun in-krees |
Phonetic Transcription : verb ɪnˈkris; noun ˈɪn kris |
Top 10 synonyms for in creases Other synonyms for the word in creases
- a hand
- abound
- abundance
- accent
- accentuate
- access
- accession
- accessory
- acclaim
- accommodation
- accomplish
- accretion
- accrual
- accrument
- accumulation
- activate
- actuate
- add
- add fuel
- add fuel to fire
- add insult to injury
- addendum
- adding to
- addition
- additive
- adjunct
- adorn
- adulthood
- advance
- advancement
- advancing
- advantage
- advertising
- age
- agglomerate
- agglomeration
- aggrandize
- aggrandizement
- aggravate
- aggregate
- aggregation
- agitate
- allowance
- alms
- amalgamate
- amass
- amassing
- amassment
- ameliorate
- amelioration
- amend
- amendment
- amplification
- amplify
- anabasis
- animate
- anneal
- annex
- annexing
- annoy
- appendage
- appendix
- applaud
- appoint
- appreciate
- appropriation
- arise
- arm
- arouse
- arrange
- array
- arrival
- arrive
- ascend
- assemble
- assiduity
- attachment
- attain
- attainment
- augment
- augmentation
- augmenting
- awake
- awaken
- back up
- balloon
- bank
- bask
- batten
- be displayed
- be distributed
- be enriched
- be in clover
- be inflated
- be on top of heap
- be out of woods
- be profuse
- be prolix
- bear
- bear fruit
- beautify
- become
- become better
- become bloated
- become distended
- become rich
- become swollen
- become wealthy
- bed of roses
- beef up
- beefing up
- beget
- belly
- benefaction
- beneficence
- benefit
- bestowal
- better
- betterment
- bifurcate
- billow
- bite
- bless
- blister
- bloat
- bloating
- bloom
- blossom
- blow up
- boil
- bolster
- bonus
- boom
- boost
- bounce back
- brace
- branch
- branch off
- branch out
- breadth
- breadthen
- break
- breakthrough
- breed
- breeding
- brighten
- bring in
- bring together
- broaden
- broadening
- bruise
- bud
- build
- build up
- build-up
- buildup
- bulge
- bulk
- bulk up
- bump
- bunch
- bunion
- burgeon
- burgeoning
- burn
- burst
- burst forth
- buttress
- cache
- capture
- carbon
- carbon copy
- carbuncle
- carry
- carry on
- cast
- catch on
- challenge
- change
- charity
- chip off old block
- chrysalis
- chunk
- circulate
- civilization
- civilize
- clean up
- clear
- climb
- clone
- clover
- coarsen
- coat
- collect
- collecting
- collection
- collocate
- come
- come along
- come around
- come to be
- comfort
- comfortable
- commend
- commission
- compass
- compile
- complement
- complete
- complicate
- compound
- compounding
- concentrate
- condition deepening
- confirm
- conglomeration
- consummate
- continuance
- continue
- continuing
- continuity
- continuum
- contusion
- convalesce
- copy
- corn
- correct
- correction
- corroborate
- course
- cover
- cram
- crane
- credit
- crop
- cultivate
- cultivation
- cumulate
- cumulation
- cut
- darken
- dash
- daub
- deepen
- delay
- delight
- deposit
- derive
- detail
- detonate
- develop
- developing
- development
- diffuse
- diffusion
- dignify
- dilatation
- dilate
- dilation
- disclose
- discovery
- dispatch
- disperse
- dispersion
- dissemination
- distance
- distend
- distension
- distention
- distinguish
- distort
- disturb
- ditto
- diverge
- diversify
- divide
- dividend
- do
- do one's part
- do well
- do wonders
- doctor up
- donation
- double
- down payment
- drag one's feet
- drag out
- draw
- draw out
- draw together
- drawing out
- dualize
- dump
- dupe
- duplicate
- duplify
- duration
- earn
- earnings
- ease
- easy street
- eat up
- economize
- edit
- educe
- egg on
- elaborate
- elaborating
- elaboration
- elevate
- elevation
- elongate
- elongation
- embellish
- embitter
- embroider
- emend
- emerge
- emolument
- emphasize
- empower
- endurance
- enduring
- energize
- engender
- enhance
- enhancement
- enjoy
- enkindle
- enlarge
- enlargement
- enlist
- ennoble
- enrage
- enrich
- enrichment
- envenom
- escalate
- escalation
- establish
- eulogize
- even out
- evolution
- evolvement
- evolving
- exacerbate
- exacerbation
- exaggerate
- exaggeration
- exalt
- exasperate
- excite
- excogitate
- exorbitance
- expand
- expanse
- expansion
- expatiate
- expedite
- expedition
- explicate
