Synonyms for eleventh hour
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of eleventh hour
- noun the latest possible moment
- In the eleventh hour she came to me to make terms for your pardon.
- Extract from : « The Trampling of the Lilies » by Rafael Sabatini
- The nerve he had been living on had suddenly snapped at the eleventh hour.
- Extract from : « Garrison's Finish » by W. B. M. Ferguson
- No man in your position has a right to fly out like this at the eleventh hour.
- Extract from : « The Mob (Third Series Plays) » by John Galsworthy
- And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.
- Extract from : « Jesus the Christ » by James Edward Talmage
- I only hope he doesn't want me to write another article at the eleventh hour.
- Extract from : « We Two » by Edna Lyall
- We must hasten if our lives are dear to us, or the desert will suck us in at the eleventh hour.
- Extract from : « From Pole to Pole » by Sven Anders Hedin
- Had his plans failed at the eleventh hour, could anyone have played him false?
- Extract from : « The Mask » by Arthur Hornblow
- Perhaps it was even so; perhaps there had come even to his father an eleventh hour?
- Extract from : « Three People » by Pansy
- At the eleventh hour I had shown her of what stuff I was made.
- Extract from : « Love Among the Chickens » by P. G. Wodehouse
- “At the eleventh hour” a labourer may be taken on, and receive his reward.
- Extract from : « The Kingdom of Heaven; What is it? » by Edward Burbidge
Words or expressions associated with your search
- 1200 hours
- after hour
- after hours
- after-hours joint
- afterhours joints
- appointed hour
- be elevated
- be relevant
- be relevant to
- bewitching hour
- cable-television
- cable television
- Chapter Eleven
- cocktail hour
- community antenna television
- dark hour
- dark hours
- educational television
- elevated
- elevated railroad
- elevated train
- elevated trains
- elevates
- elevating
- elevation
- elevator
- elevator music
- eleventh grade
- eleventh-hour
- eleventh hour
- eleventhhour
- h hour
- H-hour
- h-hours
- h hours
- happy hour
- hour of decision
- hourglass
- idle hour
- idle hours
- in the eleventh hour
- irrelevancy
- irrelevant
- noncommercial television
- noncommercial televisions
- pay-television
- pay television
- person of the hour
- public television
- relevant instance
- rush hour
- sixtieth of hour
- small hours
- subscription television
- televangelist
- televangelists
- televiewer
- televiewers
- televise
- television
- television broadcast
- television evangelist
- television preacher
- television receiver
- television room
- television set
- television viewer
- vacant hour
- wee hours
- witching hour
- zero hour
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