Synonyms for cataract
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kat-uh-rakt |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkæt əˌrækt |
Définition of cataract
Origin :- early 15c., "a waterfall, floodgate," from Latin cataracta "waterfall," from Greek katarhaktes "waterfall, broken water; a kind of portcullis," noun use of an adjective compound meaning "swooping, down-rushing," from kata "down" (see cata-). The second element is traced either to arhattein "to strike hard" (in which case the compound is kat-arrhattein), or to rhattein "to dash, break."
- Its alternative sense in Latin of "portcullis" probably was passed through French to form the English meaning "eye disease" (early 15c.), on the notion of "obstruction" (to eyesight).
- noun waterfall
- That river has a cataract or fall, at about an hundred and fifty leagues from its confluence.
- Extract from : « The History of Louisiana » by Le Page Du Pratz
- A lake had burst on its summit, and the cataract became a falling Ocean.
- Extract from : « Vivian Grey » by Earl of Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli
- You must be in a hurry to do it, too, coming downstairs like a cataract.
- Extract from : « The Christian » by Hall Caine
- Lady O'Moy was in an emotional maelstrom that swept her towards a cataract.
- Extract from : « The Snare » by Rafael Sabatini
- I crossed it dry-shod at day-break, and now, it is a cataract.
- Extract from : « The O'Donoghue » by Charles James Lever
- He heard it over the noise of the waters he had been swept away from the cataract.
- Extract from : « Astounding Stories of Super-Science, June, 1930 » by Various
- There was only one thing to be done—he must ride the cataract.
- Extract from : « The Adventures of Piang the Moro Jungle Boy » by Florence Partello Stuart
- But this cataract of dried leaves, too, is a study in the rhythms of the dead.
- Extract from : « The Book of the Damned » by Charles Fort
- I paused involuntarily a hundred paces from the brink of the cataract.
- Extract from : « Ernest Linwood » by Caroline Lee Hentz
- We had noticed this also in Lodore, but in Cataract it was more common.
- Extract from : « A Canyon Voyage » by Frederick S. Dellenbaugh
Words or expressions associated with your search
- card catalog
- catabolic
- catabolism
- catachresis
- catachrestic
- cataclysm
- cataclysmal
- cataclysmic
- catacomb
- catafalque
- Catalan
- catalepsy
- catalog
- catalog buying
- catalog/catalogue
- cataloged
- cataloger
- catalogged
- catalogging
- catalogic
- cataloging
- catalogs
- catalogue
- catalogue-raisonne
- catalogue raisonné
- catalogue-raisonné
- catalogued
- catalogues
- cataloguing
- cataloguings
- catalyst
- catalysts
- catalyze
- catalyzed
- catalyzes
- catalyzing
- catamaran
- catamenia
- catamount
- cataplasm
- catapult
- catapulted
- catapulting
- cataract
- cataracted
- cataracting
- catarrh
- catastrophal
- catastrophe
- catastrophic
- catatonia
- catatonic
- catawampus
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