- explode
- expound
- extend
- extension
- extent
- extra
- facsimile
- fake
- fan
- fan out
- fan the flames
- fare well
- father
- fatten
- favor
- feast
- feather nest
- fecundate
- feed
- feed the fire
- feel oneself again
- fertilize
- fill
- fill out
- fill up
- find
- finding
- fire
- fire up
- flatten
- flesh out
- fleshing out
- flimsy
- floater
- flourish
- flow
- flower
- flowering
- flying colors
- fold
- foment
- forge ahead
- fork
- fortify
- fortune
- front money
- fudge
- fulfill
- further
- furtherance
- gain
- gain ground
- gain weight
- gall
- galvanize
- gather
- generate
- generation
- germinate
- germination
- get
- get ahead
- get back on feet
- get better
- get bigger
- get fat
- get in shape
- get on
- get out from under
- get over
- get places
- get taller
- get there
- get to
- get to one's feet
- get well
- gifting
- glean
- glorify
- gloss
- go
- go from bad to worse
- go great guns
- go off
- go on
- go places
- go to town
- go-ahead
- goad
- gob
- going on
- good
- good times
- grab
- graduate
- grant
- grate
- gravy
- gravy train
- gross profit
- ground
- group
- grow
- grow full
- grow larger
- grow rapidly
- grow rich
- growth
- handout
- harden
- harvest
- hasten
- have
- headway
- heal
- heap
- heap together
- heat
- heat up
- heighten
- heightening
- help
- helping hand
- high on the hog
- hike
- hike up
- hit it big
- hit on
- hit the jackpot
- hoard
- hoarding
- hold
- hold up
- honor
- hump
- hunk
- hurry
- husband
- hype
- ignite
- imitation
- impassion
- impel
- impetus
- impregnate
- improve
- improvement
- incense
- incite
- income
- incorporate
- incorporation
- increase
- increasing
- increment
- inflame
- inflaming
- inflammation
- inflate
- inflation
- infold
- infuriate
- injury
- innervate
- innerve
- input
- inseminate
- inspire
- intensate
- intensification
- intensify
- intensity
- interest
- intoxicate
- invention
- invigorate
- irritate
- issue
- jack up
- jazz up
- journey
- jump
- jump up
- justify
- kick upstairs
- kindle
- knob
- knurl
- land
- last
- lay
- leap
- lend a hand
- lengthen
- lengthening
- let it ride
- let out
- level
- lie
- life of luxury
- lift
- light
- lighten
- line
- live extravagantly
- live high on hog
- live in luxury
- live it up
- liven
- load
- load up
- loan
- look up
- look-alike
- loop
- love
- lucre
- lump
- lunge
- luxuriate
- luxury
- madden
- magnification
- magnify
- maintaining
- make
- make a bundle
- make a comeback
- make a go
- make a killing
- make better
- make firm
- make first rate
- make good
- make haste
- make headway
- make higher
- make it
- make longer
- make mark
- make money
- make out
- make pregnant
- make strides
- making progress
- manifolding
- mantle
- march
- margin
- mark up
- mass
- maturate
- maturation
- mature
- maturing
- maturity
- maximization
- meliorate
- meliorism
- mend
- merger
- mimeo
- mimeograph
- mirror image
- momentum
- mother
- motion
- motivate
- mound
- mount
- move
- move forward
- move up
- movement
- multiplication
- multiply
- mushroom
- natural process
- net
- node
- nodule
- obtain
- offprint
- ongoing
- ontogenesis
- ontogeny
- open
- open out
- open up
- open wide
- opening out
- optimization
- option
- opulence
- orbit
- originate
- outspread
- outstretch
- overcome
- overdo
- overdraw
- overfeed
- overlay
- overstate
- overtake
- pace
- pack
- pad
- paint
- parlay
- part
- passage
- payoff
- perfect
- perfecting
- period
- perk up
- perpetuate
- perpetuating
- perpetuation
- persistence
- persisting
- pervade
- photocopy
- photograph
- Photostat
- pic
- pick up
- picture
- piggyback
- pile
- pile out
- pile up
- pillar
- pimple
- pique
- plait
- pleat
- plenteousness
- plenty
- plicate
- plug
- plump
- pock
- point
- polish
- pop up
- portrayal
- postponement
- postscript
- pouch
- pour it on
- pout
- praise
- precipitate
- prefer
- preferment
- prepare
- prepayment
- present
- preservation
- preserving
- proceed
- proceeds
- process
- procession
- procreate
- procreation
- procure
- produce
- producing
- production
- proficiency
- profit
- profusion
- progress
- progression
- proliferate
- proliferation
- prolong
- prolongate
- prolongation
