Synonyms for dead ducks
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for dead ducks
Définition of dead ducks
- As in sitting duck : noun easy target
- "If that had hit this pipe we'd be dead ducks," Prochaska observed.
- Extract from : « First on the Moon » by Jeff Sutton
- "If they think we're dead ducks they won't be toting the launcher," Prochaska said.
- Extract from : « First on the Moon » by Jeff Sutton
- In a few hours afterward they were all dead ducks on their way to the London market.
- Extract from : « The Two Destinies » by Wilkie Collins
- Dead ducks could be counted by thousands along the shores and the disease raged unabated until late fall.
- Extract from : « Our Vanishing Wild Life » by William T. Hornaday
- Ellen ran fleetly into the marshy grass, and brought both of the dead ducks to me.
- Extract from : « Donald McElroy, Scotch Irishman » by Willie Walker Caldwell
- One fisherman waited in a boat to pick up the dead ducks, and the other hurled stones from a sling.
- Extract from : « With the French in France and Salonika » by Richard Harding Davis
- Elsie Bee Bee would go sadly back to painting 'old hats' and dead ducks.
- Extract from : « The Captain of the Gray-Horse Troop » by Hamlin Garland
Words or expressions associated with your search
- city of the dead
- cut dead
- dead
- dead air
- dead airs
- dead and gone
- dead-beat
- dead body
- dead broke
- dead-center
- dead center
- dead centers
- dead certainty
- dead drunk
- dead-drunk
- dead duck
- dead ducks
- dead-end
- dead end
- dead end street
- dead-end street
- dead-end streets
- dead end streets
- dead-ended
- dead ended
- dead-ending
- dead ending
- dead-eye
- dead-eyne
- dead feet
- dead gone
- dead heat
- dead horse
- dead level
- dead-level
- dead low tide
- dead low water
- dead man
- dead march
- dead meat
- dead night
- dead of night
- dead on
- dead-on
- dead on one's feet
- dead one's feet
- dead-ringer
- dead ringer
- dead set
- dead set on
- dead soldier
- dead spot
- dead-stick landing
- dead stick landings
- dead stop
- dead sure
- dead the world
- dead-tired
- dead tired
- dead to the world
- dead weight
- deadbeat
- deadbolt
- deadbolted
- deaden
- deadend
- deadend street
- deadend streets
- deadended
- deadending
- deadends
- deadened
- deadenings
- deadeye
- deadeyen
- deadfall
- deadhead
- deadheads
- deadliest
- deadline
- deadlines
- deadliness
- deadlock
- deadlocked
- deadlocking
- deadly
- deadly chemical
- deadly lady
- deadly sin
- deadly woman
- deadly women
- deadness
- deadon
- deadpan
- deadpan expression
- deadpans
- deads
- deadstick landings
- deadweight
- deadwood
- deadwoods
- fall dead
- knock dead
- knock 'em dead
- knock em dead
- knocked 'em dead
- knocked em dead
- knocking 'em dead
- knocking em dead
- knocks em dead
- knocks 'em dead
- raise from the dead
- raises from dead
- raises from the dead
- raising from dead
- roll over and play dead
- wakes the dead
- world of the dead
- Chinese ducket
- dead duck
- duck
- duck out
- duck pond
- duck soup
- ducking
- ducktail
- lame duck
- queer duck
- sitting duck
- ugly duckling
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