Synonyms for happy event
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of happy event
- As in blessed event : noun live birth of a child
- He immediately had a medal struck in commemoration of the happy event.
- Extract from : « Lucretia Borgia » by Ferdinand Gregorovius
- It was a lovely morning when this happy event was accomplished.
- Extract from : « The World of Ice » by R.M. Ballantyne
- He excused himself for speaking of this happy event so abruptly.
- Extract from : « The Adventures of Harry Richmond, Complete » by George Meredith
- The distribution of letters did not follow this happy event with great rapidity.
- Extract from : « Spinifex and Sand » by David W Carnegie
- I ought to have been whipped, but in honour of the happy event I was only well scolded.
- Extract from : « The Correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine, Mother of the Regent; of Marie-Adlade de Savoie, Duchesse de Bourgogne; and of Madame de Maintenon, in Relation to Saint-Cyr » by Charlotte-Elisabeth, duchesse d Orlans; Marie Adelaide, of Savoy, Duchess of Burgundy; and Madame de Maintenon
- To commemorate this happy event they have raised this flag, bearing his name.
- Extract from : « The Australian Explorers » by George Grimm
- At the beginning of 1762 a happy event for the king took place.
- Extract from : « With Frederick the Great » by G. A. Henty
- The happy event was celebrated by a salute of seventeen guns.
- Extract from : « Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 101, November 7, 1891 » by Various
- Nor was this the only happy event that occurred at Mansfield.
- Extract from : « The World's Greatest Books, Vol. I » by Various
- I have been wondering for a long time past when that happy event was to take place.
- Extract from : « The Cathedral » by Sir Hugh Walpole
Words or expressions associated with your search
- about to happen
- athletic event
- be even
- be happy
- birth prevention
- blessed event
- break even
- by happy chance
- chain event
- chain events
- chain of event
- chain of events
- chapped
- Chapter Eleven
- charity event
- come out even
- concrete happening
- course of events
- cranial nerve seven
- deliriously happy
- early evening
- early evening shift
- elaborate promotional event
- eleventh grade
- eleventh-hour
- eleventh hour
- eleventhhour
- even break
- even chance
- even game
- even handed
- even-handed
- even-handedness
- even if
- even money
- even now
- even odds
- even off
- even out
- even so
- even steven
- even-steven
- even-stevens
- even stevens
- even supposing
- even temper
- even-tempered
- even tempered
- even tenor
- even the score
- even though
- even up
- even with
- evened off
- evened out
- evened score
- evenhanded
- evenhandedly
- evening
- evening clothes
- evening of life
- evening star
- evenly
- evenly matched
- evenness
- evensong
- event
- eventful
- eventide
- events
- eventual
- eventuality
- eventually
- eventuate
- fat dumb and happy
- feel happy
- feels happy
- felt happy
- find a happy medium
- find happy medium
- finds a happy medium
- get even
- get revenge
- getting even
- getting revenge
- happen
- happen upon
- happen with
- happenchance
- happened
- happened upon
- happenin'
- happening
- happenings
- happens
- happenstance
- happier
- happiest
- happily
- happiness
- happiness and rest
- happy
- happy accident
- happy as a clam
- happy as a lark
- happy chance
- happy coincidence
- happy day
- happy days
- happy dust
- happy event
- happy go lucky
- happy-go-lucky
- happy home
- happy hour
- happy landing
- happy medium
- happy valley
- in any event
- in event
- in seventh heaven
- in that event
- in the eleventh hour
- in the event
- lady evening
- lady of evening
- lady of the evening
- lady the evening
- let happen
- let it happen
- lets happen
- lets it happen
- letted happen
- letted it happen
- letting happen
- made even
- made happen
- made happy
- main event
- make even
- make happen
- make happy
- makes happen
- makes happy
- making happen
- method of preventing pregnancy
- Montezuma's revenge
- net event
- non event
- nonevent
- nonevents
- of event anticipation
- on even keel
- only too happy
- order event
- order events
- order of event
- order of events
- prevenience
- prevenient
- prevent
- prevent publication
- preventative
- prevented
- prevention
- preventive
- preventive custody
- preventive medicine
- revenant
- revenge
- revenue
- Seven Seas
- Seventh Avenue
- seventh cranial nerve
- seventh heaven
- slap-happy
- slaphappy
- supernatural event
- take revenge
- trigger-happy
- unaware of events
- uneven
- unevenly
- unevenness
- uneventful
- unforeseen event
- unhappily
- unhappiness
- unhappy
- was even
- was happy
- whatever happens
- whatever may happen
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