- prolonging
- promote
- promotion
- prop
- prop up
- propagate
- propagation
- prosper
- prosperity
- prosperousness
- protract
- protracting
- protraction
- protrude
- protuberance
- provoke
- publicity
- publicize
- puff
- puff out
- puff up
- puffiness
- pull through
- pullulate
- punch up
- purify
- purview
- push
- push one's button
- pustule
- put flesh on
- put on weight
- put out
- put up
- pyramid
- quantity
- quantum leap
- quicken
- rack up
- radiate
- radiation
- radius
- raise
- rally
- ramification
- ramify
- range
- rate
- rattle one's cage
- reach
- realize
- ream
- reap
- rebound
- receipts
- reclamation
- recommence
- recover
- recovery
- recreation
- rectification
- rectify
- recuperate
- recurrence
- redouble
- reduplication
- reduplification
- reenactment
- refine
- reform
- reformation
- refresh
- regain one's health
- regain one's strength
- regenerate
- regeneration
- reinforce
- reinforcement
- reinforcing
- rejuvenate
- relish
- renew
- renewal
- renovation
- reopen
- repeat
- repeating
- repetition
- replica
- replicate
- replication
- reprinting
- repro
- reproducing
- reproduction
- restart
- restore
- result
- resume
- retainer
- return
- return to form
- revamp
- revel
- revise
- revision
- revitalize
- revival
- revive
- riches
- ridge
- rile
- riot
- ripen
- ripening
- rise
- rise and shine
- rise in value
- roil
- roll
- roll out
- roll up
- rollick
- round out
- round up
- rouse
- rub salt in a wound
- run
- run on
- run up
- rush
- scale
- scare up
- scope
- score
- secure
- send up
- separate
- sequel
- set
- set off
- set right
- set up
- settle
- shake up
- shape up
- share
- sharpen
- sharpening
- shine
- shoot
- shoot up
- shore
- shore up
- significant addition
- sinew
- sire
- skip
- skyrocket
- slap on
- smear
- snap back
- snowball
- sober up
- sore
- soup up
- space
- span
- speed
- speed up
- spike
- spin
- spin off
- spin out
- spotlight
- sprawl
- spray
- spread
- spread out
- spreading
- spreading out
- spring
- spring out
- spring up
- sprout
- sprouting
- spur
- spurt
- stack
- stack up
- stake
- stall
- stand
- stand up for
- start anew
- stat
- steam up
- steel
- stem
- step
- step forward
- step up
- step-up
- stiffen
- stimulate
- stir
- stir up
- stock
- stockpile
- store
- store up
- straighten out
- straighten up
- strengthen
- strengthening
- stress
- stretch
- stretch out
- stretching
- strew
- stride
- strike it rich
- string out
- stroke
- stuff
- subdivide
- subscription
- subsidize
- substantiate
- succeed
- success
- successfulness
- succession
- suffuse
- suffusion
- supplement
- supply
- support
- surge
- sustain
- sustaining
- sustenance
- swarm
- sweep
- sweeten
- swell
- swelling
- tack on
- tag on
- take
- take it easy
- take off
- take turn for better
- take up
- takeover
- teem
- temper
- tenacity
- term
- the good life
- thicken
- thickening
- thrive
- thriving
- tone
- tone up
- top
- touch
- touch up
- toughen
- tour
- transcription
- transformation
- transfusion
- transmission
- triple
- trove
- truck
- tumefy
- tumescence
- tumor
- turn
- turn out
- turn out well
- turn over new leaf
- turn the corner
- twin
- uncoil
- underline
- unfold
- unfolding
- unfurl
- unfurling
- unite
- unravel
- unraveling
- unroll
- untwist
- unwind
- up
- upbeat
- update
- upgrade
- upgrowth
- upping
- uprise
- upspring
- upsurge
- upswing
- upturn
- urge
- vegetate
- vegetation
- velvet
- vex
- victory
- vitalize
- vivificate
- vivify
- voyage
- wake
- waken
- wale
- wallow
- wanton
- wart
- wax
- waxing
- way
- weal
- wealth
- welfare
- well up
- well-being
- welt
- whet
- whip up
- widen
- widening
- win over
- wing
- work out
- work up
- working out
- worsen
- worsening
- write-off
- X-ray
- Xerox
- yield
Définition of in creases
Origin :- early 14c., "become greater in size or number; to cause to grow, enlarge," from Anglo-French encress-, Old French encreiss-, present participle stem of encreistre, from Latin increscere "to increase, to grow upon, grow over, swell, grow into," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + crescere "to grow" (see crescent). Latin spelling restored 15c. Related: Increased; increasing.
- As in improvement : noun bettering; something bettered
- As in increase : noun addition, growth
- As in increment : noun small step toward gain
- As in augmentation : noun making greater; improving
- As in progress : noun advancement, gain
- As in prosperity : noun affluence, good fortune
- As in reproduction : noun something duplicated; duplication
- As in spread : noun expansion, development; extent
- As in swelling : noun physical growth; lump
- As in accession : noun something that augments, adds to
- As in broadening : noun widening
- As in distention : noun inflation
- As in enhancement : noun augmentation
- As in escalation : noun intensification
- As in accretion : noun gradual growth, addition
- As in accrual : noun growth
- As in boom : noun prosperity
- As in accumulation : noun gathering or amassing
- As in breakthrough : noun advance, progress
- As in markup : noun raise
- As in multiplication : noun duplication
- As in buildup : noun development; accumulation
- As in upswing : noun improvement
- As in melioration : noun improvement
- As in melioration : noun progress
- As in persistency : noun continuation
- As in prolongation : noun extension
- As in prosperousness : noun prosperity
- As in protraction : noun extension
- As in spawning : noun reproduction
- As in addition : noun something conjoined to or enlargement of something
- As in unfolding : noun development
- As in continuation : noun addition; maintenance
- As in contribution : noun gift, offering
- As in advance : noun improvement, progress in development
- As in advance : noun money given beforehand
- As in development : noun growth
- As in aggravation : noun worsening of a situation,
- As in evolution : noun development, progress
- As in expansion : noun growth
- As in extension : noun enlargement, continuation
- As in gain : noun acquisition, winnings
- As in annexation : noun adding, joining
- As in growth : noun development, progress
- As in headway : noun progress
- As in improve : verb make or become better
- As in increase : verb add or grow
- As in inflame : verb anger, aggravate
- As in intensify : verb make more forceful, severe
- As in lengthen : verb extend
- As in luxuriate : verb indulge, prosper
- As in magnify : verb enlarge, intensify
- As in mushroom : verb sprout; grow quickly
- As in pad : verb elaborate, amplify
- As in pick up : verb improve
- As in augment : verb make greater; improve
- As in progress : verb improve, advance
- As in prolong : verb extend, draw out
- As in promote : verb give a higher position in organization
- As in propagate : verb breed, reproduce
- As in prosper : verb be fortunate; succeed
- As in quicken : verb make faster; invigorate
- As in recover : verb improve in health
- As in reinforce : verb strengthen, augment
- As in spread : verb open or fan out
- As in step up : verb accelerate
- As in strengthen : verb make more forceful, powerful
- As in supplement : verb add to
- As in swell : verb become larger
- As in thrive : verb do well
- As in upgrade : verb improve
- As in wax : verb become large, fuller
- As in whet : verb arouse, excite
- As in widen : verb open up
- As in beef up : verb strengthen
- As in branch off : verb extend
- As in accrue : verb increase by addition or growth, often financial
- As in boom : verb prosper
- As in accumulate : verb gather or amass something
- As in branch off/branch out : verb extend beyond main part
- As in broaden : verb extend, supplement
- As in redouble : verb reinforce
- As in build up : verb amplify, advertise
- As in bump : verb increment
- As in up : verb elevate
- As in burgeon : verb bloom
- As in eke : verb lengthen
- As in up : verb boost
- As in outstretch : verb spread
- As in prolongate : verb lengthen
- As in ramify : verb branch
- As in uprise : verb get up
- As in vitalize : verb quicken
- As in come on : verb advance, progress
- As in deepen : verb make more intense
- As in aggrandize : verb cause something to seem or be greater, bigger
- As in aggravate : verb cause to become worse
- As in dilate : verb stretch, widen
- As in distend : verb bulge, swell
- As in double : verb make two of; make twice as large
- As in elevate : verb promote; augment
- As in enhance : verb improve, embellish
- As in evolve : verb develop, progress
- As in exacerbate : verb infuriate; make worse
- As in expand : verb extend, augment
- As in extend : verb make larger, longer
- As in fan : verb provoke
- As in fatten : verb grow or make bigger; nourish
- As in flourish : verb grow, prosper
- As in gain : verb acquire, win
- As in get up : verb mount; get out of bed
- As in grow : verb become larger, evolve
- As in heap : verb amass, collect in pile
- As in heighten : verb intensify
Antonyms for in creases
- abatement
- abbreviate
- abbreviation
- abridge
- abridgment
- abstain
- advance
- agree
- aid
- alleviate
- appease
- back up
- base
- belittle
- bills
- block
- blockage
- blow
- blunt
- body
- bore
- break down
- calm
- castigate
- cave in
- cease
- censure
- cessation
- close
- collapse
- collect
- combine
- comfort
- complete
- compose
- compress
- compression
- conceal
- concentrate
- condemn
- condense
- confuse
- connect
- constrict
- contract
- contraction
- contradict
- cool
- corrupt
- cramp
- criticize
- curtail
- curtailment
- cut
- damage
- dampen
- deaden
- debase
- debt
- decelerate
- decline
- decrease
- deduction
- deflate
- degradation
- degrade
- delay
- delight
- demolish
- demote
- demotion
- denounce
- deny
- depart
- deplete
- depletion
- deprecate
- depress
- depression
- descend
- destroy
- destruction
- detachment
- deter
- deteriorate
- deterioration
- die
- diminish
- diminishing
- diminishment
- dirty
- disadvantage
- disagreement
- disapprove
- discontinue
- discourage
- discredit
- disdain
- disect
- disenchant
- disgrace
- dishearten
- dishonor
- dislike
- disorganize
- dispersal
- disperse
- dispersion
- disprove
- dispute
- dissipate
- dissipation
- dissuade
- distress
- distribute
- divide
- drop
- dull
- dwindle
- end
- exhaust
- exit
- expedite
- expenditure
- extinguish
- extreme
- fade
- fail
- failure
- fall
- falter
- fill
- finish
- fix
- forfeit
- forfeiture
- free
- further
- gather
- give in
- give up
- gladden
- go
- go down
- go to sleep
- halt
- halve
- handicap
- harm
- hate
- have
- help
- hesitation
- hide
- hinder
- hindrance
- hold
- humble
- humiliate
- hurt
- ignore
- impede
- impediment
- improve
- inaction
- indifference
- injure
- injury
- join
- keep
- kill
- lack
- languish
- lay
- leave
- lessen
- lessening
- let down
- let go
- lie
- lighten
- liquefy
- lose
- loss
- lower
- lull
- maintain
- make happy
- mar
- melt
- miniaturize
- minimize
- misfortune
- mislay
- miss
- mix up
- mollify
- narrow
- narrowing
- need
- neglect
- original
- pacify
- pale
- pass
- placate
- plant
- play down
- please
- pollute
- poorness
- poverty
- prevent
- procrastinate
- prohibit
- push down
- quench
- quiet
- quieten
- raze
- recede
- recession
- reduce
- reduction
- refrain
- refuse
- regression
- reject
- release
- relieve
- repress
- reproach
- repudiation
- rest
- restrict
- restriction
- result
- retard
- retreat
- retrogress
- retrogression
- reveal
- ruin
- scatter
- scattering
- separate
- shame
- shorten
- shortening
- shrink
- shrinkage
- shrivel
- simplify
- sit
- slow
- slump
- soften
- soothe
- spend
- spread
- spurn
- squander
- stagnation
- step back
- step backward
- stop
- stoppage
- straighten
- stunt
- subtract
- subtraction
- suppress
- suppression
- surrender
- take away
- take back
- tangle
- termination
- thin
- throw away
- tranquilize
- trouble
- uncomplicate
- underdevelopment
- undermine
- undernourish
- unite
- upset
- use
- wait
- wane
- want
- waste
- weaken
- weakening
- whole
- withdrawal
- wither
- withhold
- worsen
- worsening
- yield
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019