Synonyms for crafty fellow
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of crafty fellow
- As in Artful Dodger : noun young thief
Words or expressions associated with your search
- aircraft
- aircraft base
- aircraft carrier
- aircraft piracy
- aircraft suit
- be fell
- be felled
- befell
- capital fellow
- craft
- craft union
- crafts
- craftsman
- craftsmanship
- craftsmen
- craftsperson
- crafty
- crafty fellow
- crafty rascal
- cushioncraft
- extraterrestrial spacecraft
- fell
- fell apart
- fell asleep
- fell at feet
- fell away
- fell away from
- fell back
- fell between the cracks
- fell by
- fell down
- fell flat
- fell flat face
- fell flat on face
- fell from grace
- fell headlong
- fell ill
- fell in line
- fell in love with
- fell in to
- fell in with
- fell into
- fell knees
- fell line
- fell lot
- fell love with
- fell off
- fell on
- fell on knees
- fell on one knees
- fell on one's knees
- fell on ones knees
- fell one knees
- fell one's knees
- fell ones knees
- fell out
- fell over
- fell short
- fell short of
- fell stroke
- fell the lot
- fell through
- fell to
- fell to bits
- fell to lot
- fell up on
- fell upon
- fell with
- felled
- feller
- fellers
- fellest
- fellow
- fellow citizen
- fellow-countryman
- fellow countrymen
- fellow-countrymen
- fellow-countrywoman
- fellow feeling
- fellow gang member
- fellow-traveler
- fellow traveler
- fellow traveller
- fellow worker
- fellowcountryman
- fellowcountrymen
- fellowcountrywoman
- fellowcountrywomen
- fellows
- fellowship
- flarecraft
- handcrafted
- handcraftsman
- handicraft
- handicrafter
- handicraftsman
- needlecraft
- needlecrafts
- old fellow
- pleasure craft
- small-craft advisory
- spacecraft
- spacecraft suit
- stagecraft
- statecraft
- teaching fellowship
- warm fellowship
- witchcraft
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