Synonyms for craft

Grammar : Noun
Spell : kraft, krahft
Phonetic Transcription : kræft, krɑft

Top 10 synonyms for craft Other synonyms for the word craft

Définition of craft

Origin :
  • Old English cræft, originally "power, physical strength, might," from Proto-Germanic *krab-/*kraf- (cf. Old Frisian kreft, Old High German chraft, German Kraft "strength, skill;" Old Norse kraptr "strength, virtue"). Sense expanded in Old English to include "skill, art, science, talent" (via a notion of "mental power"), which led to the meaning "trade, handicraft, calling." The word still was used for "might, power" in Middle English.
  • Use for "small boat" is first recorded 1670s, probably from a phrase resembling vessels of small craft and referring either to the trade they did or the seamanship they required, or perhaps it preserves the word in its original sense of "power."
  • noun expertise, skill
  • noun deceit, scheme
  • noun business, discipline
  • noun water or air vehicle
Example sentences :
  • But how could you be a wise master without learning the craft?
  • Extract from : « The Armourer's Prentices » by Charlotte M. Yonge
  • Yet I hold that the true art of my craft lies as much in the furnace as in the brush.
  • Extract from : « The White Company » by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Nothing was said, but they got silently into the boat, which might have been Charon's craft for all he could see of it.
  • Extract from : « In the Midst of Alarms » by Robert Barr
  • The least hesitation or a false movement, and both aviator and craft are in danger.
  • Extract from : « Flying Machines » by W.J. Jackman and Thos. H. Russell
  • This craft was unfit for her duty, but time pressed, and no better offered.
  • Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • This was a precaution we always took, on account of the craft's being so tender.
  • Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • As he said she was a schooner, however, I thought it must be one of our own craft, and got her direction from him.
  • Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • When we reached his craft, he poured out a glass of brandy and offered it to me.
  • Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • The craft made but two raps on the bar, when she drifted clear.
  • Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper
  • The craft was a good one, though our passage out was very long.
  • Extract from : « Ned Myers » by James Fenimore Cooper

Antonyms for craft

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