Synonyms for hypochondriac
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : hahy-puh-kon-dree-ak |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌhaɪ pəˈkɒn driˌæk |
Définition of hypochondriac
Origin :- 1590s, "pertaining to the hypochondria," also "afflicted with melancholy," from French hypocondriaque (16c.), from Medieval Latin hypochondriacus, from Greek hypokhondriakos "pertaining to the upper abdomen," from hypokhondria (see hypochondria). The noun is from 1630s, "melancholy person;" in the modern sense from 1888.
- noun neurotic
- "And you set me down as a hypochondriac, then," said Upton, smiling.
- Extract from : « The Fortunes Of Glencore » by Charles James Lever
- He was as awkward, as hypochondriac, as literal, as strict as ever.
- Extract from : « The Long Roll » by Mary Johnston
- The pill eater is a hypochondriac and very likely his doctor knows it.
- Extract from : « Evening Round Up » by William Crosbie Hunter
- “You always were a bit of a hypochondriac,” observed his friend.
- Extract from : « The Untouchable » by Stephen A. Kallis
- Now he is joyous to the point of folly, anon gloomy as a hypochondriac.
- Extract from : « The Memoirs of Victor Hugo » by Victor Hugo
- Chateaubriand was a hypochondriac, Musset a lunatic, Victor Hugo a maniac.
- Extract from : « The Growth of a Soul » by August Strindberg
- Mr. H. was an invalid; he was the worst kind of an invalid—a hypochondriac.
- Extract from : « The Funny Side of Physic » by A. D. Crabtre
- The pill eater is a hypochondriac, and very likely his doctor knows it.
- Extract from : « Think » by Col. Wm. C. Hunter
- I replied that I was not a hypochondriac; so they called me Ignoramus and went their way.
- Extract from : « Man And Superman » by George Bernard Shaw
- The term "imaginary" is too loosely applied to the sensations of the hypochondriac.
- Extract from : « Why Worry? » by George Lincoln Walton, M.D.
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be hypocritical
- hypo-critical
- hypo gean
- hypo-gean
- hypo thesis
- hypo-thesis
- hypo-thetic
- hypo thetic
- hypo-thetical
- hypo thetical
- hypobaric chamber
- hypochondriac
- hypochrondriast
- hypocoristic
- hypocrisy
- hypocrite
- hypocritical
- hypocritical respect
- hypocriticalness
- hypocriticals
- hypodermal injection
- hypodermic
- hypodermic injection
- hypogean
- hypogeous
- hypomnesia
- hypospray
- hypostatize
- hypothecate
- hypothecation
- hypotheses
- hypothesis
- hypothesized
- hypothesizing
- hypothetic
- hypothetical
- hypothetically
- Thomson's hypothesis
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