Synonyms for catamenia
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kat-uh-mee-nee-uh |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌkæt əˈmi ni ə |
Définition of catamenia
- As in menstruation : noun monthly women's state
- It is also called the catamenia or catamenia-flow (Greek, kata—by, men—a month).
- Extract from : « Woman » by William J. Robinson
- Menstruous is, 'having the catamenia;'( 79 ) and this last word is wanting, a frequent mode of definition in this book.
- Extract from : « Deformities of Samuel Johnson, Selected from his Works » by Anonymous
- Perhaps the venous hmorrhages obey the lunar periods, as the catamenia, and hmorrhoids.
- Extract from : « Zoonomia, Vol. I » by Erasmus Darwin
- Three years ago, catamenia lasted only five days, but latterly it extended to seven.
- Extract from : « Every Man his own Doctor » by R. T. Claridge
- Catamenia became regular, appetite good, and patient could walk without assistance.
- Extract from : « Every Man his own Doctor » by R. T. Claridge
- But her catamenia not appearing at the next period, gave rise to a fear that she had not escaped!
- Extract from : « Fruits of Philosophy » by Charles Knowlton
- The drug often has a marked aphrodisiac action, producing priapism, or in the female sex the onset of the catamenia or abortion.
- Extract from : « Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 5, Slice 2 » by Various
- The correspondence of the periods of the catamenia with those of the moon was treated of in Sect.
- Extract from : « Zoonomia, Vol. II » by Erasmus Darwin
- He says also that the catamenia generally appears about the time they are expected, or later, and very seldom earlier.
- Extract from : « A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I » by Various
Words or expressions associated with your search
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- catalogue
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- catalyzed
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- catapulted
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- cataracted
- cataracting
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- catastrophe
- catastrophic
- catatonia
- catatonic
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