Synonyms for expedition
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : ek-spi-dish-uh n |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɛk spɪˈdɪʃ ən |
Top 10 synonyms for expedition Other synonyms for the word expedition
- alacrity
- campaign
- cavalcade
- celerity
- company
- crowd
- dispatch
- enterprise
- entrada
- expeditiousness
- explorers
- fleet
- goodwill
- haste
- hurry
- hustle
- junket
- mission
- party
- peregrination
- picnic
- posse
- promptitude
- promptness
- punctuality
- quickness
- rapidity
- readiness
- safari
- squadron
- swiftness
- swing
- team
- tour
- travel
- travellers
- trek
- trip
- undertaking
- voyage
- voyagers
- wayfarers
Définition of expedition
Origin :- early 15c., "military campaign; the act of rapidly setting forth," from Middle French expédition (13c.) and directly from Latin expeditionem (nominative expeditio), noun of action from past participle stem of expedire (see expedite). Meaning "journey for some purpose" is from 1590s. Sense by 1690s also included the body of persons on such a journey. Related: Expeditionary.
- noun journey; people on a journey
- noun speed; speeding up
- The pails were provided, and Robert started on his expedition.
- Extract from : « Brave and Bold » by Horatio Alger
- Lake Torrens was reached, and then the difficulties of the expedition began.
- Extract from : « Explorations in Australia » by John Forrest
- It was a very good season, but the expedition was too late in starting.
- Extract from : « Explorations in Australia » by John Forrest
- His expedition, which left Copenhagen in 1761, lasted six years.
- Extract from : « Ancient Man » by Hendrik Willem van Loon
- That clinging mist seemed of evil bodement for our expedition.
- Extract from : « The Roof of France » by Matilda Betham-Edwards
- Many a time when the expedition was all but lost, he would smell his way to a village.
- Extract from : « The Trail Book » by Mary Austin
- "It was the end of Mobila and the true end of the expedition," said the Princess.
- Extract from : « The Trail Book » by Mary Austin
- This expedition up the mountain was entirely of his contrivance.
- Extract from : « The Miraculous Pitcher » by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- The command of the expedition was confided to Sir Robert Low.
- Extract from : « The Story of the Malakand Field Force » by Sir Winston S. Churchill
- He consented, and named the next day but one for the expedition.
- Extract from : « Green Mansions » by W. H. Hudson
Antonyms for expedition
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019