Synonyms for deadline
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : ded-lahyn |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈdɛdˌlaɪn |
Définition of deadline
Origin :- "time limit," 1920, American English newspaper jargon, from dead (adj.) + line (n.). Perhaps influenced by earlier use (1864) to mean the "do-not-cross" line in Civil War prisons, which figured in the Wirz trial.
- And he, the said Wirz, still wickedly pursuing his evil purpose, did establish and cause to be designated within the prison enclosure containing said prisoners a "dead line," being a line around the inner face of the stockade or wall enclosing said prison and about twenty feet distant from and within said stockade; and so established said dead line, which was in many places an imaginary line, in many other places marked by insecure and shifting strips of [boards nailed] upon the tops of small and insecure stakes or posts, he, the said Wirz, instructed the prison guard stationed around the top of said stockade to fire upon and kill any of the prisoners aforesaid who might touch, fall upon, pass over or under [or] across the said "dead line" .... ["Trial of Henry Wirz," Report of the Secretary of War, Oct. 31, 1865]
- noun due date
- It seemed as if we had shipped all the human dregs of the San Francisco deadline.
- Extract from : « The Trail of '98 » by Robert W. Service
- Just like you always were—plus fifteen seconds on the deadline.
- Extract from : « Spacehounds of IPC » by Edward Elmer Smith
- Their deadline for establishing residence was up that night.
- Extract from : « Land of the Burnt Thigh » by Edith Eudora Kohl
- He had been given a deadline by the mayor and the citizen's group.
- Extract from : « Sodom and Gomorrah, Texas » by Raphael Aloysius Lafferty
- H will never again fall in for roll call on this side of the deadline.
- Extract from : « Drum Taps in Dixie » by Delavan S. Miller
- Now, the others have set a time limit, and the deadline is very close.
- Extract from : « Shock Treatment » by Stanley Mullen
- "I'm going to set up a deadline for you critters," Duncan called out.
- Extract from : « The World That Couldn't Be » by Clifford Donald Simak
- "If you have a deadline on the place you ought to put up a sign," she told him.
- Extract from : « The Land of Strong Men » by Arthur M. Chisholm
- However, we are not quite prepared to admit that thirty-two is the deadline.
- Extract from : « Seeing Things at Night » by Heywood Broun
- The deadline of danger from within and from without is not within our control.
- Extract from : « State of the Union Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt » by Franklin D. Roosevelt
Words or expressions associated with your search
- city of the dead
- cut dead
- dead
- dead air
- dead airs
- dead and gone
- dead-beat
- dead body
- dead broke
- dead-center
- dead center
- dead centers
- dead certainty
- dead drunk
- dead-drunk
- dead duck
- dead ducks
- dead-end
- dead end
- dead end street
- dead-end street
- dead-end streets
- dead end streets
- dead-ended
- dead ended
- dead-ending
- dead ending
- dead-eye
- dead-eyne
- dead feet
- dead gone
- dead heat
- dead horse
- dead level
- dead-level
- dead low tide
- dead low water
- dead man
- dead march
- dead meat
- dead night
- dead of night
- dead on
- dead-on
- dead on one's feet
- dead one's feet
- dead-ringer
- dead ringer
- dead set
- dead set on
- dead soldier
- dead spot
- dead-stick landing
- dead stick landings
- dead stop
- dead sure
- dead the world
- dead time
- dead-tired
- dead tired
- dead to the world
- dead weight
- deadbolt
- deadbolted
- deaden
- deadend
- deadend street
- deadend streets
- deadended
- deadending
- deadends
- deadened
- deadenings
- deadeye
- deadeyen
- deadfall
- deadhead
- deadheads
- deadliest
- deadline
- deadlines
- deadliness
- deadlock
- deadlocked
- deadlocking
- deadly
- deadly chemical
- deadly lady
- deadly sin
- deadly woman
- deadly women
- deadness
- deadon
- deadpan
- deadpan expression
- deadpans
- deads
- deadstick landings
- deadweight
- deadwood
- deadwoods
- fall dead
- knock dead
- knock 'em dead
- knock em dead
- knocked 'em dead
- knocked em dead
- knocking 'em dead
- knocking em dead
- knocks em dead
- knocks 'em dead
- raise from the dead
- raises from dead
- raises from the dead
- raising from dead
- roll over and play dead
- wakes the dead
- world of the dead
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