Synonyms for valetudinarian
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : val-i-tood-n-air-ee-uh n, -tyood- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌvæl ɪˌtud nˈɛər i ən, -ˌtyud- |
Définition of valetudinarian
Origin :- "one who is constantly concerned with his own ailments," 1703, from valetudinary (1580s), from Latin valetudinarius, from valetudo "state of health," from valere "be strong" (see valiant) + -tudo, abstract noun suffix (see -tude). Valetudinary (adj.) "sickly" is recorded from 1580s.
- noun hypochondriac
- What is stranger still, with all this he was something of a valetudinarian.
- Extract from : « Loss and Gain » by John Henry Newman
- Dr. Howe, with all his energy of body and of mind, was somewhat of a valetudinarian.
- Extract from : « Reminiscences, 1819-1899 » by Julia Ward Howe.
- Old, used up, valetudinarian, he only revived after a sentence of death.
- Extract from : « History of the Commune of 1871 » by P. Lissagary
- The Valetudinarian is a man subject to some affliction, imaginary or real, or it may be both.
- Extract from : « Talkers » by John Bate
- This valetudinarian majority should make the youngest of us pause and reflect.
- Extract from : « The Passionate Elopement » by Compton Mackenzie
- Nor was Thoreau a valetudinarian in his physical, moral, or intellectual fiber.
- Extract from : « The Last Harvest » by John Burroughs
- And, Sir, he is a valetudinarian, one of those who are always mending themselves.
- Extract from : « Life of Johnson » by James Boswell
- At my time of life, a man must expect to be a valetudinarian, and it would be unjust to blame one's native climate for that.
- Extract from : « Tales And Novels, Volume 5 (of 10) » by Maria Edgeworth
- Like Voltaire and Rousseau, he was born dying, and he remained delicate and valetudinarian to the end.
- Extract from : « Diderot and the Encyclopaedists (Vol 1 of 2) » by John Morley
- He has been justly, though perhaps harshly, described as a "valetudinarian Grandison."
- Extract from : « Diderot and the Encyclopaedists (Vol 1 of 2) » by John Morley
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