Synonyms for economics
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : ek-uh-nom-iks, ee-kuh- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɛk əˈnɒm ɪks, ˌi kə- |
Définition of economics
Origin :- 1580s, "art of managing a household," perhaps from French économique (see economic); also see -ics. Meaning "science of wealth" is from 1792.
- noun commerce
- The liberal party appears to be vanquished in the sphere of economics.
- Extract from : « The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete » by Emile Zola
- Nothing can permanently prevent the operation of this first law of economics.
- Extract from : « Freeland » by Theodor Hertzka
- Economics are stubborn things and cannot be successfully dealt with emotionally.
- Extract from : « War Taxation » by Otto H. Kahn
- Especially were they burdened with books on economics and political science.
- Extract from : « Herbert Hoover » by Vernon Kellogg
- The final topic in the course is the formulation of a definition of economics.
- Extract from : « College Teaching » by Paul Klapper
- Vocational economics is the economics of the craftsman and of the shop.
- Extract from : « College Teaching » by Paul Klapper
- Humility, contentment, may be a Christian virtue, but in economics 'tis a deadly sin.
- Extract from : « Dreamers of the Ghetto » by I. Zangwill
- Their economics were yet at the stage of scratching the earth and feeding the pigs.
- Extract from : « Notes on Life and Letters » by Joseph Conrad
- The mechanization of economics had become a common possession for everybody.
- Extract from : « The New Society » by Walther Rathenau
- With a shock, Trask recalled that he was a professor of economics.
- Extract from : « Space Viking » by Henry Beam Piper
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be economical
- be economical with
- deconsecrated
- deconstruct
- deconstructed
- deconstructionist
- decontaminant
- decontaminate
- decontamination
- decontrol
- decontrolled
- economic
- economic assistance
- economic community
- economic expansion
- economic pressure
- economic sector
- economic support
- economic upswing
- economic upturn
- economical
- economically developing countries
- economically developing nations
- economicalness
- economics
- economies
- economist
- economize
- economize on
- economizings
- economy
- economy class
- economy size
- European Economic Community
- fraction of a second
- get second wind
- getting second wind
- had second thoughts
- haddest second thoughts
- hadst second thoughts
- half a second
- half a seconds
- has second thoughts
- hast second thoughts
- have second thoughts
- home economist
- in a second
- in second childhood
- irreconcilable
- laissez faire economic
- laissez faire economics
- level of economic security guaranteed by government
- microsecond
- millisecond
- nanosecond
- play second fiddle
- preconceived
- preconceived notion
- preconception
- precondition
- preconize
- reconcile
- reconciliate
- reconciliation
- recondite
- recondition
- reconnaissance
- reconnoiter
- reconnoitre
- reconsider
- reconsideration
- reconstitute
- reconstruct
- Reconstruction Era
- reconstructive surgery
- run reconnaissance
- second
- Second Advent
- second banana
- second-banana
- second childhood
- Second City
- second-class
- Second Coming
- Second Coming of Christ
- second-fiddle
- second fiddle
- second-guesser
- second nature
- second-rate
- second rate
- second self
- second sight
- second string
- second-string
- second stringer
- second team
- second to none
- secondary
- secondary highway
- secondary role
- secondhand
- seconds store
- sixty seconds
- split second
- teleconference
- unreconstructed